



Status: Complete

September 26, 1946 THE SLATER NEWS Page Three

[A header spanning Columns 1 and 2]
GOINGS-ON - - - -

[Column 1]
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Freeman
and children, of Westminster,
spent last Sunday wth Mr. and
Mrs. Turner Jones.

Amber Stroud attended a
supper at the home of Rev. B.
Lester Huff on Saturday night.

C. L. Francis honored his
daughter, Gail, with a birth-
day party September 4. C. L.
celebrated his birthday on Sep-
tember 9.

Edna Chandler visited in the
home of Mrs. Beulah Bowman,
of Greenville, recently.

Susan Surratt spent the
week-end in Columbia, S. C.

Hazel Buchanan celebrated
her 21st birthday on Tuesday,
September 10.

We are sorry to learn that
Hazel Buchanan's sister, Lu-
cinda, has been confined to bed
with rheumatic fever.

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Burnette
and family were the week-end
guests of Mrs. Burnette's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. William

Mrs. Rillie Lathan was a
business visitor in Greenville

Mrs. Effie Johnson was the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. E.
Jones of Greenville last Sun-

Pfc. Thurmond Pace, of
Camp Gordon, Ga., is spending
a fifteen-day furlough at home
with his wife, Mrs. Dorothy
Pace, and parents, Mr. and

[Continued at top of Column 2]
Mrs. Stanley Pace.

Mr. and Mrs. Norwood
Bridges and daughter were the
week-end guests of Mr.
Bridges' parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Clyde Bridges.

Edna Chandler was honored
with a birthday dinner at her
home on Sunday, September 8.

Mrs. Ruth Tredor and son,
Ronald, of Augusta, Ga., and
Mrs. Viola Duncan and daugh-
ters, Doris and Frances, of
Greenville, were recent guests
of Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Chandler
and family.

Mrs. Effie Johnson and chil-
dren spent the week-end with
relatives in Shelby.

Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Hopkins
had as their week-end guest,
Mr. Hopkins' father, Mr. James
B. Hopkins, of Laurens.

Pfc. and Mrs. Thurmond
Pace and Mrs. Ida Pace spent
the week-end with relatives in

Employees of Job No. 2 miss
Frances Duncan very much as
a battery hand.

Mr. and Mrs. Ollis Ward vis-
ited friends in North Carolina

Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Duncan
and family and Mr. and Mrs.
Floyd Duncan and family spent
last week-end in Greenwood.

Mr. and Mrs. Ollis Ward and
daughter and Mr. David Tolley
and son spent a few days re-
cently in Jonesboro, Tenn.

[Bottom of Column 1]
Supervisory Staff

(Con't. from page 1, col. 2)

charge from service, Mr. Win-
stead returned to his work here
as overseer of weaving, and
was assigned to the second
shift in Weave Room No. 2.
Later he was made overseer of
overhauling and continued on
this job until his most recent

This supervisor is married to
the former Miss Ludean Thorn-
hill. The Winsteads reside at
42 First Street here at Slater.
They have no children.

J. B. Martin, who becomes
overseer of weaving on the
third shift on Job 3 in Weave
Room No. 1, first came with
the Slater Company in Jan-
uary, 1945 as a loom fixer. Prior
to coming here, Mr. Martin was
connected with Judson Mill in
Greenville, S. C. He was em-
ployed there from 1928 to 1945.

The new overseer is married
to the former Miss Fannie Lou
Spears, and the family resides
in Greenville. The Martins
have two children. He is a na-
tive of Georgia and is a Mason.

J. W. Smith first came to this
company in 1937 and by April,
1944 had become a loom fixer.
Before coming to Slater, Mr.
Smith was employed at Alta
Vista, Va.

While working here, Mr.
Smith resumed his education
and attended the Slater-Mari-
etta Schools and was graduated
in the Class of 1944 from that
institution. Soon after his grad-
uation, he was called into the
Army and served until July 2
of this year. Soon after re-
ceiving his honorable discharge,
Mr. Smith returned to his work

This former soldier spent five

[bottom of column 2]
and one-half months overseas
in the Pacific area, but was
never in combat. At the time
of his discharge he was a cor-

Mr. Smith is married to the
former Miss Virginia Maud
Smith, and this couple has one
child, one son. The Smiths now
reside in Greenville.

B. H. Pierce is an old timer
at Slater, as he first became
connected with this company in
1931 and has remained here
ever since.

During the late war, Mr.
Pierce served this company
well as an overseer of weaving,
but with the return of peace,
he went back to his old job of
loom fixing.

Mr. Pierce is married to the
former Miss Florida Cox, and
this couple have two children.
The Pierce family resides on
Route 2, Marietta, S. C. Mr.
Pierce is a Mason.

The best wishes of all con-
cerned go to these men in their
new positions, and it is with a
great deal of pleasure that the
company is able to again pro-
mote men from the ranks as
vacancies in the supervisory
force appear. This policy has
been in force at this plant for
a number of years.

Religion may ask a hard
thing: faith in the dark; but
irreligion asks an impossible
thing: faith in the darkness.—
Dr. W. L. Sullivan, "Atlantic."

You can't give character to
another person, but you can en-
courage him to develop his own
by possessing one yourself.—
Artemus Calloway, "Birming-
ham Age-Herald."

[Column 3]
Theatre Guide

September 27, 1946
Charles Boyer
Jennifer Jones

September 28, 1946
Carol Landis
Allyn Joslyn

September 30, 1946
Alan Ladd
Veronica Lake

October 4, 1946
William Powell

October 5, 1946
Jeanne Crain
Cornel Wilde

October 7, 1946
Fred MacMurray
Anne Baxter

Teacher Reception
(Con't. from page 1, col. 4)

Gosnell and Mr. Roy Summey
sang, "Let the Rest of the
World Go By." Mrs. W. W.
Stephenson played the piano
accompaniment for both the
solos and the duet. A quartet,
composed of Mesdames Eithel
Gosnell and W. W. Stephenson
and Messrs. Roy Summey and
Ralph Sullivan, sang "Home on
the Range," "In the Evening
By the Moonlight," "Grand-
father's Clock," and "Short'nin'
Bread." They were accom-
panied at the piano by Mrs.
W. Earle Reid.

The games were planned and
directed by Mrs. Ruby McGill,
who led the guests in playing
"Receiving Line" and "Passing
the School Bell."

Mrs. Mary Ledford, who pre-
sided over the program, then
called for remarks from Mr. J.
A. White, who spoke as a
trustee of the local school. Mr.
R. H. Atkinson spoke next,
representing the Slater Com-
munity Association, after which
Mr. J. H. Barnett, Superintend-
ent of the Slater-Marietta
Schools, introduced each of the
teachers. A count was made
of the number of parents repre-
enting each teacher's room,
and flowers were awarded the
teacher having the largest
number of parents parent. Mr.
Ernest Sechrest, high school
principal, received this distinc-

At the conclusion of the pro-
gram, delicious refreshments
consisting of ice cream, cakes
and punch were served by Mes-
dames Henry Taylor, Roy Sum-
mey, P. J. Acree, L. T. Scarce,
Milton Southerland, and J. G.

The decorating committee
for this occasion was composed
of Mesdames Gene Blanton, J.
G. Chandler, and R. H. Atkin-

Other civic club members
who assisted in planning the
refreshments were Mesdames J.
[Column 4]

We congratulate the children
of the Thursday P. M. Story
Hour group on the splendid
performance which they gave
at Slater Hall on Tuesday
night, August 27. Every child
participating did well, and we
are justly proud of the entire

Members of the Girls' Li-
brary Club have enjoyed a
number of dart games during
the summer. At a recent event
of this kind, Annorr Cooper
won first place with a score of
920. Joyce Bryant's score of
720 put her in second place,
while Freida Thornton took
third place with 510 points.

Dale McWhite, a member of
the Thursday P. M. Story Hour
group, was made very happy
on September 6, by the arrival
of a "brand new" baby sister,
Dona Elizabeth. Dale is very
proud of his little sister, and
is quoted as saying that he
"won't sell her—not even for a
whole quarter."

Birthday greetings are in or-
der for Peggy Scarce, who was
8 years old on September 6.
We hope that Peggy's eighth
birthday was a happy one, and
that she will enjoy many more.

The library clubs lost two
faithful members when Gloria
and Abie Cook moved to
Greensboro, N. C. Gloria was
a member of the Friday after-
noon Story Hour Group, while
Abie was a member of the Boys'
Club. We miss Gloria and
Abie at the library, but we
hope that they are enjoying
their new home in Greensboro.
We also hope that they won't
forget Story Hour and Boys'
Club, and that they will visit
us as often as possible.

Gloria and Abie are the chil-
dren of Mr. and Mrs. Frank A.
Cook. Mr. Cook has been pro-
moted to the Greensboro office
where he will direct Industrial
Relations for several mills.

We had two visitors at the
library clubs recently. The
first of these was Opal Thorn-
ton of Washington, D. C., who
spent several days with the R.
W. Thorntons. We were glad
to have her come to Girls' Club
with Freida.

Gay Horton of Belmont, N.
C. is the other visitor we wish
to mention. She is a cousin of
Carol Ann Richardson, and vis-
ited Story Hour during her
stay in Slater.
A. White, Allen Suttle, Clint
Hawkins, and Miss Inez Gra-

Mrs. Eithel Gosnell is presi-
dent of the Civic Club.


We wish to express our sin-
cere appreciation of the floral
offerings and all other expres-
sions of sympathy shown us by
our many friends during our
recent bereavement.

Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hawkins
and Family
[Column 5]

Mrs. Melvin A. Gunter, the
former Miss Nawana Cooper.

Miss Cooper And
Mr. Gunter United

Miss Nawana Cooper became
the bride of Mr. Melvin A. Gun-
ter on Saturday evening, July
27, at the home of the Rev. D.
W. Smith of Greenville, in the
presence of their immediate

The bride wore a grey tailor-
ed suit with navy accessories
and a shoulder corsage of white

Mrs. Gunter is the daughter
of Mrs. Ressie Cooper, of
Greenville. She is a graduate
of Greenville High School and
the Greenville Secretarial
School. For the past year she
has been employed as a clerk-
stenographer in the office of
Slater Manufacturing Co., Inc.

Mr. Gunter is the son of Mrs.
Corula P. Gunter, of Green-
ville. He is also a graduate of
Greenville High School. He re-
cently received his discharge
after three years of service
with the U. S. Marines, two
years of which were spent in
the Pacific area.

Following the ceremony, the
young couple left for a wed-
ding trip in North Carolina.

Mr. and Mrs. Gunter are now
making their home with the
bride's mother at 10 Cleveland
Street, Greenville.

Hawkins Boy
(Con't. from page 1, col. 5)

years. Mr. Hawkins is employ-
ed by the Slater Manufacturing
Co., Inc. and at present is in
charge of the Slashing Depart-
ment on the second shift.

Gene was a member of the
Cradle Roll Department of the
Slater Baptist Church.

Funeral services were held
on September 11 at 5 o'clock
at the Slater Baptist Church,
conducted by the Rev. Charles
T. Thompson and the Rev.
Clyde Johnson. Interment was
in Graceland Cemetery in

Serving as pallbearers were
Gene Henson, Gene Addington,
Herbert Farthing, and Buddy

Members of the Girls' Aux-
iliary of Slater Baptist Church
served as flower girls.

The sympathy of this entire
community is extended the
Hawkins family in their be-

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