



Status: Complete


[drawing of Old Slater Mill]
Old Slater Mill
EST. 1790

VOL. 4 Slater, S. C., December 5, 1946 No. 21

[drawing of slater mill]
Slater Mill

[column 1]

Textile Club Is
Host To Ladies

Ladies' Night was observed
at the last meeting of the
Greenville Textile Club which
was held at the Parker High
School in Greenville on Novem-
ber 21, 1946.

The program was in charge
of Dunean Mill. Several read-
ings were given and a quartet
from Dunean rendered several
vocal selections.

Miss Ethel Davis, Exchange
teacher from London, England,
was the principal speaker and
spoke interestingly on condi-
tions in England today. She
told how the English were re-
converting their businesses,
and, also, their educational
system from war time to peace
time. Her address was enjoy-
ed by those present.

Mr. J. A. White, President
of the Club, appointed a nom-
inating committee to bring in
nominations of officers for the
coming year. The Club then
adjourned to meet again in
January as there will be no
meeting in the month of De-

At the last club meeting in
November, members of the
Girls' Library Club completed
the Thanksgiving unit started
early in the month. This pro-
ject consisted of a study of the
origin and observance of
Thanksgiving, and featured a
booklet composed of pictures of
Pilgrims, Indians, the Mayflow-
er, Thanksgiving foods, and
scenes depicting the homes,
dress, and customs of the early

This meeting was climaxed
by a social period, during which
refreshments were served.

Those present for this meet-
ing were: Fern Barrett, Joyce
Bryant, Molly Cooper, Judy
Cox, Carolyn Dixon, Elaine
Foster, Betty Garrett, Sigrid
Gosnell, Sarah Faye Johnson,
Margaret Robinson, and Mar-
tha Robinson.

Also: Peggy Scarce, Ann
Thompson, Barbara Ann Thorn-
ton, Freida Thornton, Mary
Ann Tilley, Molly White, San-
dra Burgess, and June Prid-


J. H. Barnett, Superin-
tendent of the Slater-
Marietta Public Schools,
announces that the Christmas
holidays will begin De-
cemter 20 and classes will
be resumed on January 2.

[photo of Slater-Marietta football squad, spans top of cols. 2-4]
Above are shown the members of the first football squad in the history of the local Slater-
Marietta School. The members of this team knew nothing about football, but under the guidance
of Coach A. W. Woodruff, they developed fast and acquitted themselves well.

[column 2]


Miss Forrest's section of the
fourth grade of Slater-Marietta
School presented a chapel pro-
gram Wednesday morning, No-
vember 27.

Since Thanksgiving was so
near the children planned a
program about the Pilgrims.
They gave the play, "In Pil-
grim Times.' The following
pupils participated: Faith—
Fern Barrett; Prudence—Shir-
ley Goodwin; James — Will
Cox; Charles—Tommy Cole;
Little Mountain—George Prid-
more; and Morning Star—
Jackie Hayden.

The devotional was given by
Betty Jean Cody. A morning
prayer and a Thanksgiving
song were sung by the entire

John Thomas Mayfield acted
(Con't. on page 2, col. 1)

Mrs. Wallace Is
Host To Society

The W. S. C. S. of the Slater
Methodist Church met at the
home of Mrs. J. D. Wallace at
Marietta for the November
Mrs. Dublin, president, pre-
sided, rendering the devotional.
The program was presented
by Mrs. Ted Addington and
Mrs. E. A. McGill.
After a short business ses-
sion, Mrs. Wallace served de-
licious sandwiches, cakes, and
orange juice.
Present for this meeting
were: Mrs. Roy Burnette, Mrs.
Ted Addington, Mrs. Dublin,
Mrs. E. A. McGill, Mrs. Jere
Bates, Mrs. Turner, Mrs. Lu-
cille McMullan, Mrs. Dora Ad-
dington, and Mrs. Wallace.
[ column three ]

On Tuesday night, November
12, about twent-five members
of the "16-30" Club enjoyed a
weiner roast at Blythe Shoals.
Square dancing was held in
the Lodge, and then all the
members gathered around the
big outdoor furnace to roast
weiners. Everyone enjoyed a
supper of hot dogs, potato
chips, and soft drinks.
After supper, everyone went
back to the Lodge for more
square dancing.
Those enjoying this affair
were: Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ly-
brand and Billy, Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Hall, Mrs. Estelle Veal,
Misses Jorene Vickers, Doris
Hargrove, Mildred Connor,
Ann Bolick, Louise Booth, Ruth
Gossett, Grace Penland, Bobbie
McMullan, Kathleen Henson,
(Con't. on page 2, col. 1)
[photo of varsity football team, spans bottom of cols 2-4]
The Varsity of the Slater-Marietta team are here shown lined up in the modified "T" forma-
tion which they used successfully during the past season. Their record of three games won, two
lost and two tied is good when it is considered the local school has never had a team before and
the boys were inexperienced.

[column five]

Local Gridders
Enjoy Good Year

The Slater football team un-
der the direction of Coach W.
A. Woodruff enjoyed a good
season this year, and especially
so since this is the first year in
the history of the Slater-Mari-
etta Schools that they have had
a football team to represent
them on the gridiron.
Coach Woodruff, a former
University of South Carolina
star and a former player while
in service, had a tremendous
job in molding a team from
scratch. It was necessary that
he teach each man the funda-
mentals of football as well as
how to play his position. In
this, the Coach was highly suc-
cessful, and by the close of the
season, had a smooth working
and efficient "eleven."
The locals journeyed to Dun-
can in late October and emerg-
ed the victors by a 7 to 0 score.
The teams battled on even
terms for three quarters, but,
in the fourth period, Russell
Hampton received a lateral
from Knight and broke into the
clear going 35 yards for the
marker. Young kicked the ex-
tra point. Revis, Hughes, Ly-
brand, Knight and Hampton
Coach Woodruff next carried
his warriors to Welcome High
School where they were defeat-
ed by a score of 49 to 7. Slater-
Marietta was playing out of its
class against a strong and ex-
perienced Welcome "eleven."
However, the locals put up a
spirited scrap and acquitted
themselves well for a green and
inexperienced team. Late in
the fourth quarter, Knight on
a quarterback sneak ran 65
yards for a touchdown. Ly-
brand bucked over for the ex-
(Con't. on page 2, col. 2)

The annual Christmas play
sponsored by the three churches
of Slater and the Community
Association will be given at
Slater Hall on the night of De-
cember 19 according to Robert
H. Atkinson, Director. The
play, "Come, Let Us Adore
Him," by Victor Starbuck has
been selected as the play to be
given. It follows very much
the Nativity scenes and will be
much the same as plays given
in yesteryears.
The cast to present this play
has already been selected and
practices are already under-
A committee from each of the
three churches has been select-
ed and are working closely with
Mr. Atkinson in helping to
make this play a success.
As in former years, there will
be no charges of admission to
this program.

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