



Status: Complete

January 9, 1947 THE SLATER NEWS Page Three

[header spanning columns 2 and 3]
GOINGS-ON - - - -

[column 1]
Mr. C. B. Clark and Bill Cody
spent last week-end in Atlanta,
Ga. with Mr. Clark's daughter.
They reported a nice trip.

Mrs. Millie Allison enjoyed
Christmas with her sister, Mrs.
Viola Davis, and her grand-
daughters, Edith and Carolyn

Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Francis
and family spent Christmas
with Mr. Francis' parents in
Spartanburg, S. C.

Miss Sarah Lee Foster and
Mr. Edward Bryant enjoyed a
trip to Charlotte on Christmas

We are glad to know that
Buford McDonald has made a
good weaver on the third shift
in No. 3. Keep up the good
work, Buford.

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Clary and
family enjoyed Christmas day
with Mrs. Clary's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Reuben Dudley, in

Mr. E. P. Cashion and Mr.
Phillips went hunting recently
and Mr. Phillips got lost; so
did one of Mr. Cashion's dogs.
Better be careful, men, and buy
some dogs that can find the
way home.

We hear that Mr. Gather
Laws has purchased a new auto
recently and has presented it
to Mrs. Laws as a Christmas

Mr. Carl Cashion spent
Christmas with his family in
Radford, Va.

Mrs. G. A. Thrift had as her
guests during the holidays her
brother and sister-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. H. B. Johnson of

Mr. and Mrs. Elbert McDon-
ald, Jr. spent Christmas with
Mr. McDonald's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Elbert McDonald, Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. Ollis Ward
spent Christmas in Johnson
City, Tenn., with Mr. Ward's
sister, Mrs. Oliver Bennette.

We are sorry to learn that
Miss Sarah Lee Foster's father,
Mr. Vardry Foster, is a patient
at Gastons Hospital at Trav-
elers Rest.

Stacey Paul visited friends
and relatives in Winston-Salem,
N. C. during the holidays.

Mrs. Rosa Gaines and son,
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hughes, and
Mr. Tom Mathews were Christ-
mas guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Duck Smith.

Annie Mae Bishop has a new
nephew, son of Mr. and Mrs.
James Pearson of Woodside.

Charles Loftis spent his
Christmas vacation at Daytona
Beach, Fla.

Daisy Lee Batson tells us she
enjoyed some square dancing
during the holidays.

Mr. and Mrs. Crayton Brady
and family and Mr. T. L. Jones

Civic Club

(Con't. from page 1, col. 2)

tees for helping to make the
affair a big success.

The club then adjourned un-
til the next meeting which will
be held in January.

Enjoying this occasion were:
Mrs. Charles T. Thompson, Mrs.
Hardy Gosnell, Mrs. Stanley
Hawkins, Mrs. N. C. Hawkins,
Mrs. Aubrey Ledford, Mrs. Ce-
cil Hyer, Mrs. B. B. Brown,
Mrs. Henry Taylor, Mrs. F. J.

[Column 2]
and Miss Lula Jones were
Christmas dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Turner Jones.

Miss Gwendolyn Foster and
Mr. Clyde Hayes were recent
supper guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Foster.

Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Baldwin
and children and Mr. S. P. Bu-
chanan of Newport, Tenn. and
Miss Evelyn Collins of Atlanta,
Ga. were recent visitors of Mrs.
Nora Buchanan.

Mrs. Vegie Harvey is all
smiles because her son is home
from the Navy.

James McCall tells us he vis-
ited in Atlanta, Ga., during the

Weave Room No. 2 looks very
nice after its new paint job.
Let's all help keep it clean.

We welcome J. D. Pridmore
as our new sweeper in No. 2,
and hope he will enjoy working
with us.

Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Epps en-
joyed having Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Lynch as their dinner
guests Christmas day.

Miss Pearl Price spent the
Christmas holidays with friends
in Spruce Pine, N. C. Pearl
says she had a grand Christmas
and that old Santa Claus was
really good to her.

Lonnie Crowe, Jim Hendrix
and friends enjoyed their
Christmas vacation by going
fishing, and they had very good
luck, too. If you want to know
how fish bite on Christmas day,
just ask Vester Crowe.

Lonnie Crowe's little daugh-
ter, Fannie Bell, enjoyed her
eleventh birthday Sunday. Fan-
nie Bell, we wish you many
more happy birthdays.

Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Burrell
had all of their children home
on Christmas day. Everyone
had a very nice time.

Mrs. Bernice Foster spent
Christmas holidays with her
sister, Mrs. James Kelly, of Six

We were sorry to learn that
Pearl Price's brother, James
Price, was in the hospital re-
cently. We all wish for James
a speedy recovery.

Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Couch,
Jr. and son spent Christmas
with his parents in Greensboro,
N. C.

Lowell Edens wishes to thank
his fellow workers for the dona-
tion they presented to him re-
cently. It was greatly appre-

Dessie Burrell had some bad
luck while visiting in Walhalla,
S. C. during Christmas. She
and her husband walked down
to the river, and Dessie went
out on a little island. The first
thing George knew, Splash
went Dessie into the water. Was
the water cold, Dessie?

Brannon, Miss Inez Graham,
Mrs. Allen Suttle, Mrs. Gene
Blanton, Mrs. W. Earle Reid,
Mrs. Roy Whitmire, Mrs. Bessie
Robinson, Mrs. Raymond John-
son, Mrs. E. A. McGill, and
Mrs. R. H. Atkinson.

Mrs. E. A. McGill is program
chairman of the local Civic

One should choose for a wife
only such a woman as he would
choose for a friend, were she a

[Column 3]
Theatre Guide

January 10, 1947
Nelson Eddy
Benny Goodman
Jerry Colonna
Dinah Shore
Andrews Sisters
Andy Russell

January 11, 1947
Kathryn Grayson
Jimmy Durante
June Allison

January 17, 1947
Robert Young
Frank Morgan
Barbara Hale

Preparation News

(Con't. from page 2, col. 5)

Mr. and Mrs. James Black-
well gave a supper recently
honoring Mrs. Henry Hagood,
a bride of December. Miss Lot-
tie Holt was also present for
this occasion.

Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Crabtree
entertained Mr. and Mrs. Al-
bert McAuley at a turkey din-
ner on Christmas day.

We are glad to hear that
Leon Burgess is improving af-
ter a recent automobile acci-

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Raines of
Greenville visited with Ed
Singleton during the holidays.

The third shift welcomes Bil-
ly Cothran back to work as
filing checker after a long ab-
sence while serving in the arm-
ed forces.

Mrs. Edwinna Cole recently
visited her mother, Mrs. J. L.
Bryson, in Franklin, N. C.

Mr. and Mrs. James Black-
well went to Newport, Tenn. to
see their sick child recently.

Martha McGowens wishes to
thank the women of the plant
for the nice Christmas presents
given her.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Goldsmith
spent Christmas day with Mrs.
Fannie Goldsmith.

Miss Margie Bolt spent the
Christmas holidays with her
parents in Westminster.

Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Burgess
and family spent a few days
with Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Saylors
in Belton and with Mrs. Mamie
Burgess in Anderson.

Beat this—Howard Tolley, an
ardent hunter, bought a rabbit
last week!

Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Poole
were guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Perry of Travelers Rest last

Henry McCarson went hunt-
ing in North Carolina during
the holidays.

Messrs. Burgess, Garrick, and
Boggs wish to thank the Prep-
aration Department employees
for their nice Christmas gifts.

Miss Beatrice Tolley had as
her guest Christmas day, Mr.
Cecil Outzs, of Columbia.

Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Brooks
and James Embry went to Dan-
ielsville, Ga. to be with their
parents during the holidays.

Mr. and Mrs. John Hart with
Lois Buchanan and Jack Led-
ford motored to interesting

[Column 4]

The Young People's Sunday
School Class of Marietta Bap-
tist Church held their Christ-
mas party on Tuesday night,
December 17, at the home of
Dorothy and Marion Batson.

Games and contests were en-
joyed by the group. Gifts from
under the tree were presented
to each member, after which
delicious refreshments were

Those attending this party
were: Misses Edna Southerlin,
Hazel Guest, Mary Jane Dug-
ger; Messrs. Paul Shirley,
James Guest, Donald Stroud,
and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. High-
tower. Mrs. Hightower is the
teacher of the class and Mrs.
Oscar Drury is the assistant

Mr. White Is Host

(Con't. from page 1, col. 5)

three local churches and also
Mr. D. B. Leatherwood, an at-
torney of Greenville, to be pres-
ent and all of these attended.

At the conclusion of the sup-
per, those attending heard a
short address by Mr. Leather-
wood, which was well delivered
and greatly enjoyed.

This dinner is an annual af-
fair, as it has been given by Mr.
White for a number of years.
Those attending reported a
most enjoyable evening.

The winds and waves are al-
ways on the side of the ablest
navigators.—Edward Gibbon

points in North Carolina during
the holidays.

Miss Ruth Sutherland, of
Pickens, was a visitor in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Tate last Wednesday.

Sunday guests of Mr. and
Mrs. W. M. Kelly were Mr. and
Mrs. John Barker and family
of Augusta.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dunn
had Christmas dinner with Mr.
and Mrs. O. T. Hopkins in

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Boggs vis-
ited Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Free-
man in Elberton, Ga.

Visiting in Johnston, Tenn.
over the holidays were Mr. and
Mrs. Stokes Lingerfelt and Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Capps.

Miss Alma Ledford, home for
the holidays from Winthrop
College, was a visitor in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Laws and family.

Mrs. Bertha Meece reports
that she was delighted to have
her children home for Christ-
mas dinner.

Miss Della Camden recently
attended the golden wedding
anniversary celebration of Mr.
and Mrs. J. M. Stroud.

Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Trammell visited Mr. W.
K. Trammell in Woodruff.

Miss Doris Mann, attractive
Winthrop College student, was
the week-end guest of Mr. and
Mrs. Rudolph Looper.

Congratulations to Carrie
Gosnell on her recent marriage.
Here's wishing you a happy and
successful married life.

Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Cun-
ningham, of Darlington, were
guests in the home of Mr. and
Mrs. James Dunn.

[Column 5]

With the advent of the New
Year, we are reminded of Mary
Carolyn Davies' beautiful poem,
entitled "A New Year." This
poem is available at the Slater
Library in a volume called
"1,000 Quotable Poems." The
poem is as follows:

A New Year

Here's a clean year,
A white year.
Reach your hand and take

You are
The builder,
And no one else can make

See what it is
That waits here,
whole and new;

It's not a year only,
But a world
For you!!

Somehow the New Year
seems very attractive when we
think of it not as just another
year, but as a world, especially
for us. Let's make this world
of 1947 bigger than that of
1946 by doing more reading.
Reading the right kind of books
helps to open up greater ave-
nues of thought, at the same
time broadening one's horizon.
The librarian extends to each
reader a very special invitation
to come to the library at every
opportunity during 1947, and
to make this new "world" the
brightest one in our own per-
sonal history by reading en-
lightening books and maga-

May we extend to each of
you our sincere wishes for a
prosperous and happy New
Year with more time than ever
for reading books and maga-

Boys' Library Club
Entertained With Party

The library was the scene of
a gay party on Wednesday af-
ternoon, December 18, when
the Boys' Club met for its an-
nual Christmas activities.

The fun began with a game
called "The Same to You," af-
ter which the group participat-
ed in sevral games of the "con-
test" type. The game period
ended with a contest called
"Christmas Ties," after which
each boy was served a gen-
erous amount of mixed candies.

Those attending the party
were: Gene Addington, Harold
Canham, John Canham, Billy
Garrett, Jimmy Revis, Marshall
Jones, Clarence Canham, Bob-
by Hawkins, Kenneth Hayden,
Belton Voyles, Junior Connor,
Alton White, Robert Hender-
son, Richard Burnette, Rudolph
Daniel, and Donald Burnette.

Also: Bobby Smith, Ted
Smith, Jack Dean, Fred Revis,
Philip Henderson, Sammy
Johnson, Truman Dickson, Jim-
my Clary, Tommy Cole, Eugene
Henderson, Jimmie Lell, Tom-
my Ballenger, Dennis Smith,
Delmar Smith, and Jesse White.

This party was sponsored by
the Slater Community Associa-

"Twas her thinking of others
made you think of her.—Bar-

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