



Status: Complete

Page Four THE SLATER NEWS February 14, 1946


A number of veterans have
been discharged from service
and have returned to work here
in the Plant. We wish to ex-
tend a cordial welcome to these
men and women, and in this
column, will give their names
and a write-up.

This column will be conduct-
ed in each issue of the Slater
News until all have been listed.

For this issue, we list the


Mr. Walker came to this
Company in 1940 as a Weaver
and continued in our employ
until he was called in the Army
August 4, 1942. He was in-
ducted into service in Septem-
ber of that year and served
until March 12, 1943 when he
received an Honorable Dis-
charge. He returned to Slater
as a Weaver on March 16, 1943,
but left our employ on January
10, 1946.


Mr. Haney was employed
here as a Quilling Machine Fix-
er on the first shift and worked
until August 28, 1942 when he
was inducted into the Army. In
March of 1943, he received an
Honorable Discharge and re-
turned to work here on March
22, 1943. In November of 1943,
he was transferred to the Car-
ter Fabrics Corporation at
South Boston, Virginia. Un-
fortunately, Mr. Haney was in
an accident at his home some
months ago and died from the
results of this accident.


This veteran began work
with this Company in 1940 as
a Weaver and worked until he
was called to the Army on No-
vember 27, 1943. While serv-
ing at Salina, Kansas, he spent
seven weeks in the hospital for
an injured knee received dur-
ing a windstorm. As a result
of this injury, he received an
Honorable Discharge June 28,
1943 and on July 13, 1943, he
returned to his old job here as
a Weaver.


Taylor came with us as a
Cloth Doffer in 1941 and con-
tinued on this job until he was
called in the Service in Octo-
ber of 1942. He received a
Medical Discharge August 20,
1943 because of an injury to his
left foot received prior to en-
tering Service. On August 26,
1943, he returned to his old job
here in Slater.


Mr. Bellamy has been with
this Company for a number of
years, but left and returned on
June 23, 1942 as a Loom Clean-
er at which job he remained
until April 1, 1943 when he was
called into the Army. He re-
ceived a Medical Discharge
September 24, 1942 because of
an injury received years before
when a tractor turned over on
him. Soon after his discharge,
he returned to this Plant and
resumed his old job, but is now
a Weaver.


This veteran began work
here as a Weaver in June of
1942 and worked until called
to the Army May 3, 1943. After
six months training in the
states, he was shipped overseas
and spent ten months in the
[continues a third of the way down in column 2]

[Column 2]


The Supper Club of Weave
Rooms 2 and 3 had their month-
ly supper at Slater Hall on Jan-
uary 19th.

This club is made up of the
overseers and loom fixers of
these two weave rooms, which
are under the direction of H. B.
Gosnell as superintendent.

Hines S. Richardson, Wade
T. Pierce, and J. Tom Cooper
prepared the supper, and from
the amount of fish and other
good things that were consum-
ed, it is the opinion of all that
these cooks are all to be de-

Robert H. Atkinson, Indus-
trial Relations Manager, was
present and spoke briefly to the
members present.

Loom fixers on the first and
third shifts are cordially in-
vited to join this club and en-
joy its fellowship.

The club is planning to have
its next supper on or about
February 23.

Promotion Comes
To Pete Phillips

The Slater News has receiv-
ed a letter from Douglas E.
(Pete) Phillips, son of Mr. and
Mrs. D. D. Phillips, of Slater,
who announces that he has
been promoted from a Seaman
Second Class to Seaman First

Pete is now stationed at
Washington, D. C. and is with
the United States Coast Guard.
Friends wishing to write to him
may address him at 1315 Fair-
mont St., N. W., Washington
25, D. C.

Pete is a local boy and is well
known here. His many friends
rejoice with him on his recent

[continuation from bottom of column 1]
North African Campaign as a
member of a combat unit. On
November 8, 1944, he received
a Medical Discharge and re-
turned to his work here on No-
vember 14, 1944.


Mr. McClain was first em-
ployed here as a Cloth Doffer
in 1942, but before leaving in
May of 1942, he had been pro-
moted to a Weaver. Like his
twin brother, Buford, he also
served overseas in the North
African Campaign, and receiv-
ed a Medical Discharge in No-
vember, 1944 and returned to
his old job here on November
14, 1944.


Mr. Childs has been employ-
ed here for a number of years,
but his last period of employ-
ment was as a Warp Hauler on
which job he remained until he
was inducted into the Army in
March, 1944. He received his
discharge from service Novem-
ber 10, 1944 and returned to
work here as a Loom Cleaner
on January 27, 1945.


Parnell is a real old timer as
he first began to work here in
1928. At the time of his in-
duction into the service on No-
vember 24, 1940, he was em-
ployed as a Shuttle Fixer. He
served 16 months overseas in
the North African Campaign
and was wounded in a major
battle in that theatre of opera-
[continued a third of the way down column 3]

[Column 3]

Monthly Meeting
Held By Society

The Beta Club of the Slater-
Marietta High School held its
monthly meeting Friday, Jan-
uary 18, at which time an in-
teresting program was given
by various members of the club
on the subject "The Principles
of Parliamentary Procedure."

The Beta Club sponsors cer-
tain services for the school, and
during the month of January
sponsored the March of Dimes
collection and the Clothing
Drive for the relief of destitute
persons in the war-torn areas
of the world. The collection
for the March of Dimes
amounted to $37.68.

The Beta Club is looking for-
ward to the State Convention,
which will be held sometime in
the near future. Every mem-
ber of the local chapter hopes
to be able to attend the State

Training Classes

(Con't. from page 1, col. 2)

Friday, 9:30 P.M. to 11:30
P.M.—3rd shift

Anyone wishing to attend
these classes should see their
overseer, and he will see that
you are enrolled so you can be-
gin classes.

This class presents a good
opportunity for weavers, smash
hands, and new loom fixers to
get better acquainted with
loom fixing and the settings
used here at Slater.

Those attending classes at
the present time are: Buford
McClain, J. W. Henson, Wal-
lace Payne, Marion Batson,
Mays Stroud, Frank Foster, J.
H. Ford, Jesse Reynolds, Sam
Hill, Lloyd McCall, Morris
Stroud, Fred Knight, James
Cleveland, and Teddy Adding-
[continued from bottom of column 2]

tions. He spent eight months
in a hospital and finally recov-
ered. He received a Medical
Discharge on April 10, 1944 and
returned to work here on June
11, 1945.


Mr. Johnson was working
here as a Loom Fixer and was
called to service in June of
1943. He served seven months
in the Army and received his
Honorable Discharge December
2, 1943. On December 30, 1943,
he returned to his old job and
remained until March 2, 1945
when he quit to enter a Vet-
erans' Hospital.


This veteran began working
here in 1940 and was employed
as a Filling Hauler when in-
ducted into the Army in Feb-
ruary, 1942. For almost three
years, he served with our Air
Force in England and France,
but was never actually in com-
bat. Accumulating 116 points
under the point system of dis-
charge, he received his Honor-
able Discharge on August 11,
1945 and returned to work
here as a Cloth Doffer on Au-
gust 27, 1945.


This man was employed as a
Weaver before entering the
Navy in July, 1942. He served
30 months with the Fleet and
participated in five invasions in
the Pacific Theatre of opera-
tions. He also served in part
[continued half way down column 4]

[Column 4]

We are all going to miss
Doris Anderson, who left last
week to be with her husband,
John, who recently received his
discharge from the Army.

Jeanne Ernest, along with
several friends, went horseback
riding Saturday afternoon at
Riverside Stables. Jeanne says
she thoroughly enjoyed the af-

Amber Stroud enjoyed a trip
to Brevard Sunday afternoon.

Maxine Carter had as her
guests the past weekend, her
aunt, Mrs. Frank K. Stanley,
and daughter, Doris, of Char-
lotte, N. C.

Betty Foster spent the week-
end in Seneca with her sister
and brother-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. M. W. Ellis.

Elizabeth Ammons, with her
mother, Mrs. Myrtle Rogers,
and her grandmother, Mrs.
Julia Keasler, spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. Lank-
ford Smith, of Greenville.


John D. Edwards, Cox., son
of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Edwards
of Route No. 1, Marietta, S. C.,
was recently promoted to Third
Class Petty Officer. Edwards is
now serving with the U. S.
Navy in the Pacific theater.

Before entering service in
April, 1944, John worked as a
packer in our Cloth Room.

Friends may write him at the
folowing address: U. S. S. Cas-
cade (AD-16) 3rd div., % Fleet
Post Office, San Francisco, Cal-
[Continued from the bottom of column 3]

of the African Campaign. On
August 16, 1945, he received a
Medical Discharge and return-
ed to work here on September
4, 1945.
Safety Must Be Performed By All
If Program Is To Be Successful
[spans column 4 & 5]

The Slater Manufacturing
Co., Inc., is constantly working
to make this plant the safest
working place in the world. It
does not like to see its em-
ployees suffering from the ef-
fects of accidents.

Accident prevention and
safety are the chief topics at
the first weekly meeting of the
supervisors here at Slater. Here
are discussed ways and means
of eliminating hazards which
may lead to accidents.

One of the best means of pre-
venting accidents is "good
housekeeping." This term is
the same as good housekeeping
in the home, and the home or
working place that is clean and
is kept that way is more likely
to prevent a serious injury to a
person. Then there is scarcely
a person who doesn't prefer to
work in a clean place rather
than one which is untidy and

Safety is a factor, though,
that must be worked on by all
persons in the plant, or it will
fail and accidents will mount.

Perhaps the chief thing for
the worker to do is to follow
and apply the Golden Rule to
his job and his fellow workers.
This means the worker as an
[continues midway down column 5]

[Column 5]
Basketball Teams
Enter Tournament

The Slater-Marietta High
School basketball teams are
winding up their games this

The County Basketball Tour-
nament for District 10 is to be
held at Piedmont, S. C. It be-
gins Wednesday, February 13
and lasts through Saturday,
February 16. The twelve "B"
schools entering the tourna-
ments are as follows: Piedmont,
West Gantt, Slater-Marietta,
Welcome, Mountain View,
Fountain Inn, Travelers Rest,
Simpsonville, Ellen - Woodside,
and Taylors.

The "C" schools represented
in the tournament are: Berea,
Fork Shoals, Jordon, Laurel
Creek, Mauldin, Paris, West-
ville, and Saint Albans.

The Slater-Marietta boys
meet Fountain Inn for their
first game and Simpsonville the
second day if they win the
first game. The girls meet
Mountain View for the first
day, and Simpsonville the sec-
ond day if the first game is

The boys' team is expected
to make a good showing in the
tournament. The girls' team
has been rather weak in the
games played, but shouldn't do
too badly Februrary 13.

Members of the boys' team
are: Fred Cashion, H. S. Rich-
ardson, Jr., Billy Bob Knight,
Dillard Veal, Gene Cox, Donald
Stroud, Marshall Revis, Sher-
wood Pittman, Robert Young,
Maynard Veal, Wilford Hodge,
and Paul Shirley.

Members of the girls' team
are: Lucille Young, Josephine
Knight, Bobbie McMullan, Ruth
Laws, Kathleen Nelson, Mil-
dred Connor, Doris Hargrove,
Kathryn Sanders, Lois Sanders,
Betty Roberson, Fannie Mae
Burton, and Selma Jean Cole.
[Continued from the bottom of column 4]

individual must look out first
of all for himself or herself,
and then thought and action
must be done to keep the other
fellow from getting hurt.

This means accident hazards
must be removed and not
placed so someone will come in
contact with them and thus be
injured. For example, a per-
son opening a case of yarn
should carefully remove the
top and place it in the place
provided for it. A nail in a
board left carelessly on the
floor may injure someone se-

Defective machinery and
equipment should be reported
to the supervisor as soon as
possible. In this way it can be
remedied, and thus a serious in-
jury may be prevented.

Then all accidents should be
reported and treatment receiv-
ed. This applies especially to
the so-called minor injuries.

The Golden Rule will work
in Safety as well as elsewhere.
Try it and see!


It is better to be silent and
be thought a fool than to speak
up and remove all doubt. —

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