V. 4 No. 30 - The Slater News



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PERFECTION IN TEXTILES--A SLATER FAMILY TRADITION SINCE 1790 THE SLATER NEWS [drawing of a building] Old Slater Mill PAWTUCKET, R. I. EST. 1790 [/] Slater, S. C., March 20, 1947 No. 28 [drawing of buildings] Slater Mill SLATER, SO. Carolina 1943 [/]

New Building is Given Boy Scouts When Camp Old Indian, the camp for the Boy Scouts of the Blue Ridge council, opens its summer season June 18, among the new additions available for campers will be a handicraft building, given to the camp by H. N. Slater of New York, president of the Slater Manufacturing Co., Inc. and a director of J. P. Stevens and Company, Horace S. Williamson, local scout executive, announced yesterday. This building will house equipment needed in teaching crafts and skills, among which are blacksmithing, wood work, wood turning, leathercraft and sheet metal work. Its facilities include a large work shop and tool room for storing equipment, situated near the entrance to the camp, it is the first building to be seen after coming through the gateway. Mr. Slater has been interested in the welfare of the boys for a long time and has given valuable assistance to scouting, both in New York and in this area, Mr. Williamson said. KITCHEN ADDED Another important addition to Camp Old Indian is the new camp kitchen. This structure, which has been built onto the present dining hall, will include a dish-washing room, a large kitchen, a vegetable preparation room, a walk-in cooler and a storage pantry. Plans are being made to enlarge the present dining hall and increase its capacity from 200 to 250 campers. (Con't. on page 2, col. 1)

CHAPEL EXERCISES BY THIRD GRADERS Last week's chapel program was presented to the students of the Slater-Marietta Grammar School by Miss Betty Watkins' section of the third grade. The students presented "Mother Goose Health Land." The scripture was read by Dorothy Smith, while several members of the class sang the Morning Prayer. Carlene Edwards announced the name and participants of the program. The cast of the play was composed of the class members, who represented the health children of Mother Goose. These members were as follows: Mother Goose--Peggy Scarce; Jack Nimble--Dennis Garrett; Mary Quite Contrary--Nancy Barnett; Old Woman--Violette Ross; Little Girl -- Louise Bruce; Jack Horner--Myron Tilghman; Market Boy--Jimmy Barnett; Jack and Jill-- Alvin Burdett and Doris Bur dett; Little Miss Muffet--Marie Capps; Bo-Peep--Judy Cox; Little Lady--Mary Alice MeCombs; Handy Spandy -- Charles Vaughan; and Dr. Foster--Kenneth Garland.

[picture of women and children] Above are shown the entire group taking part in the Coronation Services at the Slater Baptist Church, when six girls were crowned by the G. A. In so far as it can be ascertained, this is the largest group ever to receive this honor in the North Greenville Association.

BOOKS DONATED TO LOCAL LIBRARY Library patrons who enjoy "mystery" or "murder" stories will be happy to learn that Mr. Harry R. Burnette has donated to the library five books of this nature, all of which are pocket editions. These titles are as follows: "The Benson Murder Case" (Van Dine); "Death on the Aisle" (Lockridge); "A Pinch of Poison" (Lockridge); "The Case of the Missing Corpse" (Langer); and "First Come, First Kill" (Allan). (Con't. on page 2, col. 4)

Senior Class To Give Play Soon The senior class of the SlaterMarietta High School will present their annual senior class play at the Slater Hall on Thursday night, March 27, at 7:30 p.m. "For Pete's Sake," a face in three acts, is a "scream." Peter Pepperdine is a young college "kick" who has exceptional ability in "lying." When his exasperated aunt, Miss Sarah Pepperdine, tries to discipline (Con't. on page 3, col. 1)

MISS DAVIS HEARD BY CIVIL GROUP Miss Ethel Davis, British Exchange Teacher in the Pinckney Street School in Greenville, was guest speaker at the regular monthly meeting of the Slater-Marietta Civic Club on the night of February 27. Miss Davis arrived in Slater during the afternoon so that she could visit the plant, the Employment Office and Library, the Cafe and Drug Store, and the Slater Community Association office and Cloth Shop. (Con't. on page 3, col. 4)

[picture of a building] The Boy Scout Camp at Camp Old Indian is proud of the new handicraft building donated by Commander H. N. Slater. The building is practically completed, and when camp opens in the summer, it will afford much pleasure to the boys attending from this section of the state.

Red Cross Drive Successful Here The annual Red Cross drive for funds at the Slater Manufacturing Co., Inc. was very successful, officials of the Company have announced. A goal of $1200.00 was set for the plant, and this figure has been exceeded by a comfortable margin. Total results of the drive cannot be announced at this time, as it takes over a week for all employees of the Company to be contacted. The drive for funds began on March 12, 1947, and by Tuesday, March 18, 1947, was practically complete but, as already explained, will not be officially ended until every employee has been given a chance to give. Overseer L. T. Scarce of the Cloth Room was the first to report in the drive. This department was asked to contribute $100.00, and did so when $100.25 was contributed. Other departments reaching their quotas were the Maintenance Department, under Overseer George B. Gossett, which was asked to contribute $35 and reported $36.15; the Warehouse Department under Overseer Cecil G. Hyer raised their quota of $35; and the quota of E. W. Sanford of Job No. 1, Weave Room No. 1, third shift, was set at $50, but this department reported $68 to top all departments in oversubscribing their quota. Also oversubscribing their quota of $35, with a total of $37 contributed, was the second shift on Job No. 3 in Weave Room No. 1 under Overseer W. W. Stephenson. The third shift on the same job under Overseer J. B. Martin (Con't. on page 2, col. 2)

LIBRARY RECEIVES ANOTHER VOLUME Bobby Addington, member of the Boys' Library Club, recently donated to the library a copy of "Robinson Crusoe," Although this title has been a favorite for several generations, it is still a fascinating story for readers of today. This strange tale of a ship-wrecked mariner, who spent twentyeight years on a desert island off the east coast of South America, is classified as juvenile fiction. However, many adults have read this title with a great deal of interest, enjoying the strange, captivating story as much as when they were children. The librarian takes this opportunity to publicly thank Bobby for his kindness in giving to the library this copy of "Robinson Crusoe." The library already has one copy of this book, and the addition of a second copy makes it possible to accommodate a larger number of readers.

Last edit over 1 year ago by emfitzgerald
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Page two; THE SLATER NEWS; March 20,1947

[Column 1] The Slater News Published Every Two Weeks By Slater Manufacturing Co., Inc. Established 1790 In The Interest of Its Employees

STAFF ROBERT H. ATKINSON - Editor CECIL S. ROSS - Asst. Editor CLAUDE GUEST - Photographer

REPORTERS Weave Room: Ernestine McCall, Nellie Barnette, Gladys Cox, Rosalee Cox, Sarah Canham, Louise Bagwell, Pearl Price, Ethel Clary, Doris Jones and Irene Cox.

Preparation Department: Jessie Vassey, Julia Brown, Bertha Jones, Sarah Singleton, Blanche Raxter, Nellie Ruth Payne, Stanley Hawkins, Ruth Campbell, D. P. Garrick, Tom Boggs, and Marguerite Waddell.

Cloth Room: Opal W. Smith.

Community: Mrs. Raymond Johnson, W. Earle Reid, Ruby P. Reid, Doris F. Atkinson.


New Building (Con't. from page 1, col. 1)

Boat piers at the lake (new last year) will be completed by summer, and the camp expects to have a fleet of 12 rowboats for use by the scouts on this five-acre body of water. The camp chapel has been improved by the addition of a cupola and a bell given by Fred M. Medlock of Laurens, and by the addition of benches in the chapel given by Mr. and Mrs. Traverse S. Foster of Greenville.

Camp Old Indian had an enrollment of more than a thousand boy-weeks last summer and next season promises to be even larger, Mr. Williamson said. The camp had an enviable health record last summer, he added, with no serious accidents, and, according to the report made by Dr. Alva S. Pack, chairman of the health and safety committee, the campers gained 4,000 pounds of weight during the summer, or an average of four pounds per boy per week.

The ideal camp experience comes to the scout who attends camp with his troop, camp officials feel. The camp program offers an opportunity for troops to attend as a unit and to carry on their own program, supplemented by general camp activities and the assistance of the central camp staff.

Periods for next summer, to begin with the evening meal on Wednesday and close with the noon meal the following Tuesday, have been scheduled as follows: first period, June 11-17, pioneer camp - camp staff only; second period, June 18-24; third, June 25-July 1; fourth, July 2-8; fifth, July 9-15; sixth, July 16-22; and seventh, July 23-29.

Camp Old Indian is two miles east of highway 26 (GreenvilleHendersonville highway), 26 miles north of Greenville.


Today's column is a note of public thanks to the person or persons responsible for bringing to Slater two very good pictures recently. They are ''Sister Kenny'' and ''Stanley and Livingston.''

''Sister Kenny'' is a pictorial story of the life of Miss Elizabeth Kenny, Australian bush nurse who discovered a new and practical and revolutionary method of treatment for the victims of infantile paralysis - a method that leaves the patient whole and well and uncrippled with no trace of the disease.

''Stanley and Livingston'' is the story of the adventures of David Livingston, missionary explorer who went from London to Africa in the latter part of the last century. The things he found and the works he accomplished while in the Dark Continent provide a thrilling and inspiring two hours of entertainment.

Long ago educators recognized the advantage of pictures as an educational factor, and more recently many of our schools and churches have been using visual aids as a supplement to teaching. ''One picture is worth a hundred words.''

Mostly, we think of the movies as a source of entertainment, but they are much more than juat that; they are a source of great influence on the lives of the peoples of a community.

In Slater, the majority of movie goers are our young people. When these young people see in pictured stories the lives of the great people who have had a part in making advances in medicine, science, religion, literature, art, music, politics, or anything that goes toward making living better, they themselves are inspired to appreciate and achieve greatness.

Another reason why these two pictures are especially appreciated is that people naturally seek some form of recreation, and when good, clean, stimulating fun is provided, the tendancy to seek out undesirable forms of excitement is lessened.

Thanx for a couple of really outstanding pictures!

Card of Thanks

I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation to my fellow workers and many friends in this community for the beautiful floral offering and for the many kindnesses shown me during the recent illness and death of my husband, Mr. Jim Kelly.

Mrs. Estelle Kelly

Anger is a wind which blows out the lamp of the mind. - Robert Ingersoll.

Today is so big it uses a man up. - Grace Lally.

The larger the island of knowledge, the longer the shore line of wonder. - Ralph Sockman.

[Column 3] Cloth Room Chatter

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Johnson had as their dinner guests recently, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Southerlin and family.

Clara Talley spent a very delightful week-end with her cousin, Elizabeth Hood, of Route 1, Travelers Rest.

Mr. and Mrs. Earl B. Epps are glad to have their little son, Larry, back home after spending the week with his little cousin, Jerry Baldwin, of Travlers Rest. Earl and Dennis missed him too.

Chief Warrant Officer and Mrs. Norman Blackwell and daughters of Greenville were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Johnson.

Misses Aileen Wigington and Norma Gene Guest were the recent week-end guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith.

Mr. and Mrs. John Reaves and family spent last week-end with Mrs. Reaves' parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Duncanm of Greenville.

Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Farthing and daughters and Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Smith, Jr., of Danville, Va. spent several days recently in the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Scarce. They came to be with their father, J. H. Farthing, who is ill at the Scarce home.

The many friends of Mrs. Estelle Kelly wish to extend their deepest sympathy to her in the recent deaths of her husband.

Everyone welcomes Bessie Shirley and Dean Looper back to work. They were greatly missed while being out.

Sallie Guest is still on the sick list but is steadily improving at her home in Marietta. We hope she will soon be able to be back with us.

Red Cross Drive (Con't from page 1, col. 5)

reached their quota of $35.

The second shift in Weave Room No. 3 under Overseer G. E. Ballenger reached their quota of $65. Oversubscribing their quota of $35 by $4 was the Drawing-In Department under Overseer M. C. Tilley. The Tying-In Department under Overseer J. H. Puckett oversubscribed their goal of $20 by $2.25.

Other departments were close behind these leaders with gratifying results.

The management, the overseers, and the Red Cross officials wish to extend their thanks to all of the employees of this Company for their splendid support of this worthy cause.

Robert H. Atkinson, Industrial Relations Manager, headed the Red Cross drive at Slater this year.

Card of Thanks

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Tolley and family wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation for the beautiful floral offerings and gift presented them during thier time of sorrow by the second and third shift employees of the Preparation Department.

[title spans Column 4 and 5] PREPARATION DEPARTMENT N-E-W-S

[column 4] The third shift employees sympathize with Paul Epps in the loss of his grandmother, whose death occured last week.

Frances Miller, Winthrop College student, spent another delightful week-end at home.

Mr. and Mrs. Lumas Looper visited Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Foster on Sunday.

Mr. James Embry and Mr. J. E. Brooks made a business trip to Danielsville, Ga. last Monday. They also visited relatives while there.

Marynelle Turnbull of Greenville spent the week-end with Mrs. Lena Keisler.

Paul Goldsmith was a visitor in Easley last Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Reynolds are planning to move into their new home soon.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Terrel and children visited relatives in Carnesville, Ga. Sunday.

First shift employees are glad to have Laten Green back at work, after being out several weeks recuperating from an appendectomy.

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Farr and daughter were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ansel Farr.

Hazel Guest and Pearle Looper enjoyed a Sunday afternoon trip to the mountians recently.

Mrs. C. L. Hargrove of Greenville spent the week-end with her daughter, Georgia Scroggins. Mrs. Hargrove and Mrs. Seroggins also visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hargrove on Sunday.

We are happy to have Louise Lindasy back with us on the first shift after being off for several weeks.

Lee and Lucy Reece are all smiles and grins since the arrival of their first grandbaby on March.

Mr. and Mrs. Omar Phillips

[article continues to top of column 5]

and family visited Mrs. Phillips' mother, Mrs. A. A. Phillips, in Royston, Ga. over the week-end.

Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Sims of Laurens visited Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Bowers over the weekend.

Employees of the DrawingIn Department are sorry to lose Mrs. Donnie Bates. We miss you, Donnie, but wish you the very best of luck and much happiness in your marriage to Mr. C. C. Clark.

Mr. and Mrs. Haynie Campbell of Greer were the supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Arms Sunday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Leland Barnett were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hargrove and family.

Mrs. Frances Godfrey has returned to work recently. Welcome back, Frances.

Mr. and Mrs. John R. Springfield were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Simpson on Saturday night.

[return to bottom half of column 4]

Books Donated (Con't. from page 1, col. 2)

Mr. Burnette, a veteran of World War II, is an employee of the Slater Manufacturing Co., Inc. and works in the Weaving Department.

The librarian wishes to thank Mr. Burnette for his kindness in remembering the library with a donation of his own books, and commends him for this thoughtful attitude toward other readrs.


One gray and silver trimmed Parker fountian pen in or near the village of Slater. If found, please return to Mrs. Fred Hargrove, Drawing-In Department, and receive liberal reward.


One black billfold containing currency, check and valuable papers. $15.00 reward. Finder please return to Mrs. T. L. Takacy and receive reward.

For a man to pretend to understand women is bad manners; for him really to understand them is bad morals. - Henry James.

[return to middle of column 5]







From National Safety News Published by The National Saftey Council

Last edit 2 months ago by Greenville County Library System
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March 2, 1947 THE SLATER NEWS Page Three

[headline, spans columns 1-2] GOINGS-ON - - - - - IN WEAVE ROOMS -

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lynch and daughter, Linda, were recent visitors in Greer.

Mr. and Mrs. James Allison and daughter, Ruth, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Allison and children.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Canham enjoyed having Mrs. Canham's brother, Lt. Johnnie Surratt, and his wife with them for the week-end.

J. D. Pridmore spent the week-end with his sister, Mrs. Willie Owensby.

T. R. Chandler gave a birthday dinner Sunday for Doris, Lillian, and Georgia. All had a very nice time.

We welcome Olin Rice on the

[article continues on column 2, top section]

second shift in Weave Room 2 and hope he will enjoy his work here.

Bernice Foster had as her recent visitor, her brother, William Hooker, of Brevard, N. C.

Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Case and son and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Moss were visitors in Hendersonville, N. C. Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. George Burrell spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Willis Pepper.

Miss Pearl Price and Miss Bernice Foster were present at the Mull-Ogle wedding which was performed iat Nine Forks Baptist Churth last Saturday evening. We all wish the couple a long and happy married life.

[column 1, bottom section]

Senior Class (Con't. from page 1, col. 3)

him by leaving him at home instead of taking him to the Holy Land with her, he rents her mansion to her dearest enemy and mother of his ladylove, where he masquerades as her butler, disguising his pal. Bill, as her gardener, and Muggsy, the college grind and Latin coach, as her housemaid. And all this sheme is not only to provide them with ready cash, but to enable them to discover whether their lady-loves are flirting with wealthier suitors. Their plans are upset when Aunt Sarah cancels her trip to the Holy Land.

The cast includes an affected society matron; her two charming daughters; a self-important banker; a fatuous villege poet; the college grind's jealous sweetheart; a timid dean; a superstitious colored cook; besides Peter, who is always in hot water; his pal, Bill; and Peter's aunt. The female impersonation is a riot.

The cast is as follows: Miss Sarah Pepperdine, Peter's aunt —Ruth Laws; Jasmine Jackson, Aunt Sarah's darky cook —Kathleen Reynolds; Cicero Murglethorpe, the dean of Elwood College—Jimmie Pierce; Peter Pepperdine, always in hot water—N. E. Hughes; Bill Bradshaw, Peter's pal—Gene Cox; Thorndyke Murglethorpe, Muggsy — Russel Hampton; Mrs. Georgiana Clarkson, a social climber—Mary Dodson; Nadine Clarkston, Peter's sweetheart—Fannie Mae Murton; Peggy Clarkston, Bill's sweetheart — Doris Hargrove; Malvina Potts, Muggsy's goddess—Bobbie McMullan; John Boliver, a wealthy banker — Harold Knight; and Dupont Darby, the poet—Roy Lebrand.

Admission for the play will be 25c for school children and 37c for adults and others. Advance tickets will be sold at the school. Proceeds will be used for a class trip to Washington, D. C.

Mrs. Wilma M. Cox, the class sponsor, is directing the play. _________________________ Religion is what the individual does with his own solitude. If you are never solitary you are never religious. — Dean Inge.

[column 2, middle section]

Some Hints For The Lady Folks

Did you know that both the Labor Department in Washington and the New York Herald Tribune have prepared pamphlets to help you plan, buy for and prepare meals for two? Information of this nature is always invaluable, because most of the better cook books have recipes for four or more, and no matter how you divide them, you never seem to come out right. For these pamphlets, write to the Department of Labor, Statistical Division, Washington, D. C.; and to the New York Herald Tribune, Food Editor, New York, New York, asking for Cooking for Two. * * * Next time you have to put a dish of food directly on the ice, place a fruit jar rubber ring under it. The ring will stick to both the ice and dish and

[article continues on column 3, middle section]

will hold the latter in place. * * * Rather than dirty a grate or rolling pin, rub to pieces of dry bread together when you want crumbs again. Do you use those on cauliflower? It's amazing what they do for an otherwise uninteresting dish, and you don't have to fuss with hollandaise sauce. Speaking of

[article continues on column 4, middle section]

bread, try croutons in tomato or pea soup—fried in butter, they' delicious. If you're short on butter, use bacon fat. * * * When a recipe calls for egg whites alone, place the yolks in a well-greased baking dish which can in turn be placed in a pan of boiling water. When cooked, the yolks can be used as salad or hot dish garnishes. If you have any leftover fried eggs, just chop them up and

(Con't. on page 4, col. 1)

[photo of coronation services at Slater Baptist, spans bottom of cols. 2-4] Shown aboe is another view of the Coronation Services recently held at the Slater Baptist Church where six girls were crowned. Several years of effort and work were necessary by these girls and their leader, Mrs. N. C. Hawkins, before they were entitled to this honor.

[column 3]

Theatre Guide

March 22, 1947 "STEP BY STEP" Starring Lawrence Tierney Lowell Gilmore Ann Jeffreys ____________ March 24, 1947 "RETURN OF MONTE CRISTO" Starring Louis Hayward _____________ March 28, 1947 "NOBODY LIVES FOREVER" Starring John Garfield Walter Brennan Geraldine Fitzgerald Faye Emerson ______________ March 29, 1947 "DICK TRACY VS. CUEBALL" Starring Morgan Conway Rita Corday Rita Jefferys ________________ March 31, 1947 "VACATION IN RENO" Starring Jack Haley Wally Brown Ann Jeffreys __________________ April 4, 1947 "THE TIME, THE PLACE, AND THE GIRL" Starring Dennis Morgan Janis Paige Jack Carson Martha Vickers

[column 4]

Miss Davis (Con't. from page 1, col. 4)

She also made a brief tour of the village to see the churches, homes, and clinic.

On this occasion, a number of parents, teachers, and high school students were guests of the Civic Club to hear Miss Davis as she gave some of her impressions of America, and now taking place in England. At the close of her discussion, Miss Davis conducted an interesting "question and answer" period, which was for the benefit of those who wished to ask questions.

As an added attraction for the evening, Miss Kathleen Farnsworth, teacher in the local school, rendered a cello number, after which she presented the following high school girls in a special vocal number: Misses Patricia Summey, Freida Thornton, Betty Vassey, Faye Dean, and Carolyn Marsh. The piano accompaniment for these numbers was played by Mrs. W. W. Stephenson.

Those who heard Miss Davis thoroughly enjoyed her discussion, and hope that she will visit Slater again at her earliest convenience.

The program for this meeting was planned by Miss Inez Graham and Mrs. W. Earle Reid. __________________________ [column 5]


We were very happy to have Betty Scarce and Gaile ("Butch") Burgess read stories at a recent meeting of the Thursday Afternoon Story Hour group. Betty read "The Travels of a Fox," while "Butch" read "Ask Mr. Bear." Both of these children are in the first grade this year, and Miss Margaret Coleman is their teacher. These girls read fluently and with expression, and all those present enjoyed hearing them. We not only congratulate Betty and "Butch" for their fine reading progress, but we also commend their parents and their teacher for the part they have played in the achievements of these children. _______________ It is always a great pleasure to welcome new members to the library. Our library roll continues to increase, and we credit a great deal of this to you readers who, finding joy in your reading, wish to shre it with others by telling them what the library means to you. To you who have not yet joined the library, we extend an invitation to do so at your earliest convenience. We need you, and we believe that the library can add a great deal to your "reading happiness."

This week we greet Mrs. Grace Griffin as a new library member. Mrs. Griffin is one of the second grade teachers in the local school, and we hope that the library can assist her not only in securing materials for her own reading, but in supplying materials for her school work, as well.

Mrs. Christine Stockton Miller is also a new member. Christine and her husband lived in Slater until recently, when they moved to Cleveland. We welcome Christine as a library member, and look forward to having her visit the library as often as possible.

Little Betty Ruth Ross is another new member, both for the library and for the Thursday Afternoon Story Hour group. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Ross. Her sister, Violet, has been a member of the Girls' Library Club for quite a while.

Our latest addition to the library roll is Fred Cashion. Fred is an employee of the Slater Manufacturing Co., Inc. and works in the Weaving Department. _____________ We feel that Mr. and Mrs. Edward Laws and family deserve honorable mention for their unusual reading record. Living out of the village, they sometimes find it a little inconvenient to get to the library. Nevertheless, they do visit the library regularly, always getting a supply of books sufficient to last until the next trip. We understand that the whole family reads these books, after which they are often read by relatives and neighbors who live near. To the Edward Laws family, we say "Congratulations! Keep up the good work!

Last edit 2 months ago by Greenville County Library System
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Page Four; THE SLATER NEWS; March 20, 1947

[Column 1] Births

Mr. and Mrs Eugene Cody of Cleveland are receiving congratulations on the birth of a son, Richard Marlin, at the Wood Memorial Clinic on March 1. The baby weighed 7 1/2 lb. at birth.

Mrs. Cody is the former Miss Ruby Rollins of Greer.

Mr. Cody is connected with the Georgia Hardwood Company at Cleveland.

Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Thornton announce the arrival of a daughter at the Wood Memorial Clinic on March 4. At birth, the little girl weighed 8 lb. 14 oz.

Mrs. Thornton is the former Miss Ruby Mae Wyatt of Greenville.

Mr. Thornton is connected with the Standard Coffee Company.

Mr. and Mrs Dayton Lee Tyler of Marietta are the proud parents of a little son, born at the Wood Memorial Clinic on March 5. The little boy weighed 10 lb. 4 oz. at birth.

Mrs. Tyler is the former Miss Annie Robinson of Marietta.

Mr. Tyler operates a grocery store in the Marietta vicinity.

Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Coggins of Marietta are being extended congratulations on the birth of a baby daughter at the Wood Memorial Clinic on March 6. The little girl, who has been named Carolyn Diana, weighed 6 lb. 4 oz. at birth.

Mrs. Coggins is the former Miss Dorothy Mae Lee of Marietta.

Some Hints (Con't. from page 3, col. 4)

use them for garnishes too.

Here's a suggestion for the inevitable hamburger to give it a new lift. 1/2 pound ground round steak 1 tablespoon moist bread crumbs 1/8 teaspoon salt Dash pepper 1 tablespoon prepared mustard 1 tablespoon fine dry bread crumbs

Combine meat, bread crumbs, water, salt and pepper. Shape lightly into two outlet forms. Spread each side with mustard. Dip in dry bread crumbs. Sear on both sides under broiler, turn heat low, and cook 5 minutes longer on each side.

Everyone Needs Self Confidence (Courtesy ''SHE'')

''How can I gain self-confi dence?'' Day in and day out hundreds of people ask psychiatrists this question.

What these people are asking is, ''How can I learn to have faith in myself and the things I do, to meet people and life with self-assurance and trust?'' And what they want most

[Column 2]

[Picture spans column 2-3] Miss Peggy Scarce, attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Scarce of Slater, who recently received a gold medal given by the Slater Baptist Church for perfect attendance at Sunday School during the year 1946. Congratulations, Peggy!

earnestly to know is, ''Can it be done?''

''Yes,'' says psychiatry. By learning to see themselves realistically, the unconfident can turn the trick of believing in themselves. Seeing yourself realistically simply means seeing yourself as you are - counting your good points as well as your demerits, your accomplishments as well as your failures. And if you can tke this prescription, you'll be taking psychic vitamins.

The unconfident neede the psychic vitamin of realism, for they have no clear vision of themselves. They know their lacks well, but not their virtues. They are expert at scorning, belittling, disparaging and underrating themselves - but not at valuing themselves. Their talents aren't spectacular enough, they think. Their achievements are nothing. To their good qualities, they're blind. People may think well of them. The evidence may be stacked high in their favor. But they don't budge their selfrespect from its same low level.

[Column 3] Let's say their job pays off with a fat check at the end of the week. They still insist it's an ''unimportant'' job. Friends say their party was gay. They say it should have been gayer. If they're praised, praise rolls off their minds. If they're called attractive, they feel it is flattery. They've lost the knack of believing good things about themselves.

''I know I don't think very much of myself,'' said a young man to a psychiatrist. ''I know I always think other people are

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[Column 4] OFFICE NEWS

Mr. A. D. Beard of Columbia was a visitor in the home of his cousin, Mr. F. J. Brannon, Jr., last week.

Mrs. Thelma Bledsoe and family visited relatives in Spartanburg, S. C. Sunday.

Miss Clarissa Camden attended a birthday dinner in Travelers Rest Sunday, which was given in honor of her greatgrandfather, Mr. Stephen Goldsmith, who is 98 years old.

Miss Elizabeth Ammons spent the week-end as the guest of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Toby, of Hawthorne Lane in Greenville.

Mrs. Cecil Ross, of the Industrial Relations Department, celebrated her first wedding anniversary on Sunday, March 9.

superior to me. But I can't seem to help it . . . it's a habit.''

It's a habit, all right - one of deflating ourselves while we inflate others. And it's a disastrous habit calculated to send anyone's self-confidence into a depression, to make any of us feel small and inadequate and unworthy and unwanted. But, fortunately, it's a habit that can be changed. And the best way to change it is by cultivating a policy of thinking well of ourselves, of putting together again the opinion of ourselves that we've torn to shreds.

Take a good look at your assets, says the psychiatrist, instead of forever harping on your faults. In other words, instead of always thinking about what they've got that you haven't got, start thinking about what you've got.

''But what are my assets?'' many ask in bewilderment. ''I didn't know I had any.'' Assets aren't world-shaking things reserved for the great and the mighty. All of us have them. They are everything - little or big - that we do in the course of a day or a year, and that we do well. These things that we do well are the evidence in our favor. They can be our credit sheet in life. The reason so many of us pass them up is that we're so busy staring at other people's glory and at our own shortcomings.

So here are few to remind you. Maybe you're well-read or well-informed. Maybe you have a pleasing personality, do nice things for others, get along swimmingly with people. Maybe you keep your home in apple-pie order, though you haven't remarked it to yourself lately. Maybe that job of yours is ''responsible'' or ''interesting'' as everyone says it is, though you yourself talk it down. And maybe there are lost of other jobs you do well that you count as mere nothings. Maybe, in other words, you've been seeing yourself lopsidely - your good points and accomplishments in a haze, your failings in bold relief. To see yourself realistically, on the other hand, means to see yourself whole, to let your good qualities get a grip on your thinking. And when they get that grip - when you earnestly believe in them - you'll have all the confidence you want.

William James, the great psychologist, spoke of a per-

[Column 5] son's ''inner atmosphere.'' It's the feeling tone our criss-crossing thoughts and emotions create deep inside of us. It may be a nice, warm, cozy feeling of self-content, of knowing that we are good enough for life. Or it may be just the opposite. We, ourselves, make it the one or the other.

If we are ridden with doubt and mistrust, if our self-respect is shabby then the prevailing message we send to our hearts daily is one of self-disapproval and sick despair. But if, on the other hand, our prevailing message is that we are as good as the next fellow and can tackle our life job as well, then our inner mood glows with satisfaction and vitality and hope. We feel equal to ''anything that may turn up,'' as James says.

This emotion-warming conviction that we are equal to life is the healthy inner glow that self-confidence creates. - Stella K. Newman


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