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[photograph of a a building]
Old Slater Mill PAWTUCKET, R.I. EST 1790
Vol 4. Slater, S. C., April 17, 1947 No. 30
[photograph of a building Slater Mill SLATER, SO. CAROLINA 1943
Members of the Greenville Textile Club will have the pleasure of hearing Guy B. Arthur, Jr. at their regular monthly meeting at Parker High School on Tuesday night, April 22. As usual, the club will meet at 7 o'clock P. M. for the usual supper, after which Mr. Arthur will speak and will lead a group discussion on the subject "Relationships Within a Textile Plant."
Mr. Arthur is well known in the field of Personnel administration. He was formerly vise president in charge of personnel with the American Thread Company with headquarters in New York. For four yuears, Mr. Arthur was Industrial Relations Manager of Peoria, III. Before this, he was Industrial Engineer with The Temple Corporation of Chicago, III., and later was employed in the same capacity with the Majestic Corporation also of Chicago.
He has also been connected withthe American Management Association, the Southern Conference on Human Relations, and the Society for the Advancement of Management. During the war, Mr. Arthur served with the War Manpower Commission, the National Association of Manufacturers, the Committee for Economic Development, the National War Labor Board, and the University of Minnesota.
A number of Slaterites have
(Con't. on page 2, col.4)
Mildred Shelton, valedictorian of the graduation class of Slater - Marietta High School, has been given the Eleventh Annual Award of The Reader's Digest Association for students who, by their successful school work, give promise of attaining leadership in the community, it was announced today by Mr. J. H Barnett, Superintendent.
Miss Shelton will recieve an honorary subscription to The Reader's Digest for one year and an engraved certicate from the editors " In recognition of past accomplishment and in anticipation of unnsual achievemnt to come."
Since 1937, The Reader's Digest Association has presented these awards yearly in senior high schools throughout the United States and Canada to the highest honor student of the graduating class.
Miss Shelton is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Shelton of Marietta, S. C. and has attended the local school since she was in the fourth grade.
[photograph of a women in a factory looking at tissue]
In the above picture is shown one of the two automatic quilling machines recently installed inthe quilling department here at Slater. Spun rayon filling is being "run" on these machines at the present time. By installing new machines of this and similar types, the Slater Manufacturing Co., Inc. keeps within the category of a modern and up-to-date textile plant.
The regular monthly meeting of the Slater-Marietta Civic Club was held at the Slater Library on March 28 at 7:30 o'clock.
Mrs. Aubrey Ledford, President of the club, called the meeting to order, after which the Reverned Charles T. Thompson led the group in prayer. Mrs Edna Barrett then presented an interesting devotional.
During the business session, plans were made for holding an Easter Delicatessen Bazaar on April 4, with proceeds going into the treasury of the club. Orders for Easter flowers were also to be taken with a portion of the proceeds going to the club. The main feature of the program for this meeting was the showing of slide pictures by the Revrend Mr. Thompson. Most of the pictures shown were scenes taken from World War II, and all club members present thoroughly enjoyed seeing the pictures.
During the social hour, delicious refreshments were served by Mrs. N. C. Hawkins and Mrs. W. Earle Reid.
Members of the club were
(Con't. on page 3, col. 5)
On Saturday, March 29,1947, the members of the Slater-Marietta Junior Homemakers Association attended their annual District J. H. A. meeting which was held at the Junitor High School in Greenville. They were accompanied by their sponsor, Mrs. James N. Cleveland, II.
From the local school Mildred Shelton entered the Dress Review and scored a rating of "good." In her absence, Eva Jean Chapman Modeled her dress. Inez Turner and Harriett Talley entered the Home Project of "excellent." The group from the local chapter was presented a Certificate of "Superior Camping" which they won last summer when they atteneded J. H. A. Camp at Mountain Rest, S. C. The Slater-Marietta J. H. A. also won a rating of "excellent" on their Honor Score Sheet.
Other contests which the local chapter entered was the Scrapbook, Yearbook, and Renovated Garment Contest. Harrie Alma Ervin entered the Renovated Garment Contest with a suit which she made from her brother's uniform.
(Cont. on page 3, col.4)
The annual Sunrise Easter Service was held at Slater Hall on Easter Sunday, April 6, with a small congregation present. Attendence was small probably due to the inclement weather.
Each year it has been the custom to hold this service out-of-doors, and such was the plan this year, but just before time for the program to begin, rain began to fall so it was necessary to hold the service inside this year. The transfer to the auditorium of Slater Hall was quickly made and the services were conducted there.
The Reverend J. M. Dean, pastor of the Church of God, presided over the exercises. The invocation was pronounced by the Reverend Charles Thompson, pastor of the Slater Bapitst Church.
Two special numbers were presented by the Glee Club of the Slater-Marietta School under the direction of Miss Kathleen Farnsworth. These numbers were special Easter music and were enjoyed by those present.
Robert H. Atkinson, Industrial Relations Manager of the Slater Company, delivered the addresss. Mr. Atkinson read the story of the Resurrection as found in Saint john's Gospel, and used as a text for his message the following words from Saint Mark's Gospel:" He is not here, He is Risen."
In his address, Mr. Atkinson explained the meaning of Easter to all Christains and the worth of the Christians religion in having a Living Christ rather than a few ideals as a guide to salvation.
At the conclusion of the address, the Reverend H. D. Hand, pastor of the Slater
(Con't. on page 3, col.5)
Richardsons Entertain Church Group At Home
The officers' and Teachers' Council of the Slater Baptist Church met on March 24 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Richardson.
The meeting was called to order by Mr. N. C. Hawkins, and prayer was offered by the pastor, the Rev. Charles Thompson. Mr. Cecil Hyer made a report on the progress of the Sunday School. Having a social or outing every quarter was also discussed.
At the conclusion of the program, delicious home-made ice cream and cake were served by the hostess.
Behind the brilliant two-hit pitching of Manager Perry Rampey, the Slater Baseball Nine opened the season Saturday, April 12, by defeating Camperdown by the score of 4 to 0. Many old timers at Slater were heard to say this performance was the best of any to be given at Slater in many years, in so far as an opening game was concerned.
The star of the game was Manager Rampey with his pitching. He successfully kept the Camperdown men eating out of his hand all afternoon.
Fielding honors of the day went to Christopher, the new Slater third basemen; however, the entire team played good ball behind their manager, as only 2 errors were recorded, which is good ball for an opening contest.
There were a number of new faces in the Slater line-up, with J. P. Christopher at third base.
Roy Lybrand at shortstop, and Fred Cox, Jr., in right field. Other players on the bench, but not taking part in the contest, were Ralph Knight, R. B. Buchanan, and the veteran pitcher, Bliss McCall.
The hitting star of the day was Bill Cashion, Slater catcher, who got 2 singles out of 4 times at bat.
A number of prizes were presented at this game through the courtesy of the Slater Community Association. Perry Rampey received a box of candy from the Commissary for scoring the first run, Bill Cashion received a pair of nylons from the Cloth Shop for getting the most hits.
(Continued on page 4, col. 4)
Donald "Lefty" Stroud, Slater - Marietta's high scoring, left handed forward, was named "ALL-State" last week for the "B" class basketball players of South Carolina by a committee of men from Jefferson. This was quite an honor, since only one other player from the entire upper state was given this distinction.
Lefty has nabbed many an honor since his basketball career started three years ago. He has been the highest scorer on the team for the past two years, and was one of the highest scorers in the county this year. Donald scored 311 points during the basketball season, which is quite a record for this county. His fancy left handed "hoop" shot is practically impossible to guard.
Lefty is in the 10th grade and has two more years to play on the Slater - Marietta High School team. We're expecting Donald to achieve many new goals of attainment during these two years.

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