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April 17, 1947


Page Three

[header spans columns 1 and 2]

Employees of No. 3 Weave
Room missed Mrs. Esther Grif-
fith while she was out from
work due to the illness of her
husband, "Uncle Bob." She says
she think she rates an R. N.
now, and we are all glad Uncle
Boob is able to be on his job
again. Nice nursing, Mrs. Grif-

Friends of Mrs. Frances Hall
are happy to learn she has
moved in her new home on the
Greer highway.

Elizabeth Edens and Bernice
Cantrell visited Mr. and Mrs.
Tally Chastain in Pickens Sun-

Mrs. Willie Mae Henderson
visited Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hay-
den in Sans Souci Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Claude johnson
report having a grand time last
Sunday. they went joy riding
to Hendersonville and Brevard.

Jimmy Canham is the new
cloth boy in Weave Room 3-
and a real good one, too.

Employees of No. 3 are glad
to have Mrs. Eleanor Bellamy
working with them. Hope you
enjoy your work, Eleanor.

Rosalee Cox says she had a
swell time in Tuxedo, N. C.
Sunday. She visited a cousin,
Margaret Johnson. Margaret
cam home with Rosalee to
spend a few days, and we hope
her visit was as pleasant as the
latter reports.

Friends of Mrs. Fannie Epps
extend their deepest sympathy
in the recent death of her hus-
band. Mr. Epps was highly re-
spected among his friends and
will long be remembered for his
kindness to everyone with
whom he came in contact.

Mr. and Mrs. Mays Capps
and Mr. Capps' mother motored
to Spartanburg Sunday. They
also had the pleasure of being
accompanied by Mr. Capps'
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Landrum Poole. Mr. Poole is 90
years of age and Mrs. Poole is
in her young 80's. They report
a swell trip and say the
"young" couple were very
pleasant and interesting.

Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Jones
have started their new home,
and Bonelle says they already
have their new furniture.
Here's hoping it won't be long
until you can move in.

Doris Pridmore was a visitor
in Greenville Sunday. She play-
ed nursemaid to her sister, the
former Miss Willie Pridmore,
who was ill at her home. Doris
says she can really carry water
and hot water bags. Glad
you're well again, Willie.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Jones
and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Jones
were visitors in Greenville last
Sunday. They visited Mr. and
Mrs. F. B. Stognar and Alma
and Blaine Capps. they said
the nicest thing of all was that
the families were eating every-
where they went, and of course
they ate too. Look out, girls.
'Member the waist lines!

On April 21, a revival meet-
ing is starting at the Middle
River Baptist Church. The
church has recently been re-
modeled, and the pastor, Rev.
Ed Teller, gives everyone a
great big welcome.

[section spans columns 1 and 2]
It's good to see Mrs. Willie
Mae Henderson on the job
again. We missed you, Willie,
and hope you continue to im-
prove. She says her mother,
Mrs. W. F Fowler, is a very
good nurse.

Mr. and Mrs. George Burrell
had as their recent visitors, two
of Mr. Burrell's Army buddies
and their wives, Mr. and Mrs.
Paul McIntyre and Mr. and
Mrs. James Rampey, all of
Greenville. Dessie says it's a
real treat when they get to-
gether because they always en-
joy going to "Freeman's for
Hamburgers" in Tuxedo, N. C.

We extend our deepest sym-
pathy to Ike Epps in the death
of his father, Mr. H. C. Epps,
Sr. and to Miss Daisy Batson
in the death of her uncle, Mr.
Frank Guest.

To hear Sam Addington tell
it, the bass he recently caught
must have been the one the
other fellows let get away. Just
how big was that fish, Sam?

We welcome the following
new employees to No. 2: Bu-
ford Peterson, Garfield E. Ship-
man from No. 3, and Annie
O'Shields Peterson from the
Preparation Department.

Miss Lula Jones of Travelers
Rest was the recent Sunday
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Turner

We are glad to see Grady
Galloway back at work. He has
been out for some time due to

Mr. and Mrs. Duck Smith
and Mrs. Georgia Smith and
son, Al, visited Table Rock
State Park on Easter Sunday.

Miss Daisy Batson had as
supper guests recently, Mr.
Barney and Alvin Guest of De-
troit, mich.

Mrs. Estelle Thompson is out
from work due to the illness of
her son and her mother. We
wish both of them speedy re-

We were all sorry to see
Walter Banks leave Slater, but
wish him the best of luck on
his new job.

Several second shifters in No.
2 have been on the sick list re-
cently. They are: George Bur-
rell, Lomas Hall, James Hend-
rix, Arthur Brown, Pearle
Price, Neta Burrell, Lucy
Chandler, Bernice Foster, and
Louise Canham. We are glad to
see all of them well again and
back on the job.

We extend our deepest sym-
pathy to Mrs. Serina Case in
the death of her sister-in-law.

Miss Pearl Price spent the
week-end with Mr. and Mrs.
John Altman in Greenville.

We are glad to hear that
James Allison is recovering
nicely from his serious opera-
tion. James, we hope you will
soon be back with us.

Mrs. Bernice Foster says she
enjoyed having all her children
home for Easter. Everyone had
a grand time.

Employees in No. 2 are glad
to have Bennie Bradberry
working with them again. he
has been in No. 1 for quite

Mr. and Mrs. James Allison
and daughter, Ruth, and Mrs.
R. P. Griffith spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar
Bowen of Sunset, S. C.

[section continues in 3rd column, below FOR SALE advertisement.]
Mr. and Mrs. George Starling
and two sons, G. W. and James,
from Winston-Salem, N. C..

Theatre Guide

April 19, 1947
Tyrone Power
Nancy Kelly
Henry Gonda
Randolph Scott

April 21, 1947
Jennifer Jones
Joseph Cotten

April 25, 1947
Eddie Bracken
Veronica Lake

April 26, 1947
William Gargan
Nancy Kelly

April 28, 1947
Diana Lynn
Brian Donlevy
Gail Russell

May 2, 1947
Ken Curtis

One Fordson tractor in good
condition. Also, one two-year-
old colt, gentle and works any-
where. If interested, contact
John H. Patterson near Hel-
lams Crossing.

were recent visitors of Miss
Pearl Price.

We all miss Melvin Chandler
since he has left slter, and
hope he will be back with us

[Picture and text about American Cancer Society spans columns 3 and 4]
[black and white image of an X with the word 'Cancer' on it]

[photograph of eight kids, and one older teen or adult]

Teddy Takacy and his guests
were snapped at the birthday
party given for Teddy by his
mother on his second anniver-
sary. Reddy is the only child
of Dr. and Mrs. T. L. Takacy
of Slater.

Theodore Louis Takacy, Jr.,
two year old son of Dr. and
Mrs. T. L. Takacy, observed his
birthday on March 25 when his
mother entertained a small
group of friends in his honor.

The little folks enjoyed all of
the regular birthday party ac-
tivities of games and refresh-
ments, and the hostess made re-
cordings as the group sang
"Happy Birthday" to Teddy.

Those present were: Sammy
White, Teddy Takacy, Carol
Ann Richardson, Shirley Suttle,
Jim Horton, Filler Horton,
Paige Acree, Billy Suttle, and
Anne Thompson.

Several Awards

(Con't. from page 1, col. 3)

Katherine Guest made a short
stump speech as she was the
[continues in next column]

Club Celebrates
With Egg Hunt

The Slater Library Girls'
Club celebrated the Easter
season with an Egg Hunt Mon-
day afternoon on the lawn in
front of Slater Hall.

The following club mumbers
hid the eggs: Berry Lou Phil-
lips, Margaret Robinson, Betty
Garrett, and Carolyn Dixon.
The other girls came later to
begin the search.

The girls who enjoyed this
outing were: Joyce Bryant,
Barbara Thornton, Freida
Thornton, Jessie Clyde Poole,
Judy Cox, Fern Barrett, Peggy
Scarce, and Ann Thompson.

Also: Frances Hester, Molly
White, Carolyn Wylie, Mar-
celle Buchanan, Martha Robin
son, Betty Ruth Ross, June
Pridmore, and Gay Truesdale.

candidate from this chapter for
a district office. Mrs. Cleve-
land also made a short im-
promptu speech for teacher ad-
visor for the district group.

Joan Barrett and Josephine
Knight were the voting dele-
gates from the Slater-Marietta

The present officers of the
Slater-Marietta chapter are:
Mildred Shelton - President;
Frances Poole - Vice President;
Mary Dodson Secretary & Trea-
surer; and Patricia Summey-

Those attending the meeting
from the local chapter were:
Katherine Guest, Iva Jean
Chapman, Linnie Tolley, Fran-
ces Poole, Christine Reynolds,
Cleo Lathan, Mary Dodson, Fay
Dean, Joan Barrett, Betty
Bruce, Josephine Knight, Sara
Wylie, Margaret Capps, Dar
lene Mayfield, Lorena Whitted,
Nellie Mae Blevins, Harriett
Talley, and Mrs. James N.
Cleveland, II.

Thompson Shows

(Con't. from page 1, col. 2)

glad to have Mrs. Barrett visit
the club and bring the devo
tional. Mrs. N. C. Hawkins and
Mrs. Charles T. Thompson
planned the program for the
March meeting. Mrs. E. A. Mc-
Gill is Program Chairman of
the local Civic Club.

At the conclusion of the pro-
gram, the club adjourned to
meet again next month at the
regular meeting date,

Special Service

(Con't from page 1. col. 4)

Methodist Church, pronounced
the benediction which conclud-
ed the program.

this special Easter Service
was sponsored by the churches
of Slater and the Slater com-
munity Association. The three
denominations at Slater are:
The Church of God, the Bap-
tist Church, and the Methodist

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