Page Four; THE SLATER NEWS; April 17, 1947
[Column 1]
Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Sentell
of Travelers Rest announce the
birth of a son at the Wood
Memorial Clinic on March 26.
The little boy weighed 7 lb. 10
oz. at birth.
Mrs. Sentell is the former
Miss Ruby Hill of Travelers
Mr. Sentell is an employee of
the Piedmont Print Works of
Mr. and Mrs. Marcus James
McMakin are the proud pa-
rents of a daughter, born at
the Wood Memorial Clinic on
April 7. The baby weighed 8
lb. 8 oz.
Mrs. McMakin is the former
Miss June Roussel of Bernie,
Mr. McMakin is an employee
of the Slater Manufacturing
Co., Inc. and works in the
Preparation Department.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jordan
Waldrop are receiving congrat-
ulations on the arrival of a son
at the Wood Memorial Clinic on
April 7. The little boy, who has
been named Dennis Charles,
weighed 7 lb. 10oz. at birth.
Mrs. Waldrop is the former
Miss Lucille Cunningham of
Travelers Rest, and is a former
office employee of the Slater
Manufacturing Co., Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. James Dunn an-
nounce the arrival of a son,
Paul David, on April 2.
Mrs. Dunn is the former Miss
Frances McMullan.
Enjoy yourself - it is later
than you think.
One out of every seven girls
now seems headed for spinster-
[Advert spans column 1-2]
51 gauge . . . $1.35
45 gauge . . . $1.10
81 x 99 . . . $2.35 ea.
PILLOW CASES . . . 50c ea.
Large Size . . . 80c
6 for $4.50
5 for $1.00
Slater, S. C.
[Column 2]
[Picture of young girl spans column 2-3]
Above is Carol Ann Richardson, the atractive little daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Hines S. Richardson of Slater. Carol Ann
recently took part in the Coronation Service at the Slater Baptist
Church when six girls were crowned. She also recently cele-
brated her fourth birthday at a party given by her mother.
Boys Club Holds
Easter Egg Hunt
The Boys' Library Club held
its annual Easter Egg Hunt at
the Slater Park on Wednesday
afternoon, April 2.
[Column 3]
Little Miss Carol Ann Rich-
ardson, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. H. S. Richardson of Slater,
celebrated her fourth birthday
on April 3 with a party at her
home on Talley Bridge Road.
Eighteen little friends were
present for this occasion. They
enjoyed an Easter egg hunt
and played several games, after
which some group pictures
were made. The guests were
then invited into the dining
room and were served ice cream
and cake.
All the children present
seemed to have a most enjoy-
able time.
While the eggs were being
hidden the club members
grouped themselves around tbe
record player in the library to
listen to the recording of ''The
White Easter Rabbit,'' as told
by Martha Fox.
Those attending the egg hunt
were: Ted Smith, Clarence Can-
ham, John Canham, Delmar
Smith, Dennis Smith, Billy Gar-
rett, Harold Canham, Jimmy
Clary, Kenneth Hayden, Tom-
my Ballenger, Fred Revis, and
Gene Addington.
Also: Will Cox, Mickey Ram-
sey, Jerry Mack Ballenger,
Bobby Addington, Jack Dean,
Jimmy Buchanan, Rudolph
Daniel, Kenneth Godfrey,
George Pridmore, Edwin
Voyles, and Belton Voyes.
Mrs. Reid and Miss Forrest
were assisted on this occasion
by Mrs. Harold Smith and by
a group of older boys who
formerly belonged to the Boys'
Library Club.
[Column 4]
Miss Ruth Taylor spent the
week-end in Charleston visiting
her sister, Mrs. Paul C. Fowler.
While there she attended the
special Easter service at the
Bethel Methodist Church.
Miss Estelle Southerlin, along
with friends, motored to Ashe-
ville, N. C. Sunday.
The Rev. and Mrs. Leon
Chandler and children, Carol
and Carlton, of Pauline, S. C.
spent the week-end at the home
of Miss Elizabeth Ammons.
Miss Louise Booth spent the
week-end at Wagner, S. C.
visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Wilson Booth.
Miss Dorothy Batson has re-
cently become engaged to Mr.
Elgin Batson of Locust Hill and
is wearing a beautiful diamond.
Miss Jeanne Ernest spent the
week-end in Walhalla visiting
her mother, Mrs. John H. Er-
Miss Betty Foster spent Sun-
day with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Foster, in Woodruff,
S. C.
Perry Rampey
(Con't. from page 1, col. 5)
he having two for the after-
noon, while Pearl Ledford re-
ceived a box of candy from the
Drug Store for getting the first
extra-base hit of the season,
which was a double.
The box score is as follows:
Camperdown; AB; R; H; E
Mintz, cf; 4;0;0;0
McDowell, ss; 3;0;0;0
Guest, 1b; 4;0;0;0
Coorsey, e; 4;0;0;0
Burnett, 3b; 3;0;1;0
Brazeale, rf; 3;0;0;0
Davis, lf; 3;0;1;0
[Advert spans column 4-5]
Pharmacy Week
APRIL 20-26
The health of your
family as well as
your own health
depends upon the care
used in compounding
your prescription! That
is why this department is
the most important in our store.
All drugs and chemicals are of
the highest Standards. Only
experienced, qualified, licensed
pharmacists compound your doctor's
prescription at the Rexall Drug Store.
Our Double-
Check System
Have Your Prescriptions Filled
At The Rexall Drug Store
Slater, S. C.
[Column 5]
Whitaker, 2b; 3;0;0;0
Coln, p; 3;0;0;0
Totals; 30;0;2;0
Slater; AB;R;H;E
McMakin, cf; 5;0;1;0
Christopher, 3b; 5;0;1;0
A. Ledford, 2b; 4;1;1;0
Wilson, 1b; 2;0;1;1
Rampey, p; 3;1;1;0
Cashion, c; 4;0;2;0
P. Ledford, lf; 4;1;1;0
Lybrand, ss; 3;1;0;1
Cox, rf; 4;0;0;0
Totals; 34;4;8;2
Camperdown; 000 000 000 - 0
Slater; 000 001 12 - 4
It is a rare thing to win an
arguement and the other fel-
low's respect at the same time.
-Tuam Herald
If you want to live to see
ninety, don't keep looking for
it on the speedometer. - Look-
Automobiles do not run down
nearly so many people as gossip
does. - Houghton Line
Obstacles are those frightful
things you see when you take
your eye off the goal. - Con-
struction Digest
Compounded as Your
Doctor Orders it!
When we compound your prescrip-
tion you may be sure we follow
doctor's orders. Only
capable, licensed
pharmacists do the
compounding. Only
fresh, full strength
materials used.
Slater, S. C.
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