V. 4 No. 36 - The Slater News







[Sketch of mill building] Old Slater Mill PAWTUCKET, R. I. EST. 1790

Vol. 4 Slater, S. C. June 12, 1947 No. 34

[Birdseye view sketch of building] Slater Mill SLATER, SO. CAROLINA 1943

Summer Program Gets Underway

The Special Summer Program for children will get under way Monday morning, June 16th, at 9:00 o'clock. Although, officially, it started last Monday, June 9, there was no announcement made because of the Vacation Bible School being held at the Slater Baptist Church.

This program is sponsored and supervised by the Slater Community Association, whose desire is to furnish wholesome recreation and entertainment for the younger folk of the community. The supervised activities will run for a period of ten weeks, excluding the week of July 4th, and will be under competent leaders.

Each Monday and Friday at 10:00 o'clock, a free movie will be shown for the children who are taking part in the program. Pictures have been selected with the thought of education, fun, and entertainment in mind. Plans are being made for special features, such as: boxing, community parties, special programs, and tournaments.

The regular playground program will begin each morning at 9:00 o'clock and end at 12:00 o'clock. The afternoons will be devoted to club work, scouting, and special features. Skating on the tennis courts will begin

(Con't. on page 2, col. 3)


It is hard for anyone to concede that spring is here and summer just around the corner until they have some kind of outing. The Preparation Department's "Good Will Club", made up exclusively of third shifters, sprang to its feet and came out from hibernation on May 10 with a very successful first meeting of the year at Paris Mountain State Park.

Through the cooperative efforts of the members and the excellent menu prepared by Loag Landreth, the barbecue really hit the spot for some thirty persons present. This outing started the summer social activities for the third shifters. It is expected that the club will reach a very high membership, during the summer months, for there is much interest already created.

Preparation Department employees are always eager to create a more friendly attitude with one another, and this fellowship club provides an excellent opportunity for carrying out this purpose. The small club fee provides plenty of fun and recreation and splendid meals. Plans are already underway for the next outing, which will be held in the month of June.

[Photo of gradution ceremony] [Spans columns 2, 3 and 4] Above are the graduates of the Slater-Marietta High School, along with their guests at the recent Commencement Exercises held at Slater Hall. Persons desiring copies of this and other pictures made at Commencement should see Claude Guest before June 30, 1947.

[column 2]


A voluntary fire department has been organized here at Slater with the following officials: Chief, Ansel McMakin; Assistant Chief, Ibra Peterson; Captain, Bill Lybrand; Secretary, Allen Suttle.

The purpose of this voluntary fire department is to provide fire protection for the homes here in the village of Slater and also for Company property.

Mr. J. R. Robinson of Shelby, N. C. who is the fire inspector for the Carter Fabrics Corporation group of Mills was present at one of these meetings, and recommends that certain fire fighting equipment be bought and placed throughout the village to aid the firemen in their work.

A great deal of interest has been manifested by these voluntary fire fighters, and the shifts have been arranged so that fire fighters come from each street and from each working shift.

If a fire should occur, persons should notify members of the

(Con't. on page 2, col. 3)

School Service Again Offered Slater Folks

This summer, as in the past several years, the Home Economic Teacher in the Slater-Marietta School will be of any assistance possible to those in the school communities, without any cost to anyone.

The teacher, Mrs. James N. Cleveland, II, will open the Home Economics Department in the school building every Wednesday, and at this time, any of the girls or ladies in the communities are invited to come and use any of the equipment in the Department. Mrs. Cleveland will be present to help you in any posible way.

Mrs. Cleveland will also be glad to come to your home and help you with any problem that you might have in connection with home economics.

[column 3]

Mrs. Burnette Is Hostess At Meet

The Womans Society of Christian Service of the Slater Methodist Church met at the home of Mrs. Roy Burnette at 7:30 p. m. on May 15.

The topic for the month was "The Child and His Family." The devotional was rendered by the president, Mrs. Dublin, with prayer by Mrs. Henry Taylor. Those presenting the program were Mrs. Nell Addington, Mrs. Lucile McMullan, Mrs. Hand, and Mrs. Roy Burnette.

During the business session it was reported that a total of $6.50 had been realized by the Society from selling brooms. The new Society of the colored women was also discussed. The local colored women are showing much interest in their new club, and it is hoped they will enjoy and derive much good from it.

There were eight members present at this meeting and the club was very happy to have Mrs. Burns as a visitor.

At the conclusion of the meeting, Mrs. Burnette, assisted by her sister, Miss Ruby

(Con't. on page 2, col. 3)


Dating from Monday, June 9th, Blue Bird Bus tickets will be sold in the Commissary by Mr. R. P. Canham.

These tickets are for the persons who ride to work on the three shifts here at Slater. It is our understanding that no one be allowed to ride these these buses unless they have a ticket; no cash fares will be accepted.

A clever man tells a woman he understands her; a stupid one tries to prove it.

[column 4]


A new anchor fence has recently been put around the baseball park here at Slater. The new fence will replace the old wooden fence which had fallen into decay during the war years when the park was not in use.

In addition, the Coca Cola Bottling Co. has built a new score board in center field for use in Slater games. The score board is to be used for the first time on Saturday, when Manager Rampey and his team play the strong Arial outfit.

In addition to the fence and score board, the grand stand is also being enlarged and extended 35 feet on the 3rd base side of the stand. Underneath these new stands will be dressing rooms, lockers, and showers for the use of the Slater Team. Hot

(Con't. on page 2, col. 3)

Home Economics Class Visits Slater Plant

On Wednesday, May 14th, the Second Year Home Economics Class of the Slater-Marietta High School, their teacher, Mrs. James N. Cleveland, II, and Mr. J. H. Barnett, Superintendent of the school, enjoyed a very interesting and educational tour of the Slater Manufacturing Co., Inc.

The class had been studying clothing construction, cloth and its finishes, and this was the climax of the unit.

Mr. W. Earle Reid accompanied the group through the plant. The members of the class who enjoyed the tour were: Betty Bruce, Vivian Camden, Eva Jean Chapman, Jean Drake, Joyce Drake, Hattie Alma Ervin, Nancy Ervin, Mildred Farthing, Jean Hester, Ruth McCarson, Christine Reynolds, Deloris Robinson, Madeline Robinson, Shirley Scarce, Alice Talley, Betty Talley, Margaret Talley, Betty Vassey, and Sarah Wylie.

[column 5]

T. B. X-Rays To Be Given Soon

Representatives of the Greenville County Health Department and the Hopewell Tuberculosis Association will be here at Slater on June 23rd, 24th, and 25th to X-Ray all persons at the Slater Plant for tuberculosis.

The methods of making these examinations have materially changed during the past few years. Formerly, it was necessary for persons to disrobe from the waist up in order to make these X-Rays, but with the new equipment now in use, persons taking these tests will not have to disrobe.

Tuberculosis testing is no new thing to the people in Slater, as this kind of testing has been made here on several occasions before. Throughout Greenville County this program will be carried out, and it is hoped that at least 20,000 people employed in the textile mills in the county will be XRayed.

The Management of Slater endorses these X-Rays highly, and is confident that all persons at Slater will want to be X-Rayed, although it is not compulsory.

Those found to have active tuberculosis will be notified personally, and also their family physician will be notified. In this way they can begin treatment for the disease at once.

(Con't. on page 2, col. 4)


The Young People's Class of Slater Baptist Church recently enjoyed a picnic at Paris Mountain State Park. The members of the class and the invited guests left Slater at 6:30 P. M. and reached the park at dusk.

Everyone carried a picnic lunch, and while these lunches were being placed on the tables, and the drinks being iced, a freezer of ice cream was prepared. After these delicious refreshments were served, several games were played until time to return to Slater.

Those attending the picnic were: Mr. and Mrs. W. Earle Reid, Rev. and Mrs. Charles Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cashion, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cashion, Miss Elizabeth Ammons, Miss Marion Brown, Miss Ellen Huffman, Miss Ann Thompson, Miss Carol Ann Richardson, Miss Mildred Farthing, Miss Jorene Vickers, Mrs. Ann Koonce, Mr. F. J. Brannon, Miss Frances Duncan, Mr. Maynard Veal, Miss Elaine Foster, Miss Clarissa Camden, Mr. Dillard Veal, Mr. Billy Knight, Miss Mary Dodson, and Miss Louise Booth.

Last edit 9 months ago by kat3005


Page Two THE SLATER NEWS June 12, 1947

[Column 1] The Slater News Published Every Two Weeks By Slater Manufacturing Co., Inc. Established 1790 In The Interest of Its Employees

STAFF ROBERT H. ATKINSON --------Editor CECIL S. ROSS ---------Asst. Editor LILY ALEXANDER ---Circulation Mgr. CLAUDE GUEST --------Photographer

REPORTERS Weave Room: Nellie Barnette, Gladys Cox, Rosalee Cox, Sarah Canham, Louise Bagwell, Pearl Price, Doris Jones and Sarah Lee Foster.

Preparation Department: Jessie Vassey, Julia Brown, Bertha Jones, Blanche McCall, Nellie Ruth Payne, Ruth Campbell, D. P. Garrick, Tom Boggs, and Marguerite Waddell.

Cloth Room: Opal W. Smith.

Commissary: Jorene Vickers.

Office: Betty Foster and Jeanne Ernest.

Community: Ruth Johnson, Ruby P. Reid, and Doris F. Atkinson.


Courtesy Wins

It is really surprising what courtesy will do for an organization and its people when sincerely and constantly practiced! Courtesy has a carry-over value that extends way beyond immediate reactions. Just as a stone tossed into a lake sends out a series of ripples that spread way beyond the spot where it landed; so does courtesy spread its influence. Besides the good will it generates, it also has the psychological effect of creating favorable impressions of a very specific nature.

An eastern utilities company operating four different services—gas, electricity, water, and telephone—made a survey of its standing with the public it served. One of its companies was found to enjoy a public esteem far exceeding that of the other three. The courteous manner in which its personnel had treated people had given it a fine reputation whereas one of the other companies was bitterly criticized because of the discourteous attitude of its people.

But the significant thing was the influence that courtesy and the lack of it had had on the thinking of the patrons of the two companies. The company well thought of seldom had its rates or meter readings questioned. Only nineteen precent of the patrons who were specically asked felt that its rates were high and only fourteen percent were disposed to question the accuracy of its meterreadings. Forty-three per cent considered the company active in promoting civic welfare.

In the case of the company that lacked courtesy, forty-seven percent declared its rates too high, and forty percent were sure its meter-readings were dishonest or faulty. Only


A couple of small girls caught in a sudden shower and squealing as they run toward home, the larger one slowing her steps while she urges the smaller one to hurry.

A small boy with an empty canteen over his shoulder and a lovely case of sunburn on his bare legs, limping slowly home on a late Saturday afternoon. He pauses to rub a hand along his aching neck and wonders if the fun was worth the pain.

A camera fan taking shots of color film of the roses in bloom around the fence down at the plant—a picture that just begged to be taken; what with the velvety green grass and red and yellow roses, it is a spot of beauty on our spring landscape.

A group of children sprawled on the grass in the shade of a tall pine tree and each one deeply engrossed in the perusal of a copy of modern literature —comic books.

A lovely mid-morning in late May, a shady porch filled with a group of happy people, laughing and talking in the pleasant comradship of a family, and a pause in the talk while a trio of ladies join their voices in singing a few familiar old gospel hymns. All reminscent of yesterday when families went on spend-the-day visits.

The very efficient guardian of our peace patrolling the streets and casting a watchful eye about for those who might be tempted to disturb our peace— and have you noticed, my friend, that careless driving in our village is on the decline?

three percent were of the opinion that that company was doing anything for the community.

While the report of this survey did not mention how the employees of the two companies were affected, the chances are a hundred to one that those of the well regarded company find their work easier and more satisfying. They do not have to placate disgruntled patrons. Those who go out to read its meters are not suspected of dishonesty or carelessness. Customers have confidence in them and in the company they represent. They enjoy friendly relationships, whereas those who read meters for the company that is in disfavor are treated indifferently, if not with hostility. It is easy to decide which company is the better of the two to work for.

There is a good lesson in this for people who want to make their work and the work of others easier and more congenial. Just cultivate and practice well-mannered efficiency in dealing with people, and let the courtesy ripples spread their amazing influence. You have nothing to lose — and everything to gain.


One 38 Cal. S. & W. Pistol. New, Police Special — Price $65.00. Also one box of ammunition. See Boyce Parnell, Preparation Department, 2nd Shift.

[Column 3] Cloth Room Chatter

Elizabeth Rowland has been out from work recently due to the illness of her two children, Jo Ann and Bobby. We are happiy to hear that they are much better.

Mrs. Estelle Veal was glad to have her mother, Mrs. Tom Willis, of North Carolina, for a two weeks' visit with her recently.

Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Epps and family enjoyed a delicious ice cream supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Epps recently.

Mrs. Burnette

(Con't. from page 1, col. 3)

Turner, served delicious sandwiches, strawberry shortcake, and iced drinks.

The Society will hold its next monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Lucile McMullan on Thursday night, June 12 at 7:30 p. m. All members are urged to attend and visitors will receive a warm welcome.

Baseball Park

(Con't. from page 1, col. 4)

water is to be furnished for these showers by electric water heaters. The necessary sewers for these facilities are also being installed.

The lights for the playing field cannot be installed until early 1948, due to the fact that the transformers cannot be delivered until that date. Part of the equipment, however, has already arrived and is now on hand.

There will be 120 lights in all when the field is lighted up. These lights will be mounted on 8 poles, to be erected around the field. The pole near 3rd base and 1st base will be 80 feet high, while the remaining 6 poles will be 75 feet high.

The lights are a new type which have never been used in this section before, and will have glass guards on the reflectors to keep the rain from breaking the lights, as is now the case in most parks equipped with flood lights.

These changes and additions in the Slater play field will make it second to none in this section of the country.

Fire Department

(Con't. from page 1, col. 2)

fire department. The representatives of the department by streets are as follows:

First Street—Roy Whitmire, Bud McMakin, Leon Pittman, Earl Waldrop, and Marion Henderson.

Second Street—Robert Godfrey, Frank Merrill, Henry Taylor, Roy Daniels, and Aubrey Ledford.

Third Street—Roy Summey, Bill Lybrand, Frank White, and Paul Cline.

Fourth Street—Ansel McMakin, Paul Foster, Roger Couch, and Sam Addington.

Summer Program

(Con't. from page 1, col. 1)

again Thursday, June 19th, at 6:30 o'clock P. M.

All children in the SlaterMarietta Communities, sixteen years of age and under, are urged to take advantage of our special summer program.


Gaynell Coleman, warper tender on 2nd shift has a birthday June 2nd. Happy Birthday, Gaynell.

C. D. Rice and family enjoyed a trip through Georgia this past week-end.

Mr. and Mrs. Omar Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. George Parten

T. B. X-Rays

(Con't. from page 1, col. 5)

Formerly, tuberculosis was one of the leading causes of death throughout the United States, but by the use of such checking and X-Raying, the number of deaths from this cause have reduced during the last few years. The best way this reduction can be carried further is for every person to take these tests and cooperate with the officials in charge of the work.


The northern coast of Honduras has been called a 'world within a world.'' Here the United Fruit Company has thousands of acres of rich banana lands. Its ''world'' takes care of the complicated job of growing, packing and shipping the bananas and provides for the welfare of the employees who do the job. For the employees, who include the majority of the people of the area, United Fruit has built neat and sturdy houses, arranges for medical care, retirement and sickness insurance, and has established schools, hospitals and employees' commissaries.

The northern Hondurans have other industries besides banana culture. They are engaged in tanning, shoe making, the production of henequen bags and ropes, the running of the small village stores and markets. Another northern Honduran industry, and one of the most intriguing, is the production of some of the finest of what are erroneously called ''Panama hats.'' Production of these beautifully made hats is centered in the tiny town of Santa Barbara with its groves of fan-shaped palm trees which yield the long-fibered junco from which the hat is woven. The junco is green when fresh but turns the beautiful offwhite color characteristic of panama hats when dried.

While Santa Barbara has a hat factory in the city proper, the majority of the weaving takes place in private homes scattered throughout the village and the valley and hills which surround it. The craftsmen who weave the hats also make purses, mats, and tiny lapel decorations with the fine fibers; they use broader, rougher ones for coarser hats, for shipping bags and for a variety of basketry.

[Column 5]

and family enjoyed a picnic dinner down on the old river bank Sunday afternoon.

The Adult Training Union Class of Marietta Baptist Church enjoyed a steak supper May 29th at the Slater Golf Course. Many thanks to the Slater Community Association for this accommodation.

Seventh Grade Give Last Play

A very entertaining chapel program was presented Wednesday, May 14, by Mrs. Tilman's section of the seventh grade of Slater-Marietta High School. The program consisted of three short skits or plays.

The devotional was given by Garnie Burnette, and then the entire audience sang ''Onward Christian Soldiers,'' which was led by Vernie Pridmore.

The first play presented was entitled ''The Snappy School.'' The cast was as follows: Alfred, Jack Dean; Lawrence, Alvin Robinson; Hugh, Fred Revis, Albert, Robert, Garland; Robert Lewis Vaughn; Joshua, Guy Shirley; Margaret, Josephine Story; Patsy, Joyce Snipes; Elizabeth, Garnie Burnette; Myrtle, Joan Ledbetter; Lena, Betty Ervin; Johanna, Joyce Hargrove; and the teacher, Miss Snappy, was Sara Faye Johnson.

The second play was entitled ''The Physical Torture Club,'' and the following students participated: Richard Burnette, Frances Murr, Robert Garland, and Joyce Hargrove.

Lastly, a play entitled ''The Lunatic or Professor'' was presented by the following students: Vernie Pridmore, Garnie Burnette, Lewis Vaughn, and Fred Revis.

Vernie Pridmore then led the audience in singing 'My Old Kentucky Home,'' and ''Drink to Me Only with Thine Eyes.''


[Cartoon] ''TAKE IT EASY"



Last edit 9 months ago by kat3005


June 12, 1947 THE SLATER NEWS Page Three

[Column 1] GOINGS-ON - - - - - IN WEAVE ROOMS -

Mr. J. A. Pierce has been off for a couple of days, attending graduation exercises. His son finished with a scholarship. Congratulations Jim!

The second shift is glad to welcome Mr. Ed Farmer back on the job. We are also glad to have ''Shorty'' Vaughn back with us after a short absence.

We are sorry to hear of the illness of Ira Ward. We hope he will soon be well again.

Mr. and Mrs. Duck Smith, Marcelle Gavis and Mrs. A. L. Smith and son enjoyed a motor trip to the mountains Sunday.

Daisy Batson has a new nephew, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Owens of Travelers Rest.

Mr. and Mrs. Turner Jones spent Sunday with friends in Liberty, S. C.

We welcome Edgar Ellison as a new weaver to No. 2 Weave Room.

The employees of Weave Room No. 1 Wish to welcome Evertie Reeves back to work.

Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bright were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Richardson in Greenville Sunday.

We welcome Mr. F. K. Epps to Weave Room No. 1 as Overseer of the third shift.

Mr. and Mrs. Lee V. Duncan have as their week-end guest, their daughter of Laurens, S. C.

For sometime Mr. A. L. Martin has worn a proud look on his face, and walked with a swagger in his stride. At first it was all a mystery—but leave it to the girls to find out! He has completely remodeled his home.

The employees on Job No. 2 have organized a club to send flowers, in case of sickness or death, to their fellow-workers. The membership fee is fifteen cents per week.

Mrs. Fannie Goldsmith was a recent guest in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Hattie Camden.

Miss Mary Chastain has as her week-end guest, Miss Doris Win.

Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Thrift and children enjoyed boat riding at Tuxedo, Sunday.

We are sorry to learn that C. L. Francis' little girl is a patient at the General Hospital in Greenville. We hope she is soon able to return home.

Weave Room No. 3 extends a hearty welcome to Norwood Pitman. Norwood received his discharge from the Navy May 25, 1947.

Mr. C. L. Sprouse was honored with a birthday dinner at his home last Sunday. Out of town guests were: Mrs. Cora Sprouse and Mrs. Roy Jackson of Ware Shoals, and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Sprouse of Piedmont.

We are sorry to learn that Mrs. Ruby Stone is a patient at Coleman's Hospital, and wish for her a speedy recovery.

Mrs. G. J. Vickers and daughter, Jorene, visited relatives in Laurens and Columbia last week-end.

Mr. Curt Ramey and son, Johnny, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Sprouse.

Linda Burnett, small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Burnett, is getting along nicely after having had her tonsils removed recently.

[Column 2] Have you noticed the great big smile Mrs. Bernice Foster is wearing lately? She is the proud grandmother of a new baby boy.

Mrs. Worthy of Greenville was a visitor in the home of her brother, James Smith, last Sunday. James reports that they enjoyed a fine chicken dinner together.

Rosa Lee Cox and a number of friends motored to Tuxedo, N. C. last Sunday. Rose Lee's cousin, Margaret Jones, came back home with her for a visit.

On the way to Marietta from Slater, you can see a little cement block home on the hillside, surrounded by pine trees. It's cute too. Well, that is the new home of Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Canham, and they have already moved in. Here's wishing lots of happiness to them!

Doris Pridmore spent an enjoyable day at Table Rock State Park last Sunday.

Veda and H. C. Epps were week-end guests of Mrs. Fannie Epps. Mrs. Epps says one of her greatest pleasures is having her children come back home for a visit.

Mr. and Mrs. Claude Johnson and daughter and Mrs. Earline Thrift and two small daughters, were recent visitors in N. C. They report that they especially enjoyed a trip to Chimney Rock and Lake Lure.

Mr. C. W. Kuykendall says he has an increase in his family. Oh No! It is a new son-in-law. His daughter, Mary Frances, was married to Frank McClain in Pickens on Monday evening.

Miss Edythe Owens spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. Ben Gilstrap.

Billie Raines, his parents, and his sister, Ginny, had a grand time visiting in the home of his grandmother, Mrs. R. L. Youngblood, recently.

The employees of Weave Room No. 3, were certainly glad to welcome Carl Ward back to work. In addition to being sick himself, Carl's baby was badly burned on the hand. We are glad the baby is also recovering.

At last! Gordon Breedlove has really traded cars.

Elizabeth Edens and Ethel Talley enjoyed being together again. ''Lizzie'' visited in Clemson recently.

We all had the pleasure of wishing Mr. George Ballenger a Happy Birthday, May 17th. He was showered with gifts of candy, cigarettes, gum, etc., but refused to tell his age. But Mrs. Ballenger gave him a birthday dinner, and we found out— There were sixteen candles on his cake!

Mr. Roy Fowler and his wife and son were recent visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Burrell.

Mrs. Willie Mae Henderson had a special treat recently. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Warren and daughter, Bonnie, were visitors in Mrs. Henderson's home. Mrs. Warren is a Greenville girl, and the former Miss Della West. She and her husband are returned Missionaries from South Africa.

Mrs. Mamie Lee Newell of Orlando, Fla., sister of Mr. W. F. Fowler, was a recent visitor

[Column 3] Theatre Guide

June 14, 1947 ''CODE OF THE WEST'' Starring: James Warren Debra Alden

June 16, 1947 ''BEAT THE BAND'' Starring: Frances Langford Phillip Terry Gene Krupa Ralph Edwards June Clayworth

June 20, 1947 ''GALLANT BESS'' Starring: Marshall Thompson Clem Bevans George Tobias

June 21, 1947 ''DEAD RECKONING'' Starring: Humphrey Bogart Lizabeth Scott

June 23, 1947 ''IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE'' Starring: James Stewart Lionel Barrymore Donna Reed

June 27, 1947 ''FARMER'S DAUGHTER'' Starring: Loretta Young Ethel Barrymore Joseph Cotten

here. She was the dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. George Burrell. The nieces and nephews of Mrs. Newell all met at the Burrell home also. It was quite a family get-together. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Pepper and Neta Burrell also were recent guests of the George Burrell's. It would seem that Mr. and Mrs. Burrell are doing a lot of entertaining in their new home.

Thomas Williams is now working in Weave Room No. 1. We hated to see him leave us, but hope he will like his new location.

Pearl Price, John Altman, Evelyn Altman, and Mollie Baughman motored to Anderson, S. C. Sunday afternoon.

[Picture spans columns 3-4] Dr. Carl G. Campbell, Pastor of the Vineville Baptist Church of Macon, Ga., is seen above delivering the Commencement address to the graduates of the Slater-Marietta School.


Miss Sybil Flanagan of Greenville was the week-end guest of Miss Jorene Vickers this past week-end.

We would like to congratulate Roy Dean, as he was one of the graduates to finish Slater-Marietta High School this year.

Mr. and Mrs. Fulton Hamilton recently spent the week with their daughter, Mary, in South Boston. They report that they had a very nice visit.

We have a nice supply of aluminum ware down at the canteen, which includes: tea kettles, double boilers, coffee pots, and also electric fans and irons. Drop in to see our display.

We are sorry that Arthur Brown has been out for several days. Hope he will soon be back at work.

Pearl Price has as a visitor this week, her grandmother, Mrs. Cynthia Reece of Greenville.

Bernice Foster has had to be out for several days due to illness in the family. We are glad to hear that all are just fine now.

Mr. and Mrs. George Vaughn have a big baby boy at their home. He weighs 7 lbs. and 10 ozs., and has been named Kenneth George. Congratulations!

Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Southern of 25 Hyde Street, Greenville, are happy to know that their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reed from San Antonio, Texas, are to arrive in Greenville June 6 for a two weeks visit.

Mr. and Mrs. John Humphries had Mrs. Humphries' Mother and two sisters as their guests Sunday.


(By Barbara Godfrey, Scribe)

On Wednesday, May 14, 1947 the Brownie Troop of Slater


The librarian wishes to thank the parents of the Story Hour members for their splendid cooperation in sending their children to the practices held in preparing for the public program staged by the Story Hour groups. Without the parents' help in this matter, it would have been impossible to present the children in such a program. We are happy that the parents of our community realize that these public programs which present the tiny tots in a performance each summer are arranged as a part of the training offered to those who belong to Story Hour. Parents, we commend you for your cooperation and interest in this part of the library program, and we thank you for your appreciation of this phase of the children's work.

Again, two of our library patrons have remembered the library by donating some of their own books.

Peggy Scarce, member of the Girl's Library Club, gave a delightful little book called ''Sleepy Time Stories.'' This book contains a collection of stories which have long been favorites with children. We appreciate Peggy's thoughtfulness in giving this book to the library.

Mrs. Roy Burnette has very kindly remembered the library by donating a book entitled ''Hungry Hill.'' This title, written by Daphne du Maurier, has been very popular, and we thank Mrs. Burnette for her kindness in giving a copy of this book to the library.

Several Story Hour children have recently had their tonsils removed at the Wood Memorial Clinic. These children are Linda Burnette, Marcia Dale Burgess, and Aaron McCollum. We are glad that these youngsters are getting along nicely, and wish for them a very speedy recovery.

went to the Fish Hatchery at River Falls.

When we arrived at the Fish Hatchery, we took off our shoes and went to see the fish. We saw one huge fish which looked like it was blue.

Then we went to the river. The rocks in the water and the flowers on the bank made it very beautiful. We waded in the water, which was very cold at first but we soon got used to it. After wading awhile, we roasted the hotdogs and then returned to the river.

Sandra and I were standing on a rock when Martha Robinson saw a lizard on it. Sandra jumped and I almost fell in the water.

Finally it was time to go home, but no one wanted to leave.

On the return trip, we saw three red birds which were red as could be.

Upon returning to Slater, everyone said they had a good time and then went home.

Last edit 9 months ago by kat3005


Page Four THE SLATER NEWS June 12, 1947

[Column 1] Births

Mr. and Mrs. Clyde C. Bridwell announce the arrival of a son, Larry Clyde, on April 25 at the St. Francis Hospital in Greenville.

Mrs. Bridwell is the former Miss Mae Bell Goldsmith.

Mr. Bridwell is employed with the Maintenance Department of Slater Manufacturing Co., Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Rice of Greenville wish to announce the birth of a daughter, Gwendolyn May, on May 25 at the Greenville General Hospital.

Mrs. Rice is the former Miss Zara Wilma Berry of Greenville.

Mr. Rice is now employed with the Slater Company.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Boyd of Marietta are the proud parents of a daughter born at the Wood Memorial Clinic on May 29. The little girl weighed 6 lb. 2 oz. at birth.

Mrs. Boyd is the former Miss Lucy Sloan of Marietta.

Mr. Boyd is an employee of the Slater Manufacturing Co., Inc. and works in the Preparation Department.

Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Jones of Cleveland announce the arrival of a daughter at the Wood Memorial Clinic on May 28. The baby weighed 8 lb. at birth.

Mrs. Jones is the former Miss Ollie Conway of Greenville.

Mr. Jones is employed in farming in the Cleveland community.

Mr. and Mrs. Bliss McCall of Slater are the proud parents of a daughter, Sherry Jean, born at the Wood Memorial Clinic on May 23. The little girl weighed 7 lb. 11 oz. at birth.

Mrs. McCall is the former Miss Ernestine Rice.

Mr. McCall is an employee of the Slater Manufacturing Co., Inc. and works in the Weaving Department.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Cox, Jr. announce the arrival of a son at the Wood Memorial Clinic on May 22. The little boy, who has been named Tony Alan, weighed 7 lb. 10 oz. at birth.

Mrs. Cox is the former Miss Grace Burns.

Mr. Cox is an employee of the Slater Company.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Owens are the proud parents of a 7 ½ lb. son, Russel Franklin, born on Thursday, May 23rd, at the Coleman Hospital.

Mrs. Owens is the former Miss Ella Mae Batson.

Mr. and Mrs. Perry Burns announce the birth of a daughter, Mary Ann, on May 14, 1947.

Mrs. Burns is the former Miss Junie Mae Kidde.


During gold rush days in California, a lady took her infant to the theater one evening and it started crying just as the orchestra began to play.

[Column 2]

[Picture spans columns 2-4] J. A. White, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the local School, is shown awarding scholarships to three graduates of the Slater-Marietta School at the recent Commencement Exercises. Misses Ruth Laws and Doris Hargrove will attend Winthrop College and James Ansel Pierce, Jr. will attend Clemson College


The Y. W. A. girls of the Slater Baptist Church met Friday night, May 16, at the home of Mrs. Stanley Hawkins.

During the evening plans were discussed for an outing to be held at Table Rock State Park.

Following the program, the girls surprised Mrs. Hawkins with a handkerchief shower, after which refreshments were served.

Those attending this meeting were: Misses Ruth Campbell, Jorene Vickers, Shirley Scarce, Joan Barrett, Mary Dodson, Marion Brown, Blondine Voyles, Mildred Farthing and Ellen Huffman.

''Stop those fiddles and let the baby cry,'' called a man in the pit. ''I haven't heard such a sound in ten years!''

The audience applauded the sentiment wildly, the orchestra was stopped, and the baby continued its performance amid unbounded enthusiasm.

Readers of the Wyanet (Illinois) Record got a jolt recently when it appeared with one page blank save for an apologetic statement in small type: ''Don't laugh. We had a helluva time filling the other three pages.''

''No, no, no,'' exclaimed Giovanni Martinelli, the opera star. ''The pipe, the cigar, the cigarettes!''

Reporters who had come to interview the famous singer hastily extinguished the three evils, when he explained that the smoke made his throat sore.

''But didn't you endorse a cigarette once?'' asked a reporter.

''Si, si,'' admitted the smiling tenor. ''But remember what I said. I said, ''These cigarettes never make my throat sore,' and that is true. They never do.''

''Because,'' a reporter sug-

[Column 3] Bobby Traps Set For Men In June

One thing the twentieth century has yet to warn men about is the dangers of the month of June. June is the month of brides.

That means open season on males of the human species. Any man with half an eye can see the writing on the wall. True the camouflage is thick with wedding gown, diamond ring, flowers and furniture ads. But a man with his eye to the future will see through it all.

It adds up to brides, marriages, a lifetime of—well, just listen to the men who've already fallen.

Just ignore the temperature, flower smells, blue skies and love lyrics of the latest songs. Put yourself in the place of those pheasants you and your friends surround each season. Haven't got a chance, have they? Well, take a good look in the mirror.

What can the male do about it? Well, he can fight a delaying action—for awhile. But he will soon find he has few friends. His married pals will collaborate because misery loves company.

The proposed father and mother-in-law will add to the booby traps. His own parents will begin to see visions of grandchildren. Everybody will say, ''It's time you settled down. Nothing like it.'' Everywhere he turns, the male is surrounded.

June leaves the male two choices: To hold out as long as possible or to go under fast and gracefully. Anyway you look at it, June is the month of brides.

Just look at the magazines!

gested, ''you never smoke them?''

''Si, si,'' laughed Martinelli. ''I never smoke them. I never smoked anything in my life.''

[Column 4] OFFICE NEWS

Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hayes attended graduation exercises at Winthrop College last weekend.

Clara Schwiers was a guest of Betty McMullan at the 16-30 Club last Thursday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Riley Farr motored to Asheville last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Rogers attended the Alumni Banquet at North Greenville Junior College, May 29th.

Mr. Penn Acree attended the National Office Management Association last week at Cincinnati. En route home he drove through the Ohio Valley and down the Skyline Drive.

Miss Clarissa Camden attended a picnic Saturday at the Table Rock State Park.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Foster of Woodruff announce the engagement of their daughter Betty to Mr. Lewis Gillespie of Easley.

We welcome Miss Frances Miller to the Production Department this summer. She will return to her studies at Winthrop College this fall.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Atkinson and son Bobby recently visited Mr. Atkinson's mother at Hagood, S. C.

[Poem spans column 4-5] Stick Like A Stamp

There was a little postage stamp No bigger than your thumb, But still it stuck right on the job Until its work was done.

They licked it and they pounded it 'Til it would make you sick, But the more it took a licking, Why, the tighter it would stick.

So friends, let's be like the postage stamp In playing life's rough game, And just keep on a sticking, Though we hide out heads in shame.

For the stamp stuck to the letter 'Til it saw it safely through; There's no one could do better, Let's keep sticking and be true. —Unknown.

[Column 5] Activities Keep Baptist Busy

The T.E.L. Class of the Slater Baptist Church met Friday, May 30th, at the home of Mrs. H. S. Richardson. There were seventeen members present. After the meeting was called to order by the president, Mrs. Delia Miller, the group sang the hymn ''My Faith Looks Up to Thee.'' Mrs. Charles Thompson rendered the devotional, and the class was led in prayer by Mrs. Nora Waldrop.

A committee, appointed to elect officers, re-elected Mrs. Raymond Johnson as teacher of the class for another year.

After the close of the meeting, Mrs. Scarce had charge of several interesting games for the evening. After the games had been concluded, the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Cecil Hyer, served delicious refreshments. A very delightful evening was enjoyed by all who attended.

The G. A. Girls of the Slater Baptist Church gave the Sunbeams a social during Focus Week. They met at the church, and after the program had been presented, they all went out on the lawn to play games. Homemade ice cream and cookies were then served to the thirtyone who were present for the occasion.

Mrs. Charles Thompson took pictures of the Sunbeams and also the G. A. Girls and their leaders, Miss Elizabeth Ammons and Mrs. H. S. Richardson.

The Intermediate G. A. Girls of the Slater Baptist Church met Tuesday, May 27th, at the home of Mrs. Charles T. Thompson. Eight members were present. The meeting was opened with a prayer by Miss Elizabeth Ammons. The girls then sang their G. A. Song, "We've A Story To Tell To the Nations.'' Madge Robinson was in charge of the program on which two other girls read stories. Those taking part were: Josephine Knight, and Betty Moody. Elaine Foster closed the meeting with a prayer after which the hostess, Mrs. Charles T. Thompson served cake and punch.

Miss Elizabeth Ammons is the leader of the Girl's Auxiliary, and has the assistance of Mrs. H. S. Richardson.

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