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August 21, 1947 THE SLATER NEWS Page Three


Friends of Jesse C. Reynolds
will be sorry to learn that he is
in the hospital. We wish for
him a speedy recovery.

Miss Dorothy Barnett
honored her mother with a
birthday dinner Sunday, Aug-
ust 3.

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Bar-
nett enjoyed the week-end with
Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Belt of

We are sorry to hear of the
death of Mr. Marion Hender-
son's sister. Mr. Henderson has
our deepest sympathy.

Employees of Weave Room
No. 1 welcome Mrs. Ethel Clary
to their department as a bat-
tery filler.

Askell, Leland, and Douglas
Barnett say they enjoyed their
recent fishing trip although
their luck was poor. We wish
you better luck next time, boys.

Rev. Buster Martin, pastor of
the Cedar Lane Baptist Church,
and his family were the Sunday
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
G. A. Thrift of Travelers Rest.

Miss Sarah Lee Foster and
Edward Bryant enjoyed boat
riding at Table Rock State
Park, Sunday.

Miss Louise Waldrop, daugh-
ter of Mr. T. E. Waldrop,
recently visited her parents
here at Slater. Louise is a nurse
at University Hospital in
Augusta, Ga.

Mr. and Mrs. Buford Peter-
son are the proud parents of a
big boy.

Third shifters in No. 2 wel-
come James Robinson and El-
bert McDonald, Jr. to their

Mrs. Teague Jones of
Atlanta, Ga. was a recent
visitor of Mrs. G. E. Smith.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Owens
and son and Misses Daisy and
Jessie Batson were Sunday
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Walt Stroud.

Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Smith of
Greenville, Mr. William Peake
of Asheville, and Mr. and Mrs.
Turner Jones enjoyed a picnic
at Ball Rock recently.

Mrs. Georgia Smith and son,
A. L., are spending a few days
with Mrs. G. E. Smith.

Third shift employees in No.
2 miss Frank Foster since he
has been transferred to the
second shift, but wish him the
best of luck.

S/Sgt. A. L. Smith celebrated
his birthday August 3 in the
49th General Hospital in
Tokyo, Japan. We are glad to
learn that he isn't seriously ill.

We are glad to hear that
John and Willie Hart's two
sisters are recuperating nicely
after being injuried recently in
an automobile accident.

Duck Smith tells us that Mr.
Frank Thompson, third shift
overseer in No. 2, is a good
carpenter as well as overseer.
We understand Mr. Thompson
has been doing quite a bit of
carpenter work recently.

Second shifters in No. 2 are
glad to have Frank Taylor
working with them and hope
he will enjoy his work.

Carolyn Ann and Elaine Bell-
amy, little daughters of Mr.
and Mrs. Buford Bellamy, are
visting their grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. Holman Fowler,
in Danielsville, Ga.

Employees of the second shift
in No. 2 welcome James Shock-
ley, Jr. as a weaver.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pridmore
had as their recent guest, Miss
Sallie Crow of Inman.

Miss Pearl Price and her
mother, Mrs. Ruby Price, along
with several other members of
the family, were recent visitors
in their home town, Spring
Creek, N. C.

Lawrence E. Smith will be
greatly missed by all his Slater
friends, who wish him the best
of luck on his new job. We wel-
come Arthur Brown to fill the

Miss Pearl Price and family
gave her brother, William
Price, a birthday dinner Sun-
day. The dinner was enjoyed
by everyone present.

Second shifters in No. 2 were
sorry to lose their overseer, Mr.
R. W. Couch, Jr., who was
transferred to Carter Fabrics
Corporation in South Boston,
Va. They wish him the best of
luck on his new job. Mr. R. L.
Sartain, who has been working
as loom fixer, is being promoted
to overseer to fill Mr. Couch's

Alvin Rice is working
temporarily in the Supply
Room, and we hear he is doing
a good job.

Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Huffman
had as their guest last week,
Mrs. Dorothy Warren of Hick-
ory, N. C.

Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Henson
of Slater, S. C. announce the
marriage of their daughter,
Iris Evelyn, to John Earl Guest,
son of Mr. and Mrs. John Guest
of Travelers Rest, S. C.

The wedding was solemnized
on August 2 at 3:00 o'clock at
the home of the officiating
minister, the Rev. Stevie P.
Hester, pastor of the Reedy
River Baptist Church.

The bride's attire consisted of
an aqua gabardine suit with
which she used black and white
accessories. Her corsage was of
red rosebuds.

The young couple enjoyed a
short wedding trip to Asheville,
N. C., and they are now at
home with the groom's parents.

[Column Two]
One night William Howard
Taft, then a young law report-
er, finished studying a case in
Somerville, Ohio, and dis-
covered that he could not get
back to his office that night un-
less he could stop a through
express. He wired division
headquarters: "Will you stop
through express at Somerville
to take on large party?"
Promptly came back the reply:

When the train arrived, the
conductor said to Mr. Taft,
"Where's the large party we
were to take on?"

Mr. Taft regarded his own
comfortable bulk ruefully and
laughed. "I'm it," he said,
stepping aboard the train.

Theatre Guide

August 23, 1947
Allen Lane
Martha Wentworth
Bobby Blake
August 25, 1947
Gene Kelly
Charles Winninger
Marie McDonald
August 29, 1947
William "Bill" Elliott
John Carroll
Vera Ralston
August 30, 1947
Joan Bennett
Charles Bickford
Robert Ryan
September 1, 1947
Tim Holt
Richard Martin
Martha Hyer
September 5, 1947
Alan Ladd
William Bendix
Brian Donlevy
Popular Book Now
At Slater Library

The Slater Library has a
copy of one of the leading best
sellers, "The Egg And I," by
Betty MacDonald.

This book is an account of
the experience of two newly
weds who wanted to buy a little
place in the country and get
away from it all! These young
people tried to realize their
dreams by embarking upon the
development of a chicken farm
on the west coast. Bob knew
a few rudiments of the poultry
business, but Betty thought of
chickens and eggs only in terms
of "something to eat". What
she learned about the egg, baby
chicks who were always trying
to kill themselves, insects,
moonshiners, Indians, bears,
pigs, and Neighbors is the
theme of this rollicking, enter-
taining book which is bubbling
with humor.

Get "The Egg And I" at the
Slater Library and read it at
your earliest convenience.

For the last few years, the
United States has enthusiasti-
cally imported from Middle
America vast amounts of a
"product" which, added togeth-
er, would probably fill only a
brief case. The "product" is the
native music of these neighbor-
ing countries to the south. Re-
cently, however, the tables were
turned when songwriters Albert
Gamse and Irving Fields of
New York came up with a hit
tune titled "Managua, Nicara-
gua." The song found such
favor with Nicaraguans that
the two New Yorkers have been
awarded that Middle American
country's Distinguished Service


In view of the fact that there
are many sweltering days
ahead before summer gives way
to cool, bracing Autumn days,
we wish to pass on to our read-
ers a number of "Tips and
Tricks" listed in "The Home-
maker" magazine for July,
1947—tips that we believe will
prove helpful to all those who
like to beat the hot weather
with picnics or other forms of
outdoor eating.

"The Homemaker" begins
this General Feature by listing
eight pointers under the title,
"Pleasure-Packed Picnics."
Since space does not permit us
to give you all of these pointers,
we list verbatim the following

1. Do flies and bees bother
you when you picnic? Cover
your food with old metal lamp
shade frames to which you have
attached mosquito netting. Or
protect your food with the
bottom part of a transparent
hat box.

2. For quantity cooking on
a picnic, construct this simple
barbecue pit. Cut an air vent
from the side of an old wash
tub, and then remove the bot-
tom. Attach wire grate or
heavy mesh screen to bottom
and place over coals, bottom
side up. On this you can cook
a lot of hot dogs at once.

3. An ordinary bread or cake
box makes an excellent picnic
hamper. Attach a leather strap
to keep the lid closed and use
the strap as a handle. Or carry
your lunch in an old suitcase,
gaily painted.

4. An old-fashioned corn
popper works well as an out-
doors wiener broiler. Be sure
to get a long-handled one to
save burnt fingers.

5. If you pack food for pic-
nics in glass jars, protect the
jars from breakage when
traveling with strips of rubber.
Just cut an old inner tube into
inch-wide strips and place two
of these around each jar.

Now let us give you two of
"The Homemaker's" tips for
outdoor cooking:

1. Surprise the folks by put-
ting the trimmings inside,
rather than on top of the ham-
burgers! Make two thin ham-
burger patties of beef, salt and
pepper. On top of one, place a
very thing slice of onion, a table-
spoon of sweet pickle relish,
then the other patty. Pinch
edges of the patties together
and fry or broil until brown.
Serve in a bun. Or instead of
the pickle relish, use horse rad-
ish, catsup, or mustard.

2. When serving roasted
corn or barbecued chicken to be
eaten with the fingers, your
guests will appreciate it if you
have warm water handy. A
child's gay sand bucket makes
an appropriate finger bowl.

With these few tips for en-
joyable picnics and outdoor
cooking, let us wish for you
many happy outdoor excursions
during the remainder of the
summer. And incidentally, how
about taking a book or maga-
zine to read as you relax some-
where in a shady nook! The
library can supply you with
this material, so come in and
select some today. We'll be
looking for you.


The August 4 meeting of the
Girls' Library Club was a very
enjoyable occasion since it fea-
tured a "cooking party". The
girls met at the library and
selected their books, after
which they went to the com-
munity kitchen at Slater Hall.
There the group made "cinna-
mon squares" which were
served with Pepsi-Colas during
the social period.

The following girls are mem-
bers of the club: Sandra Bur-
gess, Diane Barnes, Joyce Bry-
ant, Nancy Burnette, Frances
Burnette, Marcelle Buchanan,
Judy Cox, Molly Cooper, Ann
Orr Cooper, Elaine Childs,
Sarah Jane Christopher, Car-
olyn Dixon, Barbara Godfrey,
Sigrid Gosnell, Betty Garrett,
Joyce Hargrove, Jackie Hay-
den, Barbara Lou Hester, Fran-
ces Hester, Sarah Faye John-
son, and Carolyn Moody.

Also: Mavis Morgan, Mary
Jane McMakin, Imogene Park-
er, Betty Lou Phillips, Jessie
Clyde Poole, June Pridmore,
Margaret Robinson, Martha
Robinson, Violet Ross, Joan
Rowland, Peggy Scarce, Fred-
die Truesdale, Gay Truesdale,
Mary Ann Tilley, Freida
Thornton, Ann Thompson,
Ruby Tolley, Barbara Ann
Thornton, Janice Williams, and
Molly White.

The drinks and the ingredi-
ents for the "cinnamon
squares" were furnished by the
Slater Community Association.

Mrs. Elliott Batson of Mari-
etta announces the marriage of
her daughter, Dorothy, to Elgin
Batson, son of Mr. Jordan
Batson and the late Mrs. Batson
of Travelers Rest, of August

The rites were performed at
the home of the Rev. J. T.
Gillispie, who used the double
ring ceremony.

Following a short wedding
trip to the mountains of
Virginia and Kentucky, the
couple is making their home
near Marietta.

Mrs. Batson is a graduate of
Slater-Marietta High School
and is currently employed in
the office of Slater Manufactur-
ing Co., Inc.
Card Of Thanks

Mrs. Delia Miller and family
wish to express their sincere
thanks and appreciation to the
ones who were so kind and
thoughtful to Mrs. Miller dur-
ing her illness and hospitaliza-

They especially thank those
who donated blood for trans-
fusions and those who offered
to donate. The flowers, cards,
visits, prayers, and expressions
of friendliness were also

May God's richest blessings
rest on each of you for having
been so considerate.

When right, you can afford
to keep your temper. When
wrong, you can't afford to lose
it.—Frank E. Polk, Birming-
ham News-Age-Herald.

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