V. 4 No. 42 - The Slater News



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[Picture of building in upper left corner] Old Slater Mill PAWTUCKET, R. I. EST. 1790

Vol. 4 Slater, S. C., September 18, 1947 No. 40

[Picture of building in upper right corner] Slater Mill SLATER, S0. CAROLINA 1943

[header spans from columns 1-2] Local School Begins Term With Largest Enrollment In History

[column 1]

The Slater-Marietta Schools began their 1947-48 session on Tuesday, September 2, 1947 with the largest enrollment in its history, according to J. H. Barnett, Superintendent.

The faculty met on September 1 at four o'clock at the school house for their first meeting of the year. They were welcomed to this community by Robert H. Atkinson, a member of the Board of Trustees of the school and also Industrial Relations Manager for the Slater Company. In a few words, Mr. Atkinson welcomed the teachers and explained briefly the set-up of community activities here at Slater. He extended all of the facilities of Slater to the teachers, urging them to become a part of community life here.

(Con't on page 2, col. 3)

[Picture of man wearing sport shirt that says SLATER. Picture and caption span columns 1-2] Above is pictured Perry M. Rampey, manager of the Slater Baseball Team, who led his team victoriously to the final series in the Piedmont Textile League play-off, in which they came out second.

In addition to his managerial duties, Rampey can be seen during each game either on the mound or in center field, where he always stars.

[return to top of column 2] INTERESTING MEETING HELD BY BAPTISTS

Members of the W. M. U. of the Slater Baptist Church met Tuesday night, September 9, at the church, with ten members present.

The meeting was opened with the hymn "Jesus Saves," after which prayer was offered by Mrs. Nannie Compton.

Mrs. Hines Richardson presided over the meeting in the absence of the president, Mrs. Jettie Ledford.

Mrs. Aubrey Ledford had charge of the program, which was centered around American Indians. Mrs. Roy Whitmire

(Con't. on page 2, col. 4)

[Top of column 3] Slater Second In League Finals

Slater celebrated the installation of its new lights at its baseball park on Saturday night, September 6. A large crowd was on hand to witness the game, which was the second in a series for the play-off with Union Bleachery in the Piedmont Textile Baseball League. Also on hand was a loud speaker, with music and announcements during the game.

In fact, everything that could be done to make it a gala occasion was done. The only thing to mar the night for the backers of the Slater nine was the fact that they lost to Union Bleachery behind the steady pitching of Roy Brooks, who allowed Slater only 2 runs while his mates were picking up 12 runs.

Bliss McCall, veteran Slater hurler, was on the mound for Slater. His fast ball and curves failed to break, and he yielded a total of 18 hits to the Bleacheryites. Bishop, Union Bleachery second baseman, and Roy Brooks, pitcher, each gathered 4 hits for their team to lead the hitting parade.

The Slater Team's play, both afield and at bat, was below par due to the fact this was their third game in four days. The game was a better one than the score indicates, and the crowd saw brilliant playing by both teams at times.

This game decided the playoff of the Piedmont Textile Baseball League with Union Bleachery winning both games in the best two out of three series against Slater. Union Bleachery won the right to enter the finals by eliminating Judson Mill, while Slater won the right to enter the finals by eliminating Arial Mill. This play-off ended in the same order as the regular season, with Union Bleachery in first place and Slater in second.

The box score is a follows:

Union Bleachery AB R H E
Heaton, rf 5 0 2 0
Bishop, 2b 6 4 4 0
R. Brooks, p 6 1 4 0
Turner, 3b 6 3 2 0
C. Brooks, c 5 2 2 1
Patterson, cf 5 0 3 0
Robertson, lf 5 0 0 0
Belcher, ss 5 1 1 0
Bell, 1b 5 1 1 0
Total 48 12 18 1
SLATER Dudley, 3b McMakin, lf Cashion, c Christopher, c Taylor, 1b Rampey, cf Wilson, 2b Lybrand, ss Hall, rf McCall, p Total

AB 5 5 4 1 5 3 4 2 4 4 37

R 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 2

H 2 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 9

E 2 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 1 0 7

U. Bleachery 120 210 231—12 Slater 020 000 000—2

Column 4

[Spans across columns 4 and 5] Slater Boarding House Being Remodeled For Local Teachers


Work is progressing satisfactorily on the new Negro twoteacher school building now being erected across the road from the location of the hold building. The new building is of brick and tile, and will be practically fire-proof when completed.

Erection of the new Negro school was mandatory when it was found that it would be necessary for two teachers to take care of the enrollment of this school. The Slater Manufacturing Co., Inc. accordingly, is building this school which will be turned

(Con't. on page 2, col. 4)

[Picture of Bliss McCall in his baseball uniform with baseball glove in hand. Spans across Columns 4 and 5] [Captioned below photo:] Mainstay of the Slater Baseball Team, in so far as pitching is concerned, is Bliss McCall. The veteran Bliss McCall has pitched many of the victories of the Slater Team during the past several years. His dazzling fast ball and curve have caused many textile baseball players throughout the Piedmont section of South Carolina to whiff the air many times.

[Column 5]

The old boarding house, located just across the street from the Wood Memorial Clinic, is being converted into a teacherage. This teacherage will be turned over to the Slater-Marietta School by the Slater Manufacturing Co., Inc. as soon as work is completed. Superintendent J. H. Barnett will be in charge of this teacherage as soon as it is turned over to the school.

Mr. and Mrs. W. Earle Reid will have quarters in the teacherage and will act as chaperons to those living in the teacherage.

It is understood that quarters will be provided on the first floor for men teachers, while the top floor will be used for lady teachers. Only single teachers will be allowed to live

(Con't. on page 3, col. 1)

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Page Two

The Slater News Published Every Two Weeks By Slater Manufacturing Co., Inc. Established 1790 In The Interest of Its Employees

STAFF ROBERT H. ATKINSON ________Editor CECIL S. ROSS _________Asst. Editor LILY ALEXANDER ___Circulation Mgr. CLAUDE GUEST ________Photographer


Weave Room: Nellie Barnette, Gladys Cox, Rosalee Cox, Sarah Canham, Dessie Burrell, Pearl Price, Doris Jones, Sarah Lee Foster and Estelle Barnett.

Preparation Department: Jessie Vassey, Julia Brown, Bertha Jones, Blanche McCall, Nellie Ruth Payne, Ruth Campbell, Marguerite Waddell, Mary B. Capps and C.D. Rice.

Cloth Room: Opal W. Smith.

Commissary : Jorene Vickers.

Office: Betty Gillespie and Jeanne Phillips.

Community: Ruth Johnson and Ruby P. Reid



Out Of The Red

The key to keeping a business out of the red is production. The backbone of sound American economy lies in the maintenance of steady production.

Unless every worker does his bit, American industry cannot hope to remain in the black.

And unless American industry remains in the black, the United States government cannot hope to remain in the black, a status which the government achieved this summer for the first time in seventeen years.

Not since 1930 has the government had a surplus. With a surplus of $184 millions, the government was in the black that year. This year, the government has a surplus of $1.25 billion, the largest surplus in the nation's history.

This surplus probably will be applied against the public debt, which now stands at more than $257 billions. There is no indication at present that Congress will not apply this surplus against the public debt.

Mention of public debt should be of interest to every worker, because every man, woman and child in the country owes $1,840 of that debt.

Payment of that debt can only be made through maintenance of a sound economy upon which the American way of life depends.

So give your best to production, to your job, to help produce the goods and materials by which your country's economy is kept healthy.


A task without a vision is drudgery; a vision without a task is a dream; a task with a vision is victory. — Religions Digest.


One recent day I was sitting on our front porch enjoying the refreshing coolness that always follows a quick summer shower, when suddenly a couple of small boys streaked across the yard, dropped behind a bank and began to shoot their air guns at a target propped against the side of the house a few feet away.

I smiled at the earnestness with which they went about their play.

Then, suddenly, before my horrified gaze the scene changed, and they weren't small boys but young men. The weapons they used weren't air guns but huge, ugly instruments that spouted flame and death and noise. Their faded, soiled overalls became torn and tattered uniforms that were splattered with dried blood and caked with mud.

These two were no longer a couple of small boys at play behind a grass covered bank in my own yard. They had become a couple of soldiers crouching behind an embankment that was strewn with the wreckage of war. They were demon possessed, and their eyes held the gleam of hate and the desire to kill. And there weren't just two; there were countless numbers of them crowded into that small space, stretching out on either side and rising up behind the multiplied images. They kept coming to take their places beside their fallen comrades.

Well, maybe my imagination did play a trick on me. Or maybe it was the heat. But hasn't that very same thing happened twice within our own lifetime? The only difference being that time intervened to allow the boys a period in which to grow gradually from children to men. A period in which they grew from boys at play with pop guns to men mowing down their fellow men with murderous intentness.

And what is being done about this transition of our youth from play to death? Nothing.

Representatives of leading nations sit in conference rooms and talk of peace, and make peace proposals, and present peace negotiations.

But each new generation has its wars to win.


Lake Nicaragua, one of the largest fresh-water lakes in the world, is in the Middle American Republic of Nicaragua. It was once on the route taken by Americans in the 1849 Gold Rush to California, according to the Middle America Information Bureau. Before the days of the Panama Canal, prospective gold-hunters sought to save time by sailing through a river and into the lake, then going fifteen miles overland to the Pacific Coast, where they could get steamers for the gold fields. Today there is talk of a plan for digging a canal across those fifteen miles. In that case, travelers would be able to cross Nicaragua by water from border to border.

[Column 3]

Cloth Room Chatter

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hamby and son of Greenville were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Rowland and family.

Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Burns spent the day recently with Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Lanning and daughter of Asheville, N. C.

Mrs. Ruby Reaves and son of Greenville were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Pace.

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Johnson enjoyed having Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Southerlin, Patsy and Charles as their week-end guests recently.

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hester and family visited Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Hester and family of Greenville Sunday.

Mrs. Pearl Garland was happy to have her mother, Mrs. E. S. Higgins, of Asheville, N. C. to spend the day with her recently.


Local School

(Con't. from page 1, col. 1)

He also extended an invitation to all of the teachers to visit the Slater plant the following day. At 11:15 on September 2, all of the members of the faculty visited the plant and were conducted through it by Mr. W. Earle Reid, Assistant to the Industrial Relations Manager; Mr. J. A. Brady, Paymaster; and Mr. Atkinson. At the conclusion of the tour, the teachers were taken by the plant commissary where refreshments were served.

When Mr. Barnett completed a check-up of the pupils assigned to the various grades, it was found that the second grade teachers, of which there were two, had a total enrollment of 97 pupils. It was apparent at once that it would be necessary to hire another second grade teacher. This has been done, with this class being housed at Slater Hall along with three other classes already housed in that building. The expenses of this teacher will be borne by the Slater Manufacturing Co., Inc. and the Slater Community Association.

In addition to the above teacher, Mrs. Gilbert Rogers has been added to the faculty as piano teacher. Mrs. Rogers will be at the school on Tuesdays and Thursdays of each week.

According to Superintendent Barnett, the Slater-Marietta School is better off financially this year than for a number of years, due to the 15 mills increase voted last spring; however, this budget does not include the last teacher hired.

Prospects are very good for an excellent year, according to Mr. Barnett. There will not be a graduating class this year due to the fact the twelfth grade is being added. No one is in the twelfth grade this year since it will take a year for those now in the eleventh grade to be eligible for that class. Otherwise the school will operate very much in the same manner as in former years.


The worst thing about wisdom is that it can only be acquired on the installment plan.—Right Hand

GOINGS-ON - - - - - IN WEAVE ROOMS - [Spans across Columns 4 and 5]

[Column 4]

Friends of Mr. Burrell P. Nalley will be glad to know he is recovering from serious injuries received in an automobile accident some time ago.

Mr. James Stewart recently quit his job here to take a Veterans Training Course. Best of luck to you, James.

First shift employees in No. 2 are glad to have Mrs. Ethel Clary working with them as a battery filler. Mrs. Clary was recently transferred from the third shift to the first. They also welcome Mrs. Lee Lell as a first shift spare hand.

Mrs. Christine Branch of Kannapolis, N. C. spent last week-end with Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Thrift.

Miss Sarah Lee Foster and Mr. Edward Bryant were the Wednesday night supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Batson.

We are glad to learn that Mr. John W. Turnbull has recuperated from injuries received in an automobile accident several weeks ago. He is now back on his job as loom fixer in Weave Room No. 1.

Third shifters in No. 2 are glad to have Irene Chastine back at work after several days of absence due to illness.

Mr. and Mrs. Turner Jones spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Minyard of Westminister.

Employees of No. 2 welcome the following employees to the third shift: Agnes Tankersley, J. B. Burdette, Paul Bell, W. M. Kelly, Toy Surratt, and Charles Lane who was transferred from No. 3.

Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Smith enjoyed the week-end in Greenwood.

John Lane was recently transferred from the third shift in No. 2 to the second shift. Best of luck to you, John, on your new job.

We are sorry Bernice Foster of No. 2 was out from work


Work Progressing

(Con't. from page 1, col. 4)

over to the county when completed.

The colored school at Slater is under the supervision of J. H. Barnett, Superintendent of the Slater-Marietta Schools, who has under him a Negro principal and his assistant. Messrs. J. A. White and Robert H. Atkinson are also trustees of this school.

It is the present plan of the Company to remodel the old one-teacher school building to be used for a church for the colored people of Slater.


Interesting Meeting

(Con't. from page 1, col. 2)

gave a very interesting Bible Study from Isaiah 66:18-21. Mrs. Paul Foster spoke on "Indians in America," while Mrs. G. J. Vickers spoke on the subject "Indians and Their Religions".

Mrs. Nora Waldrop dismissed the meeting with prayers.

[Column 5]

recently due to illness. Glad to see you back on the job, Bernice.

Miss Pearl Price's sister, Mr. Jack Elliott, of Canton, N. C. along with her children, Gerald and Melba, recently spent several days with Pearl and family.

Alvin Rice has enjoyed his Sunday afternoons recently by motoring to the mountains.

Roy Ledbetter was out from work for several days recently on account of his foot. Roy, we are glad to see you back at work.

Employees of Weave Room No. 2 say they are very proud of the new lights they have now.

Mr. and Mrs. James Allison and children, Joy and Ruth, along with Mrs. Gladys Sexton and daughter, Pat, spent Sunday evening at Table Rock State Park. They report they had a swell time.

Second shifters in No. 2 are glad to have G. R. Davis working with them.

Bernice Cantrell is going to be missed by all her Slater friends. Bernice, we hope you will work with us again sometime in the future.

John Humphries reports to us that his little daughter, Juanita, refuses to wear those long dresses. Juanita, you will feel grown-up with the long dresses on.

Employees of No. 2 welcome William Brooks as a spare weaver. William was recently transferred to the Weaving Department from the Cost Department.

Mr. Harold Smith has been promoted from loom fixer to overseer in Weave Room No. 2, second shift, to replace Mr. R. L. Sartain who is now instructor of training. Employees were sorry to lose Mr. Sartain, but pledge their whole-heared cooperation to Mr. Smith as he takes over his new duties.


It is not by a man's purse, but by his character that he is rich or poor.—Construction Digest.





"TAKE IT EASY" [Cartoon] [Two men in open-top car on a roadway. Passenger says "LET'S GO! Sign reads "RESUME SPEED"]



Last edit about 1 year ago by Bev D.
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September 18, 1974; THE SLATER NEWS; Page Three


Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Trammel were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Galloway of Greenville.

Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Taylor and children and Mr. and Mrs. James Taylor enjoyed a picnic at River Falls Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Boggs spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Woods in Fountian Inn. They were present for the Woods reunion.

''Shorty'' Miller reports that Bertha Meece surley can cook chicken, as he witnessed last Saturday.

Mrs. Edwinna Cole recently visited her mother in Franklin, N. C.

Slater Boarding House (Con't. from page 1, col. 5)

in the teacherage according to present plans.

In the renovating of this building, it is planned to have suitable bathroom facilities for each room and also plenty of closet space necessary to take care of two occupants to the room.

It is hoped this building will be ready for occupancy in the very near future.

[Picture] On the receiving end of Bliss McCall's and Perry Rampey's pitching is Bill Cashion, the catcher. In addition to being on of the best men in textile baseball in his department, he is also one of the leading hitters of the team, and his big bat has accounted for many base hits and runs in behalf of the Slater cause.

[Column 2]

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Boswell of Renfrew visited Mr. and Mrs. Harold Capps last Sunday.

Everyone was saddened to hear of the death of Wix Mayfield's mother, Mrs. Eula Mayfield, and extend their deepest sympathy to the family in their bereavement.

Roy Reynolds was out for a week's vacation recently but had the misfortune of becoming ill during the week. Better luck next time, Roy.

Margie Bolt has started attending church services since living at Marietta. We can imagine the male attendance will surely increase!

Visitors to the Rosario Silver Mines in Honduras are surprised to find a community which, although buried in the depths of the mountains, is complete with American - built houses, church, school, theater, library, and even American foods, says the Middle America Information Bureau. This ''Little America,'' which has grown up around the largest silver mines in the world, was built from materials carried over rough jungle trails by oxcarts.

[Column 3] Theatre Guide

September 20, 1947 ''ROLLING HOME'' Starring: Jean Parker Pamela Blake Russell Hayden ''Buzzy'' Henry

September 22, 1947 ''THEY WON'T BELIEVE ME'' Starring: Robert Young Rita Johnson Susan Hayward

September 26, 1947 ''TARZAN AND THE HUNTRESS'' Starring: Johnny Weismuller Johnny Sheffield Brenda Joyce

September 27, 1947 ''SEA HAWK'' Starring: Errol Flynn Brenda Marshall Claude Rains

September 29, 1947 ''HONEYMOON'' Starring: Shirley Temple Guy Madison Franchot Tone

October 3, 1947 ''DICK TRACY DILEMMA'' Starring: Ralph Byrd Kay Christopher Lyle Latell


Do you feel at a loss when trying to select a suitable name for your favorite pet? If so, read this item; perhaps it will help.

The librarian recently ran across a list of pet names published in the children's magazine, ''Jack and Jill.'' This list is comprised of names which the readers of that magazine have suggested as good names for pets. Since some children of the community have come to the library in search of names for family pets, the librarian wishes to publish the pet names listed in ''Jack and Jill.'' This item will list names for dogs, while those for cats, goats, chickens, rabbits, and goldfish will be published in future issues of ''The Slater News.''

''Jack and Jill'' advises one to consider the animal's size, color, and disposition before finally deciding on a name for a pet.

The names suggested for dogs are as follows: Jingle, Mitzi, Pooch, Sunday, Nudgie, Inky, Teddy, King, Stub, Snooper, Brownie, Bounce, Brucie, Blitzie, Puppet, Punk, Gamin, Big Shot, Copper, Snippet, Goon, Mugadee, Wiggles, Tippy Tin, Dinkie, Bum, Racket, Smoky, Wendy, Curly, Jigger, Vicky.


One tract of land containing 17 acres, on Holiness Hill near Slater. See E. W. Bruce.


Several of our Story Hour children started to school this year for the first time. From all reports, they are happy in this new experience and greet each school day with a great deal of enthusiasm. To these tiny tots and their teachers, we say ''Good luck, and a happy year in the first grade.''

Let's say ''Happy Birthday'' to Peggy Scarce, who was nine years old on September 6, Peggy, a member of the Girl's Library Club, tells us that her birthday was a very happy one. You see, she received that alligator shoulder-strap bag she has been wanting for a long time.

Peggy is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Scarce of Slater. She attends the local grammer school, where she is a member of the fourth grade.

We wish for Peggy many more birthdays which will bring just as much happiness as this one which has just passed.

Jimmie Wilson, one of our Story Hour boys, also had a birthday on September 6. This was Jimmie's sixth birthday, and he celebrated with a party.

The following children attended: Doris Smith, Aaron McCollum, Lee McCollum, Marjorie Pittman, Katherine Pittman, David McCauley, and Clara Veal.

Also: Rosa Nell Addington, Patty Addington, Dale McWhite, Patsy Hogan, Gail Hogan, Margaret Williams, Jerry Williams, and Harold Wilson.

This party was a happy occasion for Jimmie, and he's still enjoying the nice gifts which he received.

Jimmie is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Wilson. He has our best wishes for many more happy birthdays.

[Comic spanning column 4-5] TRUE!





[Column 5]


Unquestionably, women's hats will be one of the more interesting things in the world of tomorrow, which is about to envelop us any day in a thoroughly disagreeable manner, according to some of the famous predicators of atomic doom.

Now and then we like to wonder what match-box shaped contrivances and Rube Goldberg millinery nightmares women will be wearing in ten years.

The current millinery malady is stimulating. There are hats that make short women look tall and slender, hats that shorten tall women, and other topsy-turvy hats that look as though they are the dream world answer to the tired working girl or house wife.

But there has also appeared a factor in women's head pieces which is profoundly disappointing. Some of the ladies, it appears, seem to have lost their grip; for some of the old millinery sense of abandon seems to have drifted away.

We are speaking of the numerous women who appear on the street with what looks like a white dish towel wound turban style around their heads, or father's old shaving towel.

If this is the case, the future is plain. When women start to forget about really crazy hats and are happy with towels - brother, watch out. There's only one implication.

That is, women are thinking. Can all those dish towel clad heads be filling up with disturbing ideas - argument provoking thoughts?

Better get your wife a new hat, gents, and avoid answering all those serious questions on world affairs.

The Sabbath is a firm foundation on which to build a 6-story week. - Wesleyan Christian Advocate.

Last edit over 1 year ago by Zbooton
Page Status Needs Review


Page Four THE SLATER NEWS September 18, 1947

[column 1]

Baptist Group Enjoys Social

Members of the Senior B. T. U. of the Slater Baptist Church enjoyed a lawn party Saturday night at the home of their sponsor, Mr. Hines S. Richardson, of Slater.

Miss Mary Dodson had charge of the games, which were greatly enjoyed by everyone present.

When the games were over, Miss Mildred Farthing, assisted by Miss Dodson and Miss Blondine Voyles, served delicious refreshments.

There wre sixteen persons present for this occasion, which included the Rev. and Mrs. Charles T. Thompson and daughter, Ann. ________________________________ [advertisement for Rexall Drugs, spans columns 1-2]


Rexall ORIGINAL 1c Sale

[sketch of woman wearing apron] SAVINGS! TWO FOR THE PRICE OF 1 + 1c


PAN AMERICAN CLIPPER— All Expenses paid for two persons!

635 OTHER THRILLING PRIZES (including 10 Bendix Automatic Home Laundries)

Obtain contest rules and official entry blank at your Rexall Drug Store during the Rexall Original 1c Sale — Oct. 15, 16, 17, 18.



[column 2]


Every time a Costa Rican citizen gets thirsty and buys a soft drink, he is helping to underwrite some child's free education according to the Middle American Information Bureau. Approximately a third of a penny on each bottle sold goes to the government of Costa Rica in taxes to pay tuition fees for the rising generation. Grade school education, which is free, is compulsory in this Middle American republic, and young people may also attend high school and the National University without cost, provided their parents own no property other than a home.

[column 3]


Mrs. Allan Lawson and children of Pauline, S. C. visited Mrs. Thelma Bledscoe of Renfrew recently.

Miss Esther Farr of Swannanoa, N. C. spent a recent week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Riley Farr.

Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Rogers and son were recent visitors of the Rev. and Mrs. C. L. Chandler of Spartanburg and Mrs. L. W. Wood of Duncan.

Miss Sue Tate and Miss Mary Stone recently spent the weekend in Charleston, S. C. visiting Roy Tate, who has been a patient at the Naval Hospital there.

Members of the office force extend their deepest sympathy to Mrs. Estelle Looper and Miss Edna Southerlin in the death of their grandmother, Mrs. George Mayfield. _________________________ Middle American Squash Useful In Many Ways

When you're wrestling with the pots and pans after that big Sunday dinner, you'd probably raise an eyebrow if anyone suggested cleaning them with a squash. But you could—if the squash belonged to the versatile loofa family. The loofa, which grows in many Middle American countries and looks like a giant cucumber, is today one of the largest sources of the world's sponge supply, according to the Middle America Information Bureau.

When specially treated with water and quicklime, loofas— which sometimes grow as long as thirty inches—cease to be vegetables and become sponges composed of strong, tough fibers. These fibers are coarse enough to make excellent material for heavy cleaning. But loofas have many other commercial and industrial uses. Before the war, the United States imported as many as one million a year. During the war years, this amount rose to five million.

Of these five million, a great many went down to the sea in ships. Because of their absorbent quality, loofas are much in demand for the engine rooms of great merchant vessels. Used in filter boxes, for example, they soak up oil and grease, yet do not interfere with the flow of water to the great boilers. An average United Fruit Company ship, for example, might require as many as 150 loofas a month.

Before Pearl Harbor, Japan supplied nearly all the loofas used commercially. When the war cut off that source, it was necessary to develop a new one, and quickly. To the rescue came the agriculturalists of Guatamala, Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, El Salvador, Cuba and other Middle American countries. Cuba in particular instituted an extensive program of production, which it is continuing at the present time. Thus a new item has been added to the long list of vital imports which the southern republics supply to their North American neighbors.

[column 4]


Mr. W. A. Woodruff, coach of the Slater-Marietta High School Football Team, has announced that football practice is well underway at the local school.

There are only four regulars who played last year returning to school this year, who are Stroud, Barnett, Revis, and Ramsey. However, the school is contemplating putting out a winning team this year, as many boys are already showing favorable progress. Among these are Dover, Murray, Baker, and several others.

Below is the planned schedule of games to be played by the Slater-Marietta Football Team during the coming season:

Sept. 26—Fountain Inn—There Oct. 3—Paris—Here Oct. 10—Westville—Here Oct 17—Piedmont—There Oct. 23—Roebuck—Here Oct 31—Paris—There Nov. 7—Duncan—There Nov. 14—Parker B—Undecided ______________________________ Common House Fly Is Dangerous Insect

Summer is on the wane, but one of the drawbacks of balmy weather—the house fly—still is with us.

Vicious and dangerous, the house fly usually is chock full of germs, every conceivable type of germ which can cut down working hours.

You don't have to worry about a fly biting you to make you ill. It's easier than that for the fly to spread bacteria in the home and factory.

The fly does its dirty work with its six feet, each of which is equipped with two little pads. These pads are covered with a film of sticky substance which picks up filth.

But the legs and feet of the fly are also covered with an array of bristles which also pick up a goodly share of dirt.

The targets of a fly are many. They are objects which every worker touches every day. There is the piece of buttered bread, the open bottle of milk, the uncovered piece of meat on the kitchen table.

Don't let the fly clean its feet in your house on your food. Keep healthy by keeping flies dead.

[advertisement for Slater Barber Shop, spans columns 4-5] [photo of barber chairs] YOUR PATRONAGE APPREDIATED Thank You — Call Again Slater Barber Shop — Slater, S. C. N. C. HAWKINS, Proprietor

[column 5]

[sketch of stork delivering baby] Births

Mr. and Mrs. W. M. (Bill) Lybrand of Slater are the proud parents of a little daughter, born at the Wood Memorial Clinic on September 4. The little girl, who has been named Eunice Rebecca, weight 7¼ lbs. at birth.

Mrs. Lybrand is the former Miss Edith Ferguson of South Boston, Va.

Mr. Lybrand is an employee of the Slater Manufacturing Co., Inc. __________ Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Cantrell of Greer announce the arrival of a son, Stanley John, Jr., at the Wood Memorial Clinic on September 7. The baby weighed 7 lbs. 2 ozs. at birth.

Mrs. Cantrell is the former Miss Mildred Saxon of Slater.

Mr. Cantrell is connected with the Greer Bakery. _________ Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Dunn, Jr. of Marietta are receiving congratulations on the arrival of a son, Glenn Miles, at the Wood Memorial Clinic on September 5. The little boy weighed 7 lbs. 6 ozs. at birth.

Mrs. Dunn is the former Miss Helena Jones of Marietta.

Mr. Dunn is employed by the Slater Manufacturing Co., Inc. and works in the Weaving Department. __________ Mr. and Mrs. J. Mays Nelson of Marietta announce the arrival of a daughter at the Wood Memorial Clinic on September 6. The baby, who has been named Emily Martin, weighed 8 lbs. 3 ozs. at birth.

Mrs. Nelson is the former Miss Grace Cox of Marietta.

Mr. Nelson, who is engaged in farming, grows flowers for the Rasor Floral Company. __________________________ With the discovery of eleven hitherto hidden temples at Bonampak, one-time stronghold of the ancient Mayas, many of the details of life of these pre-Spanish inhabitants of ancient Mexico should be reconstructed by archeologists. The name Bonampak, according to the Middle America Information Bureau, means "Painted Wall" in the ancient Mayan anguage.

Last edit over 1 year ago by Harpwench
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