[Graphic of Old Slater Mill] Old Slater Mill PAWTUCKET, R.I. EST. 1790
[Graphic of Slater Mill] Slater Mill SLATER, SO. CAROLINA 1943
Vol. 4 Slater, S.C., November 26, 1947 No. 45.
[Column 1]
Jaggers Speaks To Slater Folks
The Slater manufacturing Co., Inc. very appropriately remembered National Education Week by donating to the local school $50,000 to be used toward the erection of a new high school building. This is the second gift of this kind, the first one also being a $50,000 donation made in November, 1946.
The meeting, which was held at Slater Hall on Thursday night, November 13, was presided over by Mr. J. A. White, Plant Manager. It opened with the singing of "America" by the audience, after which the Rev. Ralph Kaney, pastor of the Slater Methodist Church, pronounced the Invocation.
In welcoming those who were present, Mr. White stated that the people of Slater are fortunate in having a company like ours, churches like ours, and a growing, progressive school. He emphasized the fact that every individual has a part to play in making and keeping the community as we would like to have it.
Special music, featuring "The Bells" (adopted from "The Bells" by Edgar Allan Poe) by Rachmaninoff was rendered by the following girls from the school: Sara Wylie, Carolyn Marsh, Betty Vassey, Shirley Scarce, Mildred Farthing, Freddie Truesdale, Frieda Thornton, and Patricial Summey. The music was directed
(Con't. on page 2, col. 30
[image spans bottom portion of cols. 1-2]
[photo of Dr. Jaggers at microphone] Dr. R. E. Jaggers, Professor of Education at the University of South Carolina, Columbia, S. C., who delivered the main address at ceremonies in which the Slater Company donated a substantial gift to the local school. Dr. Jaggers' address was greatly enjoyed by all who heard him.
[top of column 2]
[photo of officials of large group of men, spans top section of cols. 2-4] Shown above are officials of the Slater Manufacturing Co., Inc., the Slater-Marietta School, and their platform guests at the exercises held at Slater Hall recently when the Slater Company, for the second year, donated $50,000 to a building fund for the erection of a new high school here.
[middle section below image, col 2]
The pupils of the Slater-Marietta Schools were recently given the opportunity to contribute to the Friendship Train. This train is being loaded with flour and condensed milk to be sent to needy European families.
Donations from the high school amounted to $13.74, while the elementary school gave $14.45, making a total of $28.19 contributed by the school to this worthy cause. ____________ The laws of conscience, which we pretend to be derived from nature, proceed from custom.
[column 3, middle section]
Influenza Shots Given Slaterites
All employees of the Slater Manufacturing Co., Inc. were given a chance to take influenza injections on Thursday, November 20, when D, T. L. Takacy and Mrs. Cynthia Mangum, registered nurse, were at the plant on all three shifts for this purpose.
Officials of the company report that the response to the flu shots was unusually good, with a large percentage of the employees availing themselves of the opportunity of taking these shots which were furnished free of charge by the company.
At 8:00 A. M. on the morning of November 20, Dr. Takacy and the nurse set up their equipment in the office of the Superintendent of Weaving, H. S. Richardson, where all of the shots were given. It took until 11:00 A. M. to finish the first shift, which is the largest as it includes the Office, Warehouse, Shop, and Maintenance Departments. There are only skeleton forces in most of these departments on the other two shifts. At 4:00 P. M. and again
(Con't. on page four, col. 2)
[text box] NOTICE
The following announcement has been made in regard to Christmas holidays for the employees of Slater Manufacturing Co., Inc.: The mill will close at 8:00 o'clock A. M., December 24, and will resume operations at 8:00 o'clock A. M. Monday, December 29.
This announcement has been posted on bulletin boards throughout the mill.
[column 4, middle section]
The Woman's Society of Christian Service of the Slater Methodist Church met Thursday night, November 13, at the home of Mrs. Bob Griffith.
The meeting was called to order, and Mr. Ted Addington, the president, presented a very interesting devotional.
During a lengthy business session, the Society made plans to entertain in the church basement on Thursday night,
(Con't. on page 3, col. 5)
[photo of Frank Cook at microphone, spans bottom of cols. 4-5] The announcement of the Company's donation to the local school was made by Frank A. Cook, Director of Industrial Relations for this group of mills, of the Greensboro, N. C. office. The local school is near and dear to Mr. Cook's heart, as he is a former resident of Slater and a former trustee of the school.
[top of column 5]
Local Girls Like Winthrop College
Miss Elsie Lee Pittman, local girl now in her second year at Winthrop College, Rock Hill, S. C., writes us about life at Winthrop. Miss Pittman's letter is as follows:
"Naturally, all towns like to hear from their students who are away at college; Slater is no exception. In view of this fact, the following Winthrop girls from Slater have been interviewed: Misses Ruth Laws, Doris Hargrove, Freshmen, and Frances Miller, Sophomore.
"Ruth is a Physical Education major. When asked her opinion of Winthrop, she re"It's a grand place, and I wouldn't be anywhere else." Doris is majoring in Home Economics, and her reply to how she likes Winthrop was, "A wonderful place—it offers many opportunities of which every girl should take advantage." Then, our Commercial Science major, Frances, remarked, "I like Winthrop and enjoy my work here."
"Our aim at Winthrop is to develop well-rounded lives and to achieve broad and liberal culture in order that we may take our rightful places in the world when we have completed our courses. We are here for a serious purpose; not for social reasons, but to enrichen our lives by learning and putting into practice what we have
(Con't. on page 4, col. 1)
Page Two THE SLATER NEWS November 26, 1947
[Column 1[ The Slater News Published Every Two Weeks By Slater Manufacturing Co., Inc. Established 1790 In The Interest of Its Employees
STAFF Robert H. Atkinson Editor Cecil S. Ross Asst. Editor Lily Alexander Circulation Mgr. Claude Guest Photographer
REPORTERS Weave Room: Nellie Barnette, Gladys Cox, Rosalee Cox, Sarah Canham, Dessie Burrell, Pearl Price, Doris Jones, Sarah Lee Foster, and Estelle Barnett. Preparation Department: Jessie Vassey, Julia Brown, Bertha Jones, Blanche McCall, Nellie Ruth Payne, Ruth Campbell, Marguerite Waddell, Mary B. Capps, and C. D. Rice. Cloth Room: Opal W. Smith. Commissary: Jorene Vickers. Office: Betty Gillespie and Jeanne Phillips. Community: Ruth Johnson and Ruby P. Reid.
EDITORIALS Good Office Manners Industrial and office surveys through the country indicate a decline in manners among office workers. Are you helping yourself, as well as the general tone of the office, in maintaining a close watch on your own manners. The survey showed that bosses gripe most about tardy workers, sloppy appearance, poorly modulated voices, overdressing, careless general appearance. Today a large percentage of the nation's business is carried on over the telephone. It pays to have a good telephone voice. Americans are known for their casual manner, and too often casua enunciation of words that leads to a lazy telephone voice. Have you a lazy telephone voice? You may be getting A from the boss in all departments, including clothes and appication on the job, but perhaps the one thing that irritates him is your voice over the telephone, or the manner in which you handle the company's clients over the telephone. It isn't enough to be merely courteous over the telephone. Courteousness goes a long way in selling a product, but a clear, concise, measured, and well-modulated voice certainly never worked to a disadvantage in the sales field. After you've checked your general appearance, hair, clothes, shoes, stockings, check your voice. See if you're slurring words, dropping your voice lazily at the end of a sentence, or speaking in a dreary, bored monotone. One thing that will keep your voice melodious and precise is a sense of humor. Keep that sense of humor oiled, and your voice will take care of itself.
[Column 2] [Text in a bx] SLATER DAY BY DAY [End of text in a box] Many, many grateful thankyous to everybody--individuals and firms--who have been cooperative in trimming low hanging branches from trees along our sidewalks. There are spaces of a whole block in our village now where one may walk comfortably along the sidewalk without once having to duck or get out into the street. This is a real convenience for tall people. Thank You! The Baptist minister is real glad he trimmed his trees before he read a recent issue of The Slater News, and the manager of the local Dixie Store warned me that if I didn't say a lot of appreciative words for those who worked so hard trimming trees--and here he gave forth with dire threats. Appreciation is real and genuine, so please, Mr. Roy, withdraw your threats. But, brother, there is a lot of trimming that could be done yet. Where is your civic pride, neighbor? Look at your trees. Walk the length of the sidewalk in front of your home. Can you stand upright, or must you get down on all-fours, bear fashion? Maybe you own a car and never walk any further than from the front door to the street. If so, low limbs don't bother you. But lots of people don't own cars and must walk. Others walk just for the pleasure of walking. One of the joys of living in a small community like ours is a pleasant, leisurely Sunday afternoon swtroll along our village streets. Just to walk along and notice the fresh, new winter grass that looks like a green carpet spread in so many of our yards this fall. And you comment on the new cement walk-ways and drive-ways Neighbor So-and-So have recently made. And the nice flock of chickens in the back yard at Mr. Whosits house. And the lovely bunch of yellow chrysanthemums snuggled up against the corner of Widow What's-her-name's house. A few houses further down the street and here is a new fuel tank outside a house, and you opinion that the folks who live here will be warm and comfy this cold, cold winter. So it goes. A friendly walk in a friendly community tells us much about our friendly neighbors. Let's do all we can to make walking a pleasure for those who love to alk. Trim your trees, please, Thank You! _____ School Red Cross Drive Is Declared Successful A Junior Red Cross Drive was recently sponsored in the Slater-Marietta Schools. As is customary during such drives, the local students again cooperated whole-heartedly, contributing a total of $54.13 to this noble cause. Of the total amount contributed, the high school donated $26.19 and the elementary school gave $28.04.
[Column 3] Cloth Room Chatter Mrs. Willie Pace had as her guest last week her sister, Miss Sue Shewbert, from Ware Shoals. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Burnett were happy to have Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bowers of Travelers Rest and Mrs. May Burnett as their recent visitors. Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Stillwell of Greenville and Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland Kelly and son, Pat, of Travelers Rest were the recent visitors of Mrs. Estelle Kelly. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bridgeman spent the week-ende at Tryon, N .C. visiting friends and relatives. They also visited Mr. Bridgeman's old childhood home place at Melrose, N.C. Mr. and Mrs. George Garland had as their Sunday dinner guests recently, Mrs. Frances Hall, Miss Vivian Hall, Miss Doralue Brown, and Miss Shelby Jean Brown. Mrs. Pearl Garland enjoyed having he3r sister, Miss Dorothy Higgins of Asheville, spend the week-end with her recently. _____ Jaggers Speaks (Con't. from page 1, col. 1) by Mrs. Kathaleen Fowler, public school music teacher, with Mrs. Elinor Rogers, piano teacher, accompanying. Formal announcement of the $50,000 donation was made by Mr. Frank A. Cook, representative from the Greensboro office. Mr. Cook spoke of the crowded condition existing in the Slater-Marietta School at present, and commended the school for the fine work it is doing even under these circumstances. He continued by saying that the crowded quarters, in which the school is now housed, present a real challenge to the Slater Manufacturing Col., Inc. to do something to eliminate such conditions. Mr. Cook then reminded the audience of the $50,000 donation which the company made to the school last year, and commended the people on their willingness to help by voting more taxation. He concluded by making the announcement that everyone was anticipating--that the company has again given to the school a check amounting to $50,000, which makes a total of $100,000 the Slater Manufacturing Co., Inc. has given to the school. The guest speaker of the evening, Dr. R. E. Jaggers of the University of South Carolina, was introduced by Mr. Robert H. Atkinson, Industrial Relations Manager for the Slater Manufacturing Co., Inc. Dr. Jaggers, who is professor of Education at the University of S.C., addressed the audience in a most interesting manner, holding the attention of his listeners throughout his address. The theme of his discourse centered around "Cooperation" and "Working Together", but it was unique in that it emphasized the importance of providing situations in which peoiple can work together, and in encouraging them to do so. The speaker began by asking the two following questions: First, "Why has humanity not been able to write terms of peace which did not later become
[Column 4] [Title in columns 4 and 5] GOINGS-ON-----IN WEAVE ROOMS[End of title in columns 4 and 5] Third shifters welcome Mrs. Elizabeth Penland as a weaver in No. 3 Weave Room. They are also glad to have Earline Thrift and John Summerall back again. King Bramlette tells us he enjoyed rabbit hunting this past week-end. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Knight and family spent the week-end with Mrs. Knight's sister, Mrs. Chappell. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Waldrop and Johnnie Bell Waldrop spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Waldrop of Slater. We notice that J. H. Bates is all smiles since he is a new father. Mr. Marion Cody and family of Watts Mill were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Clark. Sarah Lee Foster, Edward Bryant, Artie Mayfield, James Foster, Jessie Mayfield, and Willie Bridges visited in Nashville over the week-end and enjoyed the "Grand Ole Opera". Mrs. J. C. Staton left recently to visit her daughter in Chester, Pa. Friends of Mrs. Opal Lane will be sorry to learn she is a patient at Coleman's Hospital in Travelers Rest. We wish for her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Pace, former Slater employees, have recently moved to Detroit, Mich. We wish them much success in their new work. Mrs. Dovie Faust and small daughter of Arkansas recently visited relatives here. Mrs. Milton Thackston of Greenville recently visited Miss Sarah Canham. We are glad to have Mr. Burrell Nalley and Mrs. Ida Pace back at work after being out sick several weeks. Elaine Bellamy, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Buford Bellamy, celebrated her second birthday with a party. She received many nice gifts. Delicious refreshments were served and the party was enjoyed by all. Elaine, we wish yo many, many more happy birthdays. Nina Allison and daughter, Ruth, along with Mrs. Esther Griffith, spent Sunday with relatives in Pickens, S.C. _____ scraps of paper?" Secondly, "Why haven't we in America, through educational programs, been able to solve problems by working together?' Dr. Jaggers then very impressively emphasized the importance of "working together" when he said, "We will have world peace when we in little communities are able to solve our own problems by working together." According to the speaker, those in our community who participate in erecting the new high school building will receive valuable training in cooperation, since groups working on a project of this kind must decide such questions as what the school is to do and should do, and what kind of school will provide the kind of education for the kind of community we want. Dr. Jaggers called a school "a laboratory of citizenship", designed to teach (Con't. on page 3, col. 4)
[Column 5] Bernice Cantrell tells us she spent Sunday afternoon at Table Rock and had a grand time. Have you noticed that Alvin Talley is all smiles lately? No wonder, just look at that nice looking Ford he's driving around. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Smith have recently moved into their new home. James Hendricks seems to have had a happy birthday on November 1. James, we wish you many, many more. Mr. and Mrs. William Price and daughter, Betty, Pearl Price, and Eugene Tenney were visitors at Spring Creek, N.C. last Sunday. In some places, the mountains were beautiful with icicles hanging from the big rocks. _____
The SAFE Way Is RIGHT _____ [Graphic] the LIGHTER SIDE by SID HIX NATIONAL SAFETY COUNCIL [End of Graphic]
[Cartoon of two men carrying a man on a stretcher, speaking to a woman] MRS. PINWHIP, YOUR HUSBAND WAS THE FIRST MAN OUT OF THE PLAN TTONIGHT! [End of cartoon]
[Cartoon of bear tapping on shoulder of man with gun] NO HUNTING PAY ATTENTION TO SIGNS! [End of cartoon]
[Cartoon of man on ladde, shoes holding legs of ladder, and man talking to him on ground] THIS IS NOT WHAT I MEANT, FUDNIK, WHEN I TOLD YOU TO PUT SOME SAFETY SHOES ON THAT LADDER! [End of cartoon]
[Box with text] From National Safety News Published by The National Safety Council
November 26, 1947 PREPARATION DEPARTMENT N-E-W-S Mr. and Mrs. Mutt dunn and family and Mrs. Mae Bates and daughter were recent visitors in Darlington. Mrs. Rose Belt spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Jamison of Travelers Rest. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Boggs and Miss Beth Freeman, of Elberton, Ga., attended the FurmanClemson game. Miss Freeman, an ardent football fan, enjoyed the game although her team lost. James Embry and Shirley Searce visited relatives in Georgia last week-end. Third shifters are very happy to have polished floors in the department, and hope to keep them looking spic and span. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dunn visited relatives in Johnson City, Tenn. last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Bell visited Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Coggins Sunday. [photograph of Miss Polly Connor wearing long, white evening gown and dark shoes.] Caption reads "Miss Polly Connor was chosen queen of the American Legion Carnival held here at Slater recently. Miss Connor is a local girl and is considered by many as one of the loveliest young ladies in this section of the state. She is to be congratulated on winning this contest." A birthday dinner was given in honor of Mrs. E. M. Tilley, Miss Helen Boswell, and Mr. Harold Capps last Sunday at the home of Mrs. E. M. Tilley. Everyone present enjoyed a very nice day. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Madden and family motored to Hickory, N.C. last Sunday. Mrs. Jennie Tucker of Gainesville, Ga. is spending the week with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Claud Tucker. Mrs. Bertha Meece and Columbia friends spent the weekend in Highlands, N.C. Mrs. L. C. Foster and Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Stephens and family of Greenville visited Mrs. Fannie Cox recently. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Tripp and Mr. and Mrs. John Edgar Stigall and daughter, of Greensboro, N.C., visited Mrs. Bessie Tripp Swaney of Marietta last Sunday. Theatre Guide November 29, 1947 "SEA WOLFE" Starring: Edward G. Robinson John Garfield Ida Lupino December 5, 1947 "BLONDIE'S HOLIDAY" Starring: Penny Singleton Larry Simms Arthur Lake December 6, 1947 "THE JOLSON STORY" Starring: Larry Parks William Demarest Evelyn Keyes December 12, 1947 "FRAMED" Starring: Glenn Ford Barry Sullivan Janis Carter Notice: From December 1, 1947 through March 15, 1948, there will be no Monday night shows as the premises will be used for basketball. A series of revival services have closed at Middle River Baptist Church with eleven converts. The Rev Anderson of Hendersonville, N.C. conducted the services. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Waddell and Peggy Rose and Mr. and Mrs. Will Cox of Pickens visited Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Southerlin of Greenville last Sunday. "Bud" Tripp, son of Mrs. Bessie Tripp Swaney, was recently transferred from Fort Jackson, S.C. to New Jersey. Add to Prep. Dept. News Mrs. Esther Jones, an employee of the Drawing-In Department, is out from work having undergone a minor operation recently. We hope you will soon be back, Esther. Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. Winford Brock, Mrs. Beulah Bates, and Messrs. John, Albert, and "Pete" Springfield attend the Furman-Clemson football game in Greenville. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hargrove and daughter, Joyce, were the week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Coggins of Greenville. Cupid seems to be working overtime thee days. The Drawing-In room is losing its only eligible "bachelor" soon, or so it is rumored. Mr. and Mrs. Cresswell Barnett spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Tilley. Mr. Barnett is the brother of Mrs. Tilley and is employed by a shoe concern in Greenville. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hargrove had as their recent guests, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Barnette, Miss Mildred Shelton, Mr. Russell Whitmire, and Mrs. Clyde Tilley. Misses Lila Kate Arms and Robbie Bishop and Leon Herde and A.B. Davenport of Greenville were the Sunday night supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Arms. Employees of the DrawingIn Department are missing two of their fellow workers. Mrs. E. A. McGill and Mrs. B. B. Brown, who are working temporarily with the DrawingIn Department of Cleveland Cloth Mill to help familiarize [story expands to bottom of third column] the ladies there with the truck system and drawing drop wires. Hurry back, Ruby and Julia. [photograph of Miss Doris Hargrove in graduation rob and cap. Caption reads "Miss Doris Hargrove is a graduate of the local school and is now in her freshman year at Winthrop College at Rock Hill, S.C. She was recently elected vice-president of the freshman J. H. A. at Winthrop. Miss Hargrove is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hargrove of Marietta, S.C. who are both employed here."] Jagger Speaks (Con't. from page 2, col. 4) boys and girls how to live in their community. He continued by saying that every child has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and that the school, combined with the home, church, and other community institutions, guarantees this right. "We shall lose our freedom when we fail to educate our people, for education is democracy's life line", said Dr. Jaggers. "The only way for the world to live and to keep on living is to work together." The speaker clenched his idea of giving people an opportunity to cooperate by stating that everybody in this community has something to contribute to tyhe new school building when it is erected and that we will miss something if we don't use what the people have to offer. Dr. Jaggers concluded by saying, "Let's work together to live." Other platform guests presented by Mr. Atkinson were: Rev. Ralph Kaney, pastor of the Slater Methodist Church' Rev. Charles T. Thompson, pastor of the Slater Baptist Church; Frank A. Cook, representative from the Greensboro office; J. H. Barnett, Superintendent of the SlaterMarietta Schools; C. W. Eldridge, plant Superintendent for the Slater Manufacturing Co., Inc.; Hewlett Sullivan, owner of Hale's Jewelry Store in Greenville; Rev. B. Lester Huff, pastor of the Marietta Baptist Church; Henry Jarrard, member, Board of Trustees of the local school; L. P. Hollis, Superintendent of the Parker Schools; W. E. Henderson, member of the Board of Governors of the Slater Com[story continues to fourth column, halway down page] munity Association; Profesor C. L. Rasor, representing Furman University; Hon. B. M. Gibson, member of the House of Representatives; W. J. Castine, from the State Department of Education; J. Harvey Cleveland, former member of the House of Representatives; and W. L. Pickell, architect from Greenville. Mr. J. H. Barnett, Superintendent of the school, expressed appreciation for what the company is doing, after which he introduced the members of the faculty. The Benediction was pronounced by the Rev. B. Lester Huff, pastor of the Marietta Baptist Church. The following high school students served as ushers: Jean Hester, Hattie Alma Ervin, Nancy Ervin, Donald Stroud, Charles Barnett, and Maynard Veal. For Sale One acre of land with small house on it for only $650.00 Contact John Patterson, near Hellams Crossing.
Page Four THE SLATER NEWS November 26, 1947
[column 1]
Baptist Union Meets at Church
The W. M. U. of the Slater Baptist Church met Tuesday night, November 4, at the church, with nine members present for the meeting.
Mrs. Paul Foster, the newly elected president, called the meeting to order after which prayer was offered.
Following the business session, the program was turned over to Mrs. Dever Rabb. A very interesting program centered around Africa was presented by Mrs. J. G. Vickers, Mrs. Delia Miller, Mrs. Paul Foster, Mrs. Charles Thompson, and Mrs. Hill.
Mrs. H. S. Richardson led the group in prayer after which the members went to the auditorium to hear the Rev. Pinson bring the sermon.
The December meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. H. S. Richardson. -------------------------------------------- Local Girls Like (Con't. from page 1, col. 5)
"Among the many courses Winthrop offers are the following: Physical Education, Home Economics, Music, Commercial Science, and many others. In all these courses girls get thorough and efficient training.
"In addition to acadmic courses, there are cultural courses. Included in these are lectures by great and oustanding people, operas, and concerts. Many helpful things can be learned from these courses, and the girls are urged to attend. On these special occasions, we must dress and be at "our bes" for supper. This is a good practice in that it helps to develop self-confidence.
"Religious activities are not slighted at Winthrop. Each Sunday morning, busses come to the college to take us to the churches in town. Vespers are held on the campus every Sunday and Wednesday night. Noon devotions are held daily at the Student Center. Recently, at the Student Center we observed Christmas Day for the children of Europe. Girls were asked to bring small gifts such as soap, pencils, etc. The program consisted of Christmas songs, poems, and stories. Then, too, a Taps Program, which is a night devotion, is held once a week.
"For recreation, the girls swim, play tennis, hike, skate, dance, and participate in many other sports. Movies are shown on the campus each Saturday night, and recreation in Johnson Hall afterwards consists of table tennis, checkers, bingo, and dancing. There are many sports clubs that provide recreation also.
"Believing that the selfgoverned is the best governed, Winthrop is self-governed. Government is conceived and executed with a view of making the college a pleasant, busy, and happy place in which to live. It's object is to develop self-control, higher character, and a desire to do right because it is right. Courtesy and kindness are uniform rules of the institution."
[column 2]
[photo of room full of young men, spans coumns 2, 3, & 4] Members of the Slater-Marietta football team were recently entertained at a steak supper given by Mr. Dover of Cleveland. Mr. Dover has a son who played good football on the squad. The football players are shown just before wading into the steaks at a Greenville restaurant.
The Sunday School of the Slater Baptist Church last Sunday recognized the perfect attendance records of two of its members by presenting them with gold pins at the regular morning worship service.
Those receiving the pins were Ann Thompson, daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. Charles T. Thompson, and Betty Scarce, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Scarce. The pins were presented by the Rev. Charles T. Thompson, pastor of the church.
Ann and Betty were present at Sunday School every Sunday from October 1, 1946 to October 1, 1947.
The friends of these girls are happy that they were able to attend Sunday School each Sunday for an entire year, and wish them many more years of perfect attendance. --------------------------------------- Influenza Shots
(Con't. from page 1, col. 3)
at 12:00 midnight, the doctor and nurse were present, and in both instances the work was finished in about an hour and a half.
They type of vaccine used is for the prevention of both A and B influenza, and is the type which causes little or no reaction in the majority of cases. Everyone seemed pleased to have a chance to take these preventative measures, and especially this was true of the former service men now employed here.
Medical authorities report this is the year for the dreaded type of influenza which swept this country ni 1918 and 1919, and the Slater Manufacturing Co., Inc. felt that it was wise to offer the employees this service in the hopes of combatting any possible epidemic during the flu season. --------------------------------------- For Sale
One Hoosier kitchen cabinet with porcelain top and sifter type flour bin. Clean and in first-class condition. Reasonably priced. See Mr. or Mrs. W. Earle Reid at the Employment Office.
[column 3]
Mr. C. E. Finley was a business visitor in Greensboro, N. C. recently.
Miss Alma Ledford spent an enjoyable afternoon at the Stock Car Races at the Greenville-Pickens Speedway on Sunday, November 16.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Foster of Woodruff were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Gillespie of Easley.
Mr. Alvin Brady has recently become a resident of the Slater community. He and his family are making their home at No. 6, First Street.
Alvin and Jeanne Phillips motored to Highlands, N. C. recently, and boast of climbing Rabun Bald Mountain, elevation 4,717 in Georgia. ------------------------------------ SCHOOL COMMENDS RECENT VISITORS
The faculty of the SlaterMarietta Schools wish to take this opportunity to express their appreciation to the parents and friends in this community for their interest in visiting the different classrooms during National Education Week. They regret that everyone did not find it convenient to visit.
It is always an inspiration to pupils and teachers to have patrons visit the school from time to time. Let's remember that the school exists for the child. Teachers can do a better job of teaching if they know the parents of the children that they teach. So don't wait until next National Education Week to visit — Come Now ! You're always welcome. ----------------------------------------- Baptist Church Girls Meet With Local Matron
The Intermediate G. A. girls of Slater Baptist Church met Tuesday night, November 11, at the home of Mrs. Hines S. Richardson of Slater. Seven members were present for this meeting.
The meeting was called to [continued at bottom of column 4]
[column 4]
Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Shelton of Marietta announce the engagement of their daughter, Mildred Faye, to Russell M. Whitmire, Jr. Mr. Whitmire is the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Whitmire of Marietta, S. C.
December 12 has been set as the wedding date, and the rites are to be performed at the Marietta Baptist Church. The public is cordially invited to attend.
Miss Shelton is employed at Coleman's Hospital of Travelers Rest, S. C.
Mr. Whitmire is engaged in work at Cleveland Garage, Marietta, S. C. -------------------------------------- BLEVINS—POOLE
Mr. and Winford Blevins of Cleveland announce the engagement of their daughter, Nellie Mae, to Broadus Herman Pool of Marietta.
The wedding will take palce in the near future, the date to be announced later. ---------------------------------------- ["Baptist Church Girls Meet With Local Matron," continued from bottom of column 3]
order by the president, Betty Moody. Elaine Foster led the opening prayer after which the group sang their G. A. song, "We've a Story to Tell to the
[ article continues to bottom of column 5]
[advertisement for barber service, spans col. 4 & 5] [photo of barber's chairs] FOR GOOD BARBER SERVICE VISIT Slater Barber Shop - Slater, S. C. N. C. HAWKINS, Proprietor
[column 5]
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Sammons of Taylors are the proud parents of a son, Kenneth Earl, born at the Wood Memorial Clinic on October 31. The little boy weighed 6 lbs. 14 ozs. at birth.
Mrs. Sammons is the fomer Miss Agnes Lindsay of Taylors.
Mr. Sammons is employed by the Taylor Print Works of Taylors. ---------------------------------------- Mr. and Mrs. Buford Hawkins of Route #2, Travelers Rest announce the birth of a daughter, Shirley Jane, at the Wood Memorial Clinic on November 17. The little girl weighed 7 lbs.
Mrs. Hawkins is the former Miss Blanche McCauley of Travelers Rest.
Mr. Hawkins is employed at Union Bleachery. -------------------------------------- Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Styles of Route #1, Travelers Rest are the proud parents of a son, Dennis Leland, at the Wood Memorial Clinic on November 12.
Mrs. Styles is the former Miss Ethel Mullinax of Travelers Rest.
Mr. Styles is connected with the Southern Railway Company. ------------------------------------- Mr. and Mrs. Dalton McWhite of Slater announce the arrival of a daughter at the Wood Memorial Clinic on November 17. The baby weighed 8 lbs. 5 ozs. at birth.
Mrs. McWhite is the former Miss Dorothy Chiles of Greenville.
Mr. McWhite is an employee of the Slater Manufacturing Co., Inc. and works in the Preparation Department. ---------------------------------------- ["Baptist Church Girls Meet With Local Matron," continued from bottom of column 4]
Each of the girls gave a part of their "Forward Steps" which they are studying in order to be promoted.
Joyce Snipes closed the meeting with prayer, after which the hostess served delicious refreshments consisting of ice cream and cake.