[print of old mill building]
Old Slater Mill
Est. 1790
VOLUME 4 SLATER, S.C. DECEMBER 11, 1947 NO.46 Slater Mill SC 1943
[print of mill building]
Slater Mill
[photograph of a man in a suit spanning columns 1 and 2]
Pictured above is Mr. J.N. Stroud, who recently retired as caretaker of the Slater-Marietta School after nearly twenty years of faithful, loyal and efficient service. Mr. Stroud is retiring because of ill health, but his many friends hope that he will recover and be amongst us for a long time to come.
[column 1]
School Caretaker Has Long Record
On October 31, 1947, Mr J.N.(Jim) Stroud retired from the position of caretaker of the Slater-Marieeta School. Mr. Stroud began this work on July 1, 1928 and continued in this capacity for a period of nineteen years and four months. This is quite a long time to serve the public, and his presence is greatly missed.
During this period of service, Mr. Stroud was faithful to his task and honest in every respect. He secured the confidence of the teachers, and all the pupils loved and respected him. He was kind and courteous, and was always willing to do what he could for the comfort of the school children. Already he is greatly missed about the school, but best wishes go with him as he strives to regain his health.
The teachers and pupils of the local school wish to express to him publicly their apprerciation for all his labor, thoughtfulness, kindness, and jovial spirit.
[column 2]
The W.M.S. of the Slater Baptist Church met Tuesday night, December 9, at the home of Mrs. Hines S. Richardson of Slater. Eighteen members and three visitors were present for the occasion.
The meeting was opened with a song by the group. Prayer was then offered, after which the minutes were read and approved. It was reported that the Lottie Moon Christmas offering amounted to over forty dollars.
Mrs. Delia Miller had charge of the program which was very interesting and inspiring. Those taking park on the program were: Mrs. A.M. Ledford, Mrs. Hines Richardson, Mrs. Paul Foster, Mrs. Roy Whitmire, MRs. R.D. Rabb, Mrs. Myrtle Rogers, Mrs. J.G. Vickers, Mrs. Cecil Hyer, Miss Ruth Campbell, and Mrs. Charles Thompson.
(Con't. on page 2, col. 3)
[column 3]
The new two-teacher Negro school was formally turned over to school officials on Monday night, December 8, at an open house by officials of the Slater Manufacturigng Co. Inc
An interesting program was arranged by Mr. J. H. Barnett, superitendent of the Slater Marietta Schools, and James McJunkin, the colored principal. Mr. J. A. White, Plant Manger of the Slater Manufacturing Co., Inc., who is also chairman of the Borad of Trustees of the local school, was present and delivered an intersting address, in which he presnted the school to Professor McJunkin. Robert H. Atkinson and Henry Jarrard, other members of the Board of Trusteets, spoke briefly. Also appearing on the program were Messrs. C. G. Hyer and L. T. Searee, who also spoke briefly.
On behalf of his race and school, James McJunkin accpeted the new school nand promised to use it for the advacement of his race and educational affairs. Prof McJunkin's remarks were very well appropriate for the occasion.
Also present was a chorus, whic delivered several songs and Negro sprituals, - and a local quartlet rendered several vocal numbers.
Refreshement of punch and cake were served to everyone attending this affair. These were furnished by the Slater community Association.
The program closed with prayer by one of the Negro ministers present.
The new Negro school was built by the Slater Manufacturing Co., Inc. and titles to the building and grounds are to be retained by the Company, but the Negro school is to have full use of building and grounds. The new building is of tile construciton and is practically fireproof throught. The walls are of white plaster, and the woodwork is finished in a dark stain. It is equipped with fluorescent lighting, running water, and heat is furnished by fuel oil heaters. Several prominent educators of Greenville declared on a recent visit to the school, that it was best Negro school in Greenville County and perhaps the best in South Carolina.
Both white and color citizens of Slater are very proud of this new building.
Some men spend so much time trying to make a killing that they forget to make a living -- Wooden Barrel.
[column 4]
Chrismas Play To Be Presented At Slater Hall on December 18
The annual Christmas play, which is sponsored by the three churches of Slater and Financed by the Slater Community Association, will be presented at Slater Hall on Thursday evening, December 18, at 7:30P.M. The play selected for this year is entitled " At The Inn" by Mary Russell. Admission is free an the public is cordially invited to attend.
A nativity type play has been given, here at Slater for the past four years, and the one to be presented this Christmas will be the fifth. At first, this play was sponsored by the Company and later by the Association but for the past several years the Slater chruches have been the sponsoring agents.
The majority of those taking part in the play are from the three local churches, and among these are the following: W. A Woodruff, Jr - Joel, the innkeeper of Bethlehem; F. J. Brannon, Jr - Joseph; R. P. Canham - Asa; The Rev. C. E. McAbee - Jacob; Jesse White, Jr. - Levi; Claude Guest - Semel; Larry Rabb - David; and H. S. Richardson, Ted Addington and E. A. McGill - the three Magi or Wise Men.
The ladies taking part are Mrs. E. A. McGill as Rachel and Miss Elizabeth Ammos as Mary.
The Angel Chorus will be composed of: June Pridmore , Patricia Summey, Betty Vassey, Freida Thornton, Eliane Foster, Frances Hester, Molly
[column 5]
White, Mary Ann Tilley, Rosa Addington, Patty Addington, Beth Kaney, Betty Scarce, Lynn White and Ann Thompson.
Miss Eloise Lofits of the school faculty, is directing the play, and Mrs. Kathaleen Fowler will direct the music. Mr. W. Earle Reid will serve as stage manager.
As has been the custom for the past serveral years, elaborate costumes have been secured for this production, as well as an elaborate system of lighting. It is expected that this will play, will exceed those given in former years, and a large audience is expected to be present.
Baptist Young People Hold Intersting Meet
The Y. W. A. of Slater Baptist Church met in the homes of Miss Ellen Huffman and Miss Blondine Voyles durin the month of November.
The programs for these meetings centered around Africa. Miss Mildred Farthing, program chariman, prepared individual maps and program favors on Africa for the members. Miss Ellen Huffman prepared miniature umbrellas for the girls.
The hostesses served delicous refreshments consisting of sandwiches, potato chips, pickles, cookies, candy and gum and Pepsi-colas.
[photograph of man and woman spanning columns 4 and 5]
Dr. T.L. Takacy is show giving employees of the Slater Manufacturing Co., Inc. free influenza shots. This service was inaugurated by the Slater Company this year, and in about seven hours, Dr. Takecy gave approximately 700 shots to employees on the first, second, and third shifts. A large percentage of employees availed themselves of this preventative measure.
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