



Status: Complete

Page Two THE SLATER NEWS December 11, 1947

[Column 1]
The Slater News
Published Every Two Weeks
Slater Manufacturing Co., Inc.
Established 1790
In The Interest of Its Employees
(Symbols NCIE and Editorial)

ROBERT H. ATKINSON--------Editor
CECIL S. ROSS---------Asst. Editor
LILY ALEXANDER---Circulation Mgr.
CLAUDE GUEST--------Photographer

Weave Room: Nellie Barnette, Gladys
Cox, Rosalee Cox, Sarah Canham,
Dessie Burrell, Pearl Price, Doris
Jones, Sarah Lee Foster, and Estelle

Preparation Department: Jessie Vas-
sey, Julia Brown, Bertha Jones,
Blanche McCall, Nellie Ruth Payne,
Ruth Campbell, Marguerite Wad-
dell, Mary B. Capps, and C. D.

Cloth Room: Opal W. Smith.

Commissary: Jorene Vickers.

Office: Betty Gillespie and Jeanne

Community: Ruth Johnson and Ruby
P. Reid.

Stockholders All

Whether you own stock or
not, you still are a shareholder
in your company by virtue of
the services you provide the
company through your job.

Every minute of concentra-
tion and application that you
bring to your job represents
your share of working stock in
the company. It all adds up to
the fact that every worker has
a financial stake in the com-
pany which employs him.

Your job is your savings ac-
count. It is also your em-
ployer's savings account, for
every bit of work that you
effect daily represents the
means of continuing and
broadening the future of the

It's good to feel the inter-
locking of purpose in job and
company. It is the gold-edged
guarantee of a future for both
workers and employers. We all
stand to gain or lose by our
individual actions.

The need for war production
and immediate peace-time re-
conversion production is past.
But the need for production on
a continuing level basis still is
urgent. Production, by com-
pany and individual workers, is
one of the sure curbs on infla-

Lazy minutes drifting away
never to be regained are the
stiffest kind of competition for
production. Production means
more dollars for everyone. And
more dollars means dollars
competing against each other
to keep commoditites within the
price range of the average
wage earner's ability to pay.

Reputation is a bubble which
others can blow up or burst by
what they say behind your
back.—O. A. Battista, Every-
body's Weekly.
[Column 2]

Pen Scratches

A recent editorial in a local
paper talked about manners.

Manners are wonderful, and
to see a person who uncon-
sciously uses good manners is a
rare delight.

The children used to learn a
little rhyme in school that
went like this: "Politeness is to
do and say, the kindest thing
in the kindest way." And Emer-
son said "Manners are the
happy ways of doing things."

We chide our children for
their lack of manners, and then
very often grownups refuse to
use ordinary courtesies in front
of the small fry. Whenever
older people are naturally
polite to each other and to
children as well, then the chil-
dren are going to imitate these
nice manners and everyone will
be happier.

Good manners are largely a
matter of self-control too, don't
you think? Can you imagine
two people quarreling violently
and using such terms as "I beg
your pardon" or "Please ex-
cuse me, I'm so sorry."

Good manners are like the
family silver, the more they are
used, the prettier they become.

Had your flu shots yet?
Better take them, and take all
other precautions possible to
ward off flu and colds. Some
pessimists are predicting that
this winter is scheduled to be
the worst one since 1927 for flu
and colds. If you have never
had flu, you are lucky. If you
have had flu, then you are quite
familiar with all the aches and
pains and chills and fevers that
flu brings. Any kind of a
vaccine is far, far better than
even a mild case of flu.

Have you ever seen such a
lovely autumn as we have had
this year? The trees seem to be
trying to outdo themselves in
displaying gorgeous colors. A
maple tree up on Fourth Street
the other day flaunted four
different colors at one time—
green, red, yellow and brown.

And our water oaks have
taken a very special delight in
giving us a bright patch of
brillance to contrast with the
green of our white pines. Enjoy
this array of color while you
may, because soon Mr. I. C.
Winter will festoon the bare
branches with glittering icicles.
Br-r-r-r-, put some more coal on
the fire.

Card of Thanks

Mr. and Mrs. N. O. Hall and
family wish to thank their
friends for knidnesses shown in
the death of Mr. C. C. Hall.
They especially thank Mr. and
Mrs. George Garland, Mr. and
Mrs. Wade Turner, Mr. Grover
Buchanan, Mr. Bennie Taylor,
Willie Mae and Alma Hart, and
Mr. J. Tilley.

[Column 3]
Cloth Room Chatter

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Johnson
and daughter, Judy, enjoyed
motoring to Hendersonville,
N. C. recently.

Mrs. George Garland visited
her sister, Mrs. Gay Carter, at
Normal Hospital in Asheville,
N. C. recently. While there,
Mrs. Garland enjoyed Christ-
mas shopping, and she reports
that the streets of Asheville are
very beautiful with all the
Christmas decorations.

Mrs. Clara Bridgeman re-
ports that her mother, sister,
and brother had a very enjoy-
able week-end in South Boston
recently, where they visited
Mrs. Ethel Holt and family.

Mrs. E. B. Epps and sons,
Mrs. J. W. Johnson, and Peggy
and Betty Scarce were among
the many persons enjoying the
Santa Claus parade in Green-
ville Friday.

Friends of Elizabeth Row-
land will be glad to hear that
her sister, Mrs. Lucille Carroll,
is improving rapidly following
a recent operation.

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith en-
joyed having dinner with Mrs.
Smith's grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. C. R. Poole, of Travelers
Rest last Sunday.


Rubber cultivation, de-
veloped in the Republic of
Colombia as a war-time expedi-
ent, is now expanding on an
even larger scale, reports the
Middle America Information
Bureau. Most of this increased
rubber output finds a ready
market in the United States.

The entire Pacific coast of
Colombia is humid and tropical,
with many regions ideally
suited for the cultivation of
rubber. The chief nurseries in
Columbia are located in the
zone of Uraba, and in Villa

The Colombian government,
overlooking no opportunities to
stimulate rubber cultivation, is
encouraging small farmers to
grow rubber in their family
gardens. In Uraba, for example,
the large plantations serve as
demonstration centers for the
distribution of information,
agricultural data, and advice to
all interested settlers. It is
planned that each central
plantation will be surrounded
by small family plantings of

Rubber growers in Colombia
today have the benefits of all
the scientific developments in
rubber planting of the past
half century. Planters use
clonal trees — the result of
grafting a bud from stock of a
tree of proved high yield—and
obtain greater production per
acre than the plantations of the
Far East.
Baptist Society
(Con't. from page 1, col.2)

The meeting was then closed
with prayer, after which the
hostess, assisted by Mrs. Perry
Rampey, served delicious re-
freshments, carrying out the
scheme of the holiday season.

The January meeting will be
held at the home of Mrs.
Charles Thompson of Slater.

[Heading spanning columns 4 and 5]
GOINGS-ON - - - -

[column 4]
Friends of Mrs. John Lane
will be glad to know she has
returned from the hospital and
is doing nicely now. Mr. and
Mrs. Lane have recently moved
from Marietta to Route #2,
Travelers Rest.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cline,
Frances Poole, Jean Hester,
and Jorene Vickers attended
the Parker-Greenville football
game Friday night.

Mrs. G. J. Vickers and
Johnnie were visitors in Gaff-
ney last week-end.

Mrs. J. C. Staton, who is
visiting her daughter in Ches-
ter, Pa., reports that she has
another find grandson up

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stansell
and family of Greenville, Mr.
and Mrs. Oscar Sprouse and
son, Mrs. Dora Stansell, and
Mrs. Allan Brannon of Pied-
mont were the Sunday guests
of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Sprouse
of Slater.

Mrs. Waymon Dublin was
honored with a shower on
Saturday night, November 29,
at the home of her parents
near Marietta.

Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Phillips
has as their week-end guests,
Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Bryson
and Sarah Phillips.

Jack Powers tells us he is en-
joying fresh meat these days.

Third shifters are happy to
have Mrs. Earline Thrift work-
ing with them again in No. 3
Weave Room.

Mr. and Mrs. Gaither Laws
have moved into their new
home and are enjoying it very

Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Sprouse,
Mrs. R. P. Canham, Miss Sarah
Canham, and Mrs. Nora Wal-
drop attended the funeral of
Mrs. Waldrop's brother, Mr.
Jim Young, at Beaverdam
Church near Anderson.

Mrs. Cora Sprouse of
Tumbling Shoals is visiting her
sons, Mr. C. L. Sprouse and
Rev. Ervin McAbee, and their

Coburn Oxner had as his
week-end guest his mother,
Mrs. Rhymer.

We notice that Charlie
Clarke is all smiles since hog
killing time has rolled around.

Mr. and Mrs. G.E. Ballenger
of Slater had as their dinner
guests Thanksgiving Day, Mr.
and Mrs. James Mitchell of
Sans Souci. Mrs. Mitchell is the
former Miss Elizabeth Ballen-
ger of Slater.

Mrs. Dessie Burrell had the
pleasure of entertaining her
sister, Mrs. A. C. Hayden, and
family for Thanksgiving din-
ner. They were the overnight
guests of Mrs. M. T. Henderson,
and enjoyed a delicious mid-
night oyster stew.

Second shifters in Weave
Room No. 3 welcome Mr. Perry
Freeman. Hope you will enjoy
working with us, Perry.

Did anyone see Mrs. Bernice
Foster riding the new motor

We understand that wedding
bells will be ringing Olin Rice's
way around Christmas time.
We are wondering who the
lucky girl is!

Employees of No. 2 miss John
Humphries since he has left
Slater. John, we hope you will
soon be back with us.

[Column 5]
Pearl Price tells us she en-
joyed Thanksgiving dinner
with her brother, William
Price, and his family.

We are sorry that Eleanor
Bellamy has been out from
work sick for several days, and
hope she will soon be able to

Alvin Talley seems to be
very happy lately. Could it be
that he is expecting old Santa
Claus to come around soon?

Harold Smith enjoyed rabbit
hunting Thanksgiving Day, but
reports that he didn't have
much luck.

Esther Griffith and Nina
Allison went Christmas shop-
ping Monday and report they
had a nice time shopping for
Santa Claus.

(Con't. on p. 3, col. 1)


The SAFE Way

(comic strip)
by SiD

[cartoon box 1 man on ground, bump on head with man holding pail standing over him]
[man standing says]

[second box]
[Nurse on phone, man with bandage around head, arm, and right leg]
[Nurse says]
[sign on wall]

[third box]
[man falling off ladder with man standing over him]
[man standing says]

[fourth final box]
[man standing, things spilled all over floor with man sitting, holding a paper, man sitting with GOOD HOUSEKEEPING paper]

From National Safety News
Published by
The National Safety Council

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