Merry Christmas, Happy New Year
Old Slater Mill
EST. 1790
Vol. 4 Slater, S. C., December 22, 1947 No. 47
Slater Mill
[Column 1]
Above is J. A. Brady, newly
appointed to the post of Assist-
ant Office Manager to succeed
P. J. Acree who was trans-
ferred to the central office in
Greensboro. Mr. Brady has
been with the Slater Company
for several years. He is a
veteran of World War II and
resides at Slater.
School Presents
Varied Courses
Supplementing basic courses,
three new agricultural courses,
poultry raising, reforestation
and truck gardening, will be
offered during the next term of
the Opportunity School at West
Columbia, S. C. which opens
December 11, according to T.
D. Watkins, Principal. In
addition, a class in practical
nursing will be given and
ceramics will be taught by Miss
Gertrude Ross, of the Univer-
sity of Minnesota, who believes
that South Carolina soil offers
great possibilities for the de-
velopment of a money-making
pottery industry.
The new term, which marks
the beginning of the second
year of the permanent, year-
round Opportunity School, will
begin on December 11 and end
on March 15. However, pupils
may register on the first day of
any month, Mr. Watkins
pointed out.
The 235 pupils who were en-
rolled during the school's first
year made an average gain of
one year's school progress for
each three-months term. Nine-
teen have secured high school
certificates although the aver-
age school year completed by
this group prior to attendance
at the Opportunity School was
eighth grade.
Primarily for those who have
not completed elementary or
high school, but who desire to
continue their education in a
boarding school atmosphere,
the Opportunity School strives
to meet the need of each
(Con't. on page 2, col. 2)
[Article spanning Column 2 and 3]
The Seasons Greetings
As we approach the end of another year, we want
to express to each of our employees our deep
appreciation for the splendid cooperation during the
past year.
In looking forward to the New Year, no one can
tell just what the future will bring forth, but with
your continued help and support we believe we can
expect to stay ahead of our competitors. We hope
that everyone will continue to build up our good
Slater Spirit that has meant so much in making the
Slater plant what it is today. We are proud of what
has been accomplished, and our future depends on
the help of each individual to continue making
We wish for each of you a Merry Christmas and
a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
[Column 2]
To make Christmas pleasant
and happy for young readers,
the library purchased a number
of Christmas books which may
be checked out by the young-
sters for holiday reading.
Among these new books are
such titles as: "Christmas
Time" (Field), "Christmas
Traditions" (Auld), "The
Christmas Nightingale"
(Kelly), "At Christmas Time"
(Almy), "The Animals' Christ-
mas" (Eaton), "Merry Christ-
mas To You" (Harper),
"Christmas House" (Turner),
and "The First Christmas Crib"
Also: "The Sky Bed" (Thom-
sen), "St. Nicholas' Travels"
(Pauli), "Hansi" (Bimelmans),
"Nicholas" (Moore), "Silent
Night" (Kredel), "Christmas"
(Con't. on page 2, col. 2)
[Caption of photo spanning column 2, 3 and 4]
Staff Photographer Claude Guest snapped the above picture of the newly constructed Negro
schoolhouse the day it was occupied. The building has two classrooms, and is of tile construction
and practically fireproof throughout. All citizens of Slater, both white and colored, are proud of
this fine new building.
[Column 3]
Many From Here
Win Promotions
The Slater Manufacturing
Co., Inc. is proud when the roll
of the central office in Greens-
boro is called, for there are
many men on the roster who
were formerly connected with
the local plant.
Pendleton J. Acree was the
last Slater man to go to the
central office. Mr. Acree first
came with the Slater Company
late in 1941 and served in
various capacities until his pro-
motion to Greensboro recently.
He served as Paymaster and
Assistant Office Manager while
here, and in Greensboro is on
the staff of W. T. Stockton,
Controller for the Carter group
of mills of which Slater is a
Wallace Sutton is also a
(Con't. on p. 2 col. 4.)
[Column 4]
The library recently pur-
chased a number of Christmas
recordings which are being
used extensively by the chil-
dren's clubs during the holiday
Among these recordings is a
group called "The Christmas
Party", featuring Clement
Moore's poem, "The Night Be-
fore Christmas". This master-
piece, narrated by Two Ton
Baker, has a unique musical
background which makes a
very unusual arrangement.
Musical numbers in this group
are "Jingle Bells", "Up On The
House Top", and "Deck The
Other Christmas recordings
are two stories called "The
Legend Of The Christmas
Tree" and "Tale Of A Christ-
mas Stocking". In both of these
stories the narrator is sup-
ported by a musical accompani-
An album called "A Christ-
mas Fantasie" is also being
enthusiastically received by the
children. This is the tale of a
little boy who tried to stay
awake to see Santa. As you may
have already guessed, though,
the Sandman came around
early, and the little "watch-
man" went to sleep at his post.
But he went to Santa Land
while he was asleep and even
talked to Santa Claus, which
proves that boys and girls must
go to sleep if they wish to see
Santa on Christmas Eve.
The children are thoroughly
enjoying these recorded stories
and music, and from all indica-
tions, will be bubbling over
with happiness when they hang
up their stockings on Christ-
mas Eve.
For art may err, but Nature
cannot miss.
By John Dryden
[Column 5]
Roy Glenn has been ap-
pointed Paymaster here at Sla-
ter to succeed J. A. Brady.
While Mr. Brady was in serv-
ice, Mr. Glenn was acting Pay-
master. The new Paymaster is
a resident of Slater and has
been employed here several
Lindsey Heads
Masonic Lodge
At the last regular commu-
nication of Ebenezer Lodge No.
101, A. F. M., Slater, S. C.,
held on Monday, December 1,
J. C. Lindsey was elected
Worshipful Master of the
Lodge for the coming year. For
the past two years, Mr. Lindsey
has served as Senior Warden
of the Lodge.
The new Worshipful Master
has long been prominently
identified with Masonic work
here. At the present time he is
employed by the State High-
way Department and makes his
home near Cleveland, S. C.
Elected to serve as Senior
Warden was T. R. Addington
who, for the past year, has
served as Junior Warden. Mr.
Addington is an employee of
the Slater Manufacturing Co.,
Inc. and resides at Slater.
John A. Dillard, who served
this past year as Junior Deacon,
was elected Junior Warden. Mr.
Dillard is employed in the Shop
here at the Slater plant and
resides on Route #2, Travelers
Rest, S. C.
Unanimously elected to serve
as Treasurer and as Secretary
were A. B. McMakin and Rob-
ert H. Atkinson. Mr. McMakin
has served the Lodge as Treas-
urer for many years, and Mr.
Atkinson is serving his third
year as Secretary. Both men are
employed by the Slater Manu-
facturing Co., Inc. and reside
at Slater.
Re-appointed to the post of
Senior Deacon was Cecil G.
Hyer. The new Junior Deacon
is Roy M. Whitmire, who for
(Con't. on page 2, col. 3)
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