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Tieoma Chapter No. 140, 0.
E. S., held its annual publie installation service for new of. feers on Tuesday
April 9, in the Masonic Hall.
Mrs. Alice Wyman, Worthy Grand Matron of S. C., was the installing Grand Officer. Other installing officers were Mrs.
Jessie Christenberry as Grand Marshall, Mr. T. E. Christen-berry as Grand Chaplain, and Miss Marcella Austin as Grand Organist.
The meeting was called to order by Miss Hattie Bell For-rest, Worthy Matron, and Mr.
Melvin Jarrard, Worthy Pat-ron. The Invocation was pro-nouneed by the Rev. J. A. Hun-nieutt. The Weleome Address was delivered by Mrs. Ethel Greene, to which Mrs. Sloan Westmoreland responded.
The Grand Officers were then introduced by the
Matron. The Flag was presented by Mrs. Mae C. Bates, after which the Pledge of Allegiance was given by the entire assem-bly. The audience then sang
At this time the Chapter paused to pay tribute to the memory of one of the beloved members of the Chapter, Mrs.
Fannie Powell Burns, who died in March, 1945.
A beautiful
basket of flowers was placed in the East in loving memory of the deceased member. Miss Caroline Martin rendered special musie. The officers elect were then installed. After the installation eeremony, the Past Matrons' Jewel was presented to Mrs. Marjorie Chumley. by Mr. R. F. Mitchell, Past Grand Patron of S. C.
As a closing song, the assembly sang
"God Be With. You
"Till We Meet Again."
elosing prayer was delivered by the Rev. Charles T. Thomp-son, and afterwards a social hour was enjoyed.
The following officers were installed: Miss Lillian Burns, Worthy Matron; Mr. Melvin Jarrard, Worthy Patron; Mrs.
Louise Lindsey, Associate Mat-ron; Mr. Wiil Dunean, Asso-eiate Patron; Mrs. Julia Brown,
Chumley, Treasurer;
Jarrard, Conductress;
Miss Frances Dunean, Associate Conduetress: Miss Nathalee Forrest, Chaplain; Mrs. Mac Bates, Marshall;
Greene, Organist; Miss Hattie Bell Forrest, Adah; Mrs. Eula Brannon, Ruth; Miss Frances Cheatham, Esther; Mrs. Lessie Bowers, Martha;
Lynch, Electa;
Dunean, Warder; and Mr. F.
J. Brannon, Sentinel.

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