



Status: Complete

[photograph of a city divided by a river with a large bridge connecting both sides]

Vienna couldn't go to the Danube, so they brough the Danube to Vienna. T h e Canal, with its many bridges and fine quays, adds much to the storied charm of the Austrian Captial.

Photo: Osterreichische Lichtbilastelle

The tangled skein of Vienna's history is a fascinating one to unravel. Every side street has a rich story for the traveller who has the patience and curiosity to look for it.

Photo: Osterreichische Lichtbilastelle

[photo of a grand building resembling a palace overlooing a bay]

Sightseeing and business will be combined at the Vienna Convention. Several group meetings will be held on Danube boats such as is shown here under the shadow of the Convent at Melk. Rotary 1931.

Booklovers will be tempted to prolong their stay, for in Vienna are some of the richest collections in the world. The Hall of Domes, in the National Library, is noted for its beautiful architecture as well as its thousands of rare volumes.

[photograph of the interior of a richly decorated library]


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