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Ipoh, Federated Malay States.

We are still hoping that the piece of tin ore from Ipoh will arrive. This letter from Dr. Khong expresses the world-wide scope of Rotary so well and reveals its possibilites in creating world-wide friendship that we should like to have the rock from Ipoh in our walls. So far, neither rock nor pictures have arrived. Thanks to Ipoh, just the same.

[Handwritten note]
Rotary Club of Ipoh

25th Dec. 1930.

Dr. George W. Quick
Rotary Club of Green ville
Green ville
South Carolina.

Dear Rotarian Quick.

I have much pleasure in acknowledging the receipt of your letter of Nov: the 11th.

In compliance with your request I have today sent you by Parcel Post a piece of tin - bearing rock from Toong Yin Mine in Silibin near Ipoh.
[End handwritten note]

"This mine is famous all over Malaya and has quite a romance in connection with its discovery etc. It has proved to be the richest in Malaya ever since tin was mined in this country. Nine poor Chinese got together and put up a capital of $5000.00 some six years ago to work this mine, and in four years they have made over twelve million dollars. The mine is still being worked, but the output is very much reduced.

"I am not one of the nine lucky partners! I am only connected with the mine in my professional capacity, being their visiting medical officer

"Of the six objects of Rotary, the sixth interests us most. This is because of the mixed population of Ipoh and district. We have only a membership of 56, but no less than eleven nationalities are represent in

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