From Spanish
Office of the Governor of District 63
Palacio de Justicia,
Buenos Aires,
December 13, 1929.
Rotary Club of Greenville,
Mr. James A. Winn,
Greenville, South Carolina.
Dear Jim:
I have the pleasure to acknowledge receipt of your favor of October 22, which I am answering with some delay, due to the time required for preparing the stones referred to in same.
In this respect I have the pleasure to inform you that the two stones which I am sending today, properly packed, were courteously presented by the rotarian of the club of Buenos Aires, Mr. Guillermo Carey.
For my part, I congratulate you very much to the original and beautiful initiative of using stones from different countries for covering part of the walls of the building in construction at the beach of Rotary Lake intended for the children of Greenville.
I consider this idea to signify a high social aim, and a proper and sensual mission of the Rotary, inasmuch as it is in the heart of the children that the seed of fraternity will bear fruit powerfully. When the reed on each stone receive the name of the country of origin, they will intuitively realise that all those countries are sincere friends of their own country.
Enclosed I send you the data asked for by you, in regard to the origin, etc., of these stones, and we hope that they will arrive at the opportune time.
With sincere wishes that deserved success will crown the noble effort of the executors of this idea, I beg you to accept my cordial well wishes, which I extend through you to each one of the members of the club over which you worthily preside and of the respective committee.
With affectionate salutations, I remain
Yours rotarially,
A. Colmo.
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