Morocco, Northern Africa, is a French protectorate, with perhaps 5,000,000 population. Arabs, some Moors, Jews, and native Africans constitute the make-up of the people. Educationally, commercially, and industrially the country is backward but progress is being made. The flowers are beautiful and the leather goods are sold extensively in the stores.
Yet we have a very friendly letter from the Rotary Club of Casablanca. After all, kindliness and good-will, when expressed in life, are the passports in any country in the world. Such spirit as expressed in the letter from Casablanca is the only hope of world peace.
Miss Estelle Earle, of Greenville, kindly gave a rock from Rabat, the capital of Morocco, and also one from Casablanca.
[black and white aerial photograph of Casablanca, Morocco]
Photograph courtesy Lignes Aeriennes Latecoere
"We rush suddenly upon Casablanca, zooming up over the artificial harbor, across the white and yellow houses and ocher-tinted towers. . . .Here is the age-old, immemorial life of the East, a page out of the thousand and second tale of Scheherazade" (see text, page 287). Casablanca was built by the Portuguese, during the latter half of the 15th century, on the site of the once prosperous town of Anfa. Native uprisings eventually necessitated its abandonment. In 1907 the French bombarded the town in punishment for the murder of the French and Spanish workmen engaged on the harbor works, and it has been occupied by the former since that time.
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