


Status: Complete

[handwritten] continued from preceeding page.

Greater, stronger than these by far,
America, O America.
Little knowing how sick you are,
America, O America.
Broken bargains, dishonest gains,
Dilettant leaders with vice-clogged brains,
Prophets hounded, the law a jest,
Reeling dances to drown unrest,
Policy governing affairs of state--
All this you have and tolerate,
America, O America.

Asia's millions with starving eyes,
America, O America.
Looking, waiting, while Europe sighs,
America, O America.
Sighing, waiting for help from you,
Only getting a speech or two;
Whirring, clinking of wheels and coin,
Revels, praises of statesmen join,
Mingling sadly in the Father's ears,
Crying, moaning of the world in tears.
America, O America.

Bloody footprints in frozen snow,
America, O America.
Showing clearly the way to go,
America, O America.
Upward, passing a cross-crowned hill,
Downward every desire fulfill;
Upward saving a world in strife,
Downward damning your blood-bought life;
Upward, downward, which shall it be?
Wondering, trembling, I pray God for thee,
My country, O my country.

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