[Yaarab Temple logo]
Shrine Mosque
Atlanta, Ga.
April 23, 1931.
Mr. John M. Holmes,
Y. M. C. A.
Greenville, S. C.
My dear John:-
It was a real disappointment not to be able to attend your District Conference but after getting back from Athens I was a mental and physical wreck. When I get in this state I know the best thing to do is to find some other type of diversion.
I am also keenly disappointed that I cannot be at your ceremonial in Columbia. It happens to fall on the same day of the Grand Comandery Meeting at Waycross, Georgia, and I am supposed to be elected Grand Commander down there.
I do not know whether you can use it but I am sending you a small crystal that I picked up at Hot Springs, Ark. You will find enclosed some smaller ones and I particularly want to call your attention to nature's system of having one end of each crystal in five points. However you break them they will come out this way. You can use this to make a moral application. Maybe you can word it into the five sense of man. You are such an artist at this work I am only making a suggestion.
With kindest personal regards, I am,
Cordially yours,
Tom [handwritten signature]
Thos. C. Law,
P. O. Box 1558.
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