


Status: Complete

The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company
The Colorado and Southern Railway Company



In Reply Please Refer to File

Pueblo, Colo., August 28 1929.

Subject: Stones for Y.M.C.A. Greenville, S. C.

Mr J M Holmes
General Secretary Y M C A
Greenville S C.

Dear Sir:

Referring to your letter of August 7th, 1929, to Mr. J. R. Hitchcock, our General Manager.

I beg to advise that copy of your letter was forwarded to me, and I have secured for you a piece of granite about 7" x 8" and two inches in thickness.

This was secured from the foot of Pikes Peak. On the smooth surface I had painted "Pikes Peak, Colorado, AT&SF Ry." This paint can be washed off the stone so you may paint it as you desire.

I sent this stone to you by express today.

The face of the stone on which the lettering appears, you will note is smooth. This was smoothed by glacial action a few million years ago, more or less; it was broken loose from the top of the peak and brought to the bottom by these glaciers.

The stone was irregular in shape and I had it cut down to about the dimensions you desire and also had it split so that it would not be thicker than about two inches.

I trust that this stone will be such as will be of use as well as interest to you.

Yours very truly,
HA Tice [handwritten signature]


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