


Status: Complete

Cathedral of St. John the Divine, New York.

A description of this great cathedral is found under the postcard views on the opposite page. This cordial letter from the Dean is much appreciated.
The rock from the cathedral was kindly given to camp by the boys of the Mackey tour, 1929.

The Dean's Office
Cathedral of Saint John the Divine
Cathedral Heights
New York

April 17tth, 1931

My dear Mr. Holmes,

I have your letter which was sent to the Cathedral.

I am very much interested in your work, and enclose a few views of the Cathedral for your discriptive booklet.

Under separate cover, I am sending you several booklets which you may wish to use.

Sincerely yours,
[Handwritten signature]
M.[?] H.[?] Gates

Mr. John M. Holmes
Rotary Club of Greenville
South Carolina

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