[photograph of boys in bathing suits with two adults]
"Monk" and Sudie after a swim in the lake about the year 1935.
In closing the story of the lodge books in 1955, the editor of these volumes wishes to pay tribute to Mr. and Mrs. W.B. Mulligan.
Mr. Mulligan, known affectionately as "Monk" to many hundreds of boys of the world, gave up business and joined the staff of Greenville Y.M.C.A. in 1922.
When the present site of Camp Greenville was secured in 1924, Mr. Mulligan went to the Camp with one of the colored janitors of the "Y", and the former general secretary to begin Camp building and development.
He helped to rip the lumber forms off the dam at the lake site. He blasted stumps out of the lake bed. He has worked on every building and project at Camp Greenville ever since it was started and has secured for the Camp many of its present modern buildings. He is the only person who has had a part in every phase of Camp Greenville from the very beginning until the present time of 1955.
In addition to his actual physical work, he has been the director of activities for many years. Genial, athletic, jovial, efficient and Christlike he is the most natural leader of boys the writer of this article has ever known. He has probably an unequaled record. He had never hurt the mind or soul of any youth who came under his influence. He led them to higher ground. He did not drive them. They follwed him.
His wiefe, Mrs. Sudie Mulligan, has likewise rendered a wonderful service to Camp Greenvlle. Ever since she and "Monk" were married in 1931 she has handled the dining room at Camp efficiently, as well as helping in other phases of Camp work.
It has been a laborious task she has done cheerfully and well.
Here's to "Monk" and Sudie, of Camp Greenville, South Carolina.
[photograph of man holding a YMCA banner with trophies, globe, and books in background]