


Status: Indexed

W. T. was born in the Island of Tortola
in the W. Indies, on the 27th May 17 & was
sent when only five years old, with his brother
Absalom Zeagues T--a year younger, to his relations
in Lancaster England, to be educated.--
His Grandmother, Uncles & Aunts he always
spoke of with the highest respect, veneration &
affection. They were of the Society of Friends, but
not so rigid as those in America, tho' sincerely pious
& devoutly religious as their many excellent letters
testify.--He did not adopt their dress or manners
generally--& when addressed on the Subject many
years after in Philadelphia by the Friends, he said
he thought their young men had better follow his
example, then the Society wou'd not be disgraced as
it too frequently was by young Quakers being known
& seen in improper places, or such as were not tolerated
by the Society, such as Theatres &c &c--

He served out his apprenticeship to Medicine under
Dr. Fell of Ulverstone most faithfully, tho' he went
thro' many hardships, & took his Degrees most

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Transcription missed the "s" in "served," last paragraph.