the sun had risen. – Her [cross out] cloak was once more wrapped round her and her poor baby, and faint with cold and hunger she stole from the house. – All this bitter [2 words crossed out] and wint'ry day did she wander from house to house – [ 2 words crossed out] [enquiring for work - written above] – That she was refused, is no indication of inhumanity, for what person would think of receiving into their service, so sickly and [miserable - crossed out] slender a looking [wretch - crossed out] [creature - written above], with a half famished child in her arms. – Several persons gave her some change, and some food and in some [poor ? - crossed out] [small houses - written above], she ventured to ask leave to rest and warm herself. – The day was almost spent – night was coming on. She would not willingly lay down in the market place or street, and rousing her flagging , she dragged herself to a large and handsome house she saw at a distance – The door opened and she made known her application [with a - crossed out] [in - written above] broken accents – her face was blue with cold – she staggared and leaned against the door-way. – When the servant saw her, he took her for a worthless, drunken wretch, and slammed the door in her face. —