


Status: Complete

Byron or of {Moore?}, and wish to be the lovely Medora, in
her high and solitary tower, or the faithful Kaled, silently
watching in his eye, the unspoken wish--than to
mingle in the gay and noisy festivities of her companions.
For Lucy loved--and
Lucy was no longer innocent.
And Osmin, felt he was beloved, and beloved for himself,
and not for the gold which he had once told the unhappy
William, was the only way to find, or bind a woman's
heart! But his, was not the virtuous love which endures
when the charms which gave it birth, have grown familiar,
his was not the love, that never tires. No, soon, too
soon, did he experience, a vacuity of heart which
mere personal charms, can never satisfy, which only
can be filled by esteem.--And this, unfading
virtue alone can bestow.
last 3 lines crossed out

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