


Status: Complete

July 4th 1801
New York
Tho' if I had but a letter from Washington I would write to my dear
Margaret this cool day, Scarce had I formed the wish when it was granted, and my
"energies" were awakened by the requisite stimulus. And really some was necessary, for notwith-
standing the intense heat, my life has been so much a life of letters lately, that I feared
I had not a single idea but what had been already repeated till I had become tired of it.
Only think, I have written six letters in a week. Is not this monstrous for me.

Dear me! I wish I had less flexible ears or the power of great abstraction
I was just rejoicing that I could write at my own desk, undisturbed by the talking
of the children, when a neighbourMr Campbell was seized with an inclination
of relating an account of a Roman battle, so I am annoyed with "rushed forward"
"great impetuosity," "hurled their spears"--"broke through their ranks" &c; It will
never do, I must wait till "the battle is done,"--Yet then the bells will be ringing,
I scarceley know which is the greater of the two evils.

July 5th--I was obliged to yield to circumstances, a violent head-ache and
the ringing of all the many surrounding bells was to powerful for me.
my "energies were exerted" in valn. So as I could not employ my head I did my
hands, and sat the whole morning (with a little interruption now and then found
gazing at the military), at a drawing I lately began. I did not much, rather amused
than employed myself on that part which affords me most delight, the human face divine.
The expressions were simplicity, innocence, and archness in the faces of three children; one of
whom counterfeits a ghost, and so the piece is called. I am tolerably well satisfied with
my execution, tho' the weather has been so intensely warm, all the shades lie
smooth.--I drew till near dinner time, and then began cyphering, not the most ef-
ficacious cure for the head-ache.-- but the only thing I could do, and as I had determined
to exercise myself in aritthmetic every week day, it was some satisfaction to reflect
that perseverence was not to be defeated by indisposition.--At four OC--I was called
from my slate, to Mr Charles Brown.--he arrived on tuesday, and friday had been in-
disposed, this was the second time I had seen him, so even novelty joined to make
his visit more than usually agreeable,. We had a great deal to say about you,
and Wolsey Rogers entered to take part in in it, he had just returned from his
southern expedition.--Mr Brown you know has this winter been engaged in business

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