Pise Biographical Files Document 8



Needs Review


To Dr. Pise

University Place [?] 24/[64?]

My dear [?]

I am truly grieved to learn of the domestic affliction which prevented your being with us at Columbia.

The finance committee desire to be fully posted up in prohet to our indebtedness - I am able to make up most of the items here but would like to copy of the detailed list of [?] debts as made by the finance Comm. at our last meeting - I do not mean the report as [?] in last years journal but the items or [?] [?] which that report was from [dig?] - I believe all the paper was filed with their report and you may be able to finish the [?] by looking over the papers

You will recollect that our agreement with [?] Co.

Last edit over 5 years ago by townsmg0
Needs Review


required that we should commence action open [actions?] [?] 3 years from new opening of 1858 - We laid the corner stone [?] 60 but as nothing else has been done I think it important that we should do something in the way of [?] this coming year if our funds will permit - You will see [?] [?] see [?] have full discretion [given?] [?] to use any funds which way he is [?] [?] after paying debts - The two things I proposed to have done was the [?] of the [La 5?] and the building of a [?] tower which would accommodate 30 or 40 persons as a reception none for [?] [?] who [?] desire to select [La 5?] and make arrangements for building it I [?] to the [?] the place of which a building to [?] of 3000 which was generally appealing - The [?] to have a secretary of [?] Can [?]

Last edit over 5 years ago by townsmg0
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