



Status: Complete

D. Mercier
Mary Adams - page 1 8/1/72
#134 3:30-5:00
Children (circled)

Midwives - Agnes Kaslan's mother or grandmother
was one-
How they were selected was unknown-

Mary had her children at home - Dr.
came and attended - he'd sleep on feather
tick until baby started to come. Was
called at 1st signs of labor.

Husband was usually present
at the birth of the babies.

Never went for checkups until 8th months!

Doctors wouldn't attend if midwife was
going to assist at birth.

Many paid Dr. only $25.00 - c. 1936

Mining families thought birth of children
was reasonably pleasant- "nice enough"-
children were blessings from God - especially
if healthy

If you had glasses (eye) in "the Old Days" you
were considered "fancy" and "putting on
Doctors were called only in emergency
situations-no "preventive checkups," mostly because
of finances.

All kids raised in home - one kid would
help raise the others -

Breastfeeding was the rule, not the exception
Mary's child was weaned at 9 mo.

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Midwives - Agnes Kaslan's mother or grandmother . Agnes Kaslak's (?)

was reasonably pleasant- "nice enough"-

All kids raised in home - one kid would
help raise the others -