



Status: Complete

A. Varen. inter. H. Fed. - 28 - 8/23/72 Tape 29-1

HF: No it was torn down and this Fific home up here was burned down

AV: This Sherman place this mound whatever it was was it located right in back of the shanty

HF: You can see it out there you can it it out in the garden in the Fall of the year we take a
walk up there me and Joseph took a walk up there but there isn't any opening it's just
a big mound of dirt now

AV: And the house is not there anymore so you can't tell

HF: Oh no

AV: At what part of the house it was located, do you remember, was it right outside of the shanty

HF: It was down furthere, down in the garden you can figure it out by Petroskie's shanty. That
Petroskie's house part of it is still standing because the shanty's were on a line and this is a
little further down and the shanty was there and this is on this side of the road of the garden
not on that side where the shanty is

AV: To one side of it

AV: People used to have to build their outside cellars by themselves tho

HF From stones and clay and it was really marvelous the things that they know to do
without any education

AV: Well but that's why everybody didn't have outside cellars because it took a long time
to make them

HF: Oh they'd help one another in those days people helped one another not like today

AV: So many people had the outside cellars

HF: There were a lot of them because if you had any potatoes or things like that where
were you going to sotre it in those small houses like where Mrs. Timko is living
there was a trap door on the floor in some of the houses the trap door see there
was only 2 rooms down stairs, the kitchen and what you considered

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