Polk Family Papers Box 10 Document 10



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Letters: March 23, 1861

1861 Mar. 23| Bishop Polk and Bishop Elliott, University Place, to the Bishops of the Confederate Diocese, re: a consultation among the Diocese of the Confederate States for the purpose of considering their relations to the Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States; strong feelings of such a conference because of the rapid march of events and the change which has taken place in civil relations. 4 pp.

Last edit over 4 years ago by Jannyp
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14 Bishops Polk & Elliott March 23 1861

University Place Franklin Cy. Tenn. March 23 1861

Rt Rev & Dear Sir

The rapid march of Events and the change which has taken place in our civil relations seem to us, your Brethren in the Episcopate, to require an early consultation among the Dioceses of the Confederate States for the purpose of considering their relations to the Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States of which they have so long been the equal and happy members

Last edit almost 4 years ago by Jannyp
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This necessity does not arise out of any dissension which has occurred within the Church itself, nor out of any dissatisfaction with either the doctrine or discipline of the Church. We rejoice to record the fact that we are to-day, as Churchmen, as truly Brethren as we have ever been and that no deed has been done nor word uttered which leaves a single wound rankling in our hearts. We are still one in Faith, in purpose & in hope. But political changes, forced upon us by a stern necessity, have occurred, which have placed our Dioceses in a position, requiring Consulta tion as to our future Ecclesiastical relations. Tis better that these

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relations should be arranged by the common consent of all the Dio ceses within the Confederate States than by the independent action of Each Diocese. The one will probably lead to harmonious action, the other might produce inconvenient de[votion?]

We propose to you, therefore, Rt [Rev?] & Dear Sir, that you recom mend to your Diocesan Convention the appointment of three Clerical and three Lay Deputies, who, together with the Bishop of [a?] Diocese shall be delegates to meet an Equal numbe of delegates from each of the Dio ceses within the Confederate States at Montgomery in the Diocese of Alabama on the third day of July next to consult upon such matters as may

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have arisen out of the changes in our civil affairs.

We have taken it upon ourselves to address you this Circular because we happen to be together, and are the Senior Bishops of [?] Dioceses within the Confederate States.

Very truly yours [?] obend of [o?] Episcopali [Leonidas?] Polk Stephen Elliott Bp of [?]

P.S. We have named as late a day as the 3d July because the Dioesan Convention of So. Carolina does not meet this year until the 16th day of June.

Last edit about 2 years ago by ginnymc
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