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Columbia Nov. 26th 1840

My dear Mother:

My conscience tells me I have behaved
worse since I came home last Spring than I have
done for several years. I crave your indulgence
not because I merit it, but because I need it.
I have rarely had a more active Summer
work than that just past. We have you know
been undetaking for three years building a
church. This past Summer I had set apart
for seeing the walls up and the roof on and
as much of the inside work I can as possible.

The house is 65 feet long by 41. wide with
ample elevation. A vestry [?] of 16 foot square
in the rear & a Tower of the same [dimen?]
sions in front & about 50 feet high. This
I think will afford us all ample accomoda
tion. We mean to have large, & comfortable
pews. That then has been my Summers work
& I have accomplished it. [viz?] I have all
done except some work about the top of
the tower. This we propose to finish in the
Spring. The wood work of the inside will
be finished this Winter. The lathing done
& arrangements made for plastering &

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12/31/20 - This is my first translation. I do not know how to get to the second page to finish. Swam