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finishing in the early Spring. It has required a large
force, a great deal of waggoning and my constant
supervision to keep every thing up and going.

We feel thankful for what has been ac-
complished + hope that ourselves + children
+ distant [?] may know reason to thank
God for the protection + comfort of such a
[Refuge?]. We are hoping to have it ready
for Consecration by the meeting of the next
[?] Convention which holds its [Session?]
in the town of Columbia, in June or July
next. -- If we do not have it consecrated
sooner. -- I hope therefore in consideration of
the good work I was about you will not
be very hard in judging me . Particulary as
I knew that [?] was by [?] writing (?) like a
proud child all the time. -

I have also been engaged in having my
[farm?] put in order + thoroughly [fenced?] . I kept
the [hands?] here I intended sending to Miss: last
year to build the Church + fence my land.
I have now had a fence[here?] all the way
[?] my whole tract of land + my farm property
well fenced also, + some crop
fences also This has been a great labour
but one which should have been done years
ago. It is now done + I feel the comfort of
it as well as my stock. My lambs I have

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