POLK Letters: June 18, 1859
1859, June 18
Bishop Polk, New Orleans, La., to Francis B. Fogg, re: reporting that he has
heard from Tracy that the corrected deed for the lands has been given to him,
hoping that he had received it and had it recorded; mentioning a
misunderstanding developing into ill feelings between Col. Barney and Mr.
Bachus and that caution should be taken in examining Col. Barney's survey to
be sure it is correct; his own opinion that it will be found to be correct; hoping
also that all other tracts have been recorded; stating that he has $320,000,
believing that he will have obtained the amount of $500,000 by the time of the
meeting in August at which time he can say "the University is a fact." 45 pp. (
Note: These deeds and tracts refer to University lands ).
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