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YALE Photostat J. T. Hol'y 4-2

Rt. Rev. Leonidas Polk D.D.

Bishop of Louisiana

Rt. Rev. & Dear Sir

The undersigned a Colored Presby=
ter of the P. E. Church in the Diocese
of Connecticut has long entertained the
idea of evangelizing the blacks in the
island of Hai{2 dots over the "i"}ti; and prompted by these
motives conceived in early childhood, I
became a candidate for orders in the
Diocese of Michigan, and was made
Deacon by Bishop McCoskry in 1855.

Immediately thereafter, I visited
Port-au-Prince to spy out the land,
and estimate the probable success of
a mission of our church if established
there. And after having an audience
with the {insert symbol}then Emporer and several of his minis
ters; conversing with the people, and ob=

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James Theodore Holly was the first African-American bishop in the Protestant Episcopal church, and spent most of his episcopal career as missionary bishop of Haiti.