Polk Letters: August 11, 1860
1860, Aug. 11
T.K. Wharton, New Orleans, La., to Bishop POlk, re: acknowledgement of receipt of his letter and the sketch and other references connected with the Central Edifice of the proposed University; saying that he would use every endeavor to make his plans and specifications confirm to the necessessities of the institution; his plan to pay a short visit to the vicinity, asking what route to take. 2 pp. (1 mss. original and 1 Phototstat copy).
New Custom House New Orleans. Augt. 11 1860
Dear Bishop
I feel much obliged to you for your kind letter of 3rd Inst. just received, and for the facilities you have given me in the sketch and other references connected with the “Central Edifice” of the proposed University. I shall use every endeavour to make my Plans and Specifications conform to the necessities of the Institution as then expressed to me, and with a view to rescinding every expense that can be left off consistently with the harmony and utility of the whole-- I only regret that the time allowed for preparing Plans is so short, as my Government duties absorb the best part of every day, but I will do
all I can and, moreover, will endeavor to pay a short visit to the facility – Please favor me with a line to day {sic} whether, in doing so, I shall have to take Beersheba in my way, or proceed direct to the “University Grounds”, and also whether it is deemed indispensable to make the “Trusses” of the roof of stone, or if “wooden Principals” covered with a fire proof material, and plaster ceiling would be accepted.
I remain
Respectfully Your obt. Servant
T.K. Wharton
To the Right Revd. Leonidas Polk Bishop of Louisians
N.B. Is the stone in the neighboring Quarries “Sandstone:, “Freestone or “Limestone”? What color and what quality as to hardness and durability?.