


Status: Complete


The roll was called, and the minutes of yesterday's proceedings
were read and approved.

The report of the Committee on the Constitution being the order
of the day, was brought up and was under consideration until 3
o'clock, P. M., when, on motion, the Board adjourned to meet at 10
o'clock to-morrow morning.



NEW ORLEANS, February 10th, 1860.

The Board met pursuant to adjournment, and prayers were of-
fered by the Rt. Rev. President.

The roll was called, and the minutes of yesterday's proceedings
were read and approved.

Mr. Yerger, in behalf of the committee appointed to take into
consideration the communication of Mr. Seymour, made the fol-
lowing report, and offered the accompanying resolution, which was

The committee to whom was referred the letter of Mr. Seymour
to the President of this Board on the subject of the donation of
certain proceeds of lands to the University, repectfully report the
following resolution:

Resolved, That the President be requested to answer in his name
as President, the aforesaid communication, stating that this Board
have appointed the Right Reverend Bishops Polk and Elliott as
commissioners to receive any donations for the use and benefit of
the University, in lands or money.

The President will also tender the thanks of this Board to the
writer of the letter and his associates, for their kind intentions in
their offer to the University.


On motion of Mr. Fairbanks, the Board went into Committee of
the Whole on the Conrtitution.

Presently the committee rose, and through their Chairman, the
Rt. Rev. Bishop Rutledge, reported back the Constitution referred
to them with sundry amendments.


Judge Guion moved, seconded by Bishop Elliott, that the report
of the committee be adopted, which motion did not prevail.

On motion of Mr. Fairbanks, it was

Resolved, To non-concur with the committee in striking out Ar-
ticle XII, and that it be restored with certain proposed amend-

On motion of Mr. Fairbanks,

Resolved, That the original titles of the articles of the Constitu-
tion be and are hereby restored.

On motion of Bishop Polk, it was

Resolved, That the title of Article XIII be amended by inserting
the words "of the Board," after the word meetings.

On motion of Bishop Elliot, it was

Resolved, That the Secretary be requested to provide for the use
of the Board, to-morrow morning, one hundred printed copies of
the revised Constitution, with lines numbered.

On motion, the Board adjourned to meet at half-past nine o'clock
to-morrow morning.



NEW ORLEANS, February 11th, 1860.

The Board met pursuant to adjournment, and prayers were of-
fered by the Rt. Rev. President.

The roll was called and the minutes of yesterday's proceedings
read, amended, and approved.

On motion of Mr. Fairbanks, it was

Resolved, To reconsider Article XIII.

Mr. Fairbanks moved to amend the same by adding at the end
thereof the following words: "The Board may, by statute, pro-
vide for the payment of necessary expenses incurred by the Trus-
tees in attendance upon such meetings."

The amendment was adopted.

Mr. Yerger offered the following resolution, which was adopted:

Resolved, That the draft of this Constitution, as amended, be
spread upon the minutes, and that the same be and is hereby re-
ferred to the next general meeting of the Board of Trustees, to be
held in Tennessee, for final consideration and adoption.

On motion of the same, it was further

Resolved, That the President give notice of the time and place of

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