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the next meeting of the Board of Trustees, and state therein that
one of the principle matters to come before the Board will be the
adoption of a Constitution, and that for such purpose the Charter
requires a majority of all the Trustees to form a quorum, and that
he particularly request the attendance of each member.

On motion of Mr. Fairbanks, it was

Resolved, That the Code of Statutes be now taken up, and that
the reading of the Statutes be dispensed with, considering them as
before the Board.

On motion of Mr. Fairbanks, it was

Resolved, That the Board go into Committee of the Whole on
the Statutes.

At half-past 3 o'clock, P. M., the committee rose, and through
their chairman, reported progress, and asked leave to sit again,
which request was granted.

The Rt. Rev. Dr. Lay asked and obtained leave of absence for
the remainder of the session.

The Board adjourned to meet at half-past 9 o'clock Monday



NEW ORLEANS, February 13th, 1860

The Board met pursuant to adjournment, and prayers wer of-
fered by the Rt. Rev. President.

The roll was called, and the minutes of Saturday's proceedings
read and approved.

On motion, the Baord went into Committee of the Whole on the

The committee rose at 4 o'clock, P. M., reported progress, and
asked leave to sit again; which was granted.

The President laid before the Board a communication from E. D.
Fenner, M. D., the Dean of the Faculty of the New Orleans School
of Medicine.

On motion of Mr. Yerger, it was

Resolved, That the Rt. Rev. President be requested to communi-
cate the thanks of this Board to Dr. Fenner, stating the reasons
why it would be impossible for them to accept the invitation to
visit, in a body, the School of Medicine and Charity Hospital of


New Orleans, but that individual members of the Board would be
happy to avail themselves of an opportunity to do so.

The Board took a recess till half-past 7 o'clock this evening.



The Board re-assembled--the President in the chair.

On motion of Mr. Francis B. Fogg, it was

Resolved, That the thanks of this Board be presented to the Rt.
Rev. Dr. Lay for his able and efficient services as Secretary of this
Board, which he has performed without any compensation, and
that the Secretary inclose him a copy of this resolution.

On motion of Mr. Francis B. Fogg, it was

Resolved, That the thanks of the Board of Trustees of the Uni-
versity of the South be given to the Assistant Board of Aldermen
of the city of New Orleans for their kindness and attention in fur-
nishing them with a room and accommodations for their delibera-
tions, and that the Secretary be requested to inclose to them a copy
of this resolution.

On motion, the Board went into Committee of the Whole on the

Presently the committee rose, and through their chairman, the
Rt. Rev. Bishop Rutledge, reported that they have had the statutes
submitted to them under consideration, and recommend them as
amended for adoption, and ask to be discharged from further duty.

The recommendation of the committee was adopted.

On motion of Mr. G. S. Yerger, it was

Resolved, That the draft of the Statutes of the University be
spread upon the minutes and referred to the next general meeting
of the Board of Trustees, to be held in Tennessee, for final consid-
eration and adoption.

On motion, it was

Resolved, That one thousand copies of the journal be printed, un-
der the direction of the Secretary, for the use of the Board.

On motion of the Rt. Rev. Dr. Elliott, it was

Resolved, That one thousand copies of the proposed Constitution
and Statutes be printed in a separate pamphlet, with the following

"Draft of the Constitution and Statutes of the University of the
South, adopted at the meeting held in New Orleans, from February

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