


Status: Complete


authority, and communicating to the proper law officer, when re-
quired by the Vice-Chancellor, such information as he may at any
time have, and as may be calculated to prevent or punish breaches
of the peace, trespasses or misdemeanors within the precincts of
the University, and instantly to repel from the precincts all idle or
suspicious intruders who may be found lurking within them with-
out ostensible business.

SEC. 3. He shall cause all the grounds and tenements of the
University to be kept in complete order and neatness, and
shall have authority to abate all nuisances on the University


SECTION 1. All students shall be required to board and lodge
in such houses as shall be provided or licensed for that purpose by
the University, except in cases where they may have parents, guar-
dians or relative residing on the domain of the University.

SEC. 2. The number of students occupying any one house
shall not exceed twelve. Rates of board shall be regulated from
time to time by the Vice-Chancellor and Hedbomadal Board.

SEC. 3. An amount sufficient to cover the expense of a stu-
dent's board and lodging for three months shall in all cases be re-
quired to be deposited with the Treasurer of the University, who
shall, upon the order of the student, pay such boarding house keep-
er monthly in advance.

SEC. 4. No person shall be permitted to keep a boarding house
at the University until a license shall have been obtained from the
Vice-Chancellor, which license shall be renewed annually. All
such licenses may be revoked for cause at any time.

SEC. 5. The keepers of all licensed boarding houses shall be
held responsible for the preservation of good order in their respect-
ive houses.

SEC. 6. The licenses obtained by boarding house keepers shall
be posted in some conspicuous place within the house, for the in-
spection of all persons.


The Hebdomadal Board shall have power to establish a Gymna-
sium for athletic exercise, and any other School of a useful and re-
fining influence, and to appoint the officers thereof.



SECTION 1. Offences against the Statutes of the University
shall be punished in such manner as shall hereafter be prescribed
by the Board of Trustees.

SEC. 2. Offences against the laws of the land shall be left to the
cognizance of the civil magistrate, if claimed by him, or may be
subjected by the Hebdomadal Board to any of the punishments
permitted by the Statutes, whether the civil magistrate has taken
cognizance of them or not.


There shall be an Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees at the
site of the University, on the second Wednesday in August in each
and every year.


In case of the removal of any Officer of this University by the
Board of Trustees before the termination of his prescribed tenure
of office, he shall have no claim whatever for the proportion of
salary appertaining to the unexpired term of said tenure.

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