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God, from whom cometh every good and perfect gift, to
direct us with His most gracious favour, and further us
with His continual help. Especially, therefore, when
we are gathered together to lay the foundation of a
house which is to be erected to His honour, and conse-
crated to the promotion of true Religion, virtue and
learning among men, let us humbly ask the foregiveness
of our sins, and implore His merciful protection and

Then shall be said the following prayers:

Almighty and Everlasting God, who hatest nothing
that thou hast made, and dost forgive the sin of all
those who are penitent: create and make in us new
and contrite hearts, that we worthily lamenting our sins
and acknowledging our wretchedness, may obtain of
thee, the God of all mercy, perfect remission and for-
giveness: through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Almighty God, the fountain of all wisdom, by whose
holy inspiration we think those things that are good,
and by whose merciful guiding we perform the
same: look graciously upon thy humble servants here
assembled in thy name and presence, and vouchsafe to
us thy protection in the work in which we are about to
engage. Grant to all who shall be employed in the fur-
therance of this undertaking, wisdom to plan, and
strength and skill to execute, every part of it, till the
whole structure rise in due proportions and finished
beauty, an offering which thou wilt be pleased to accept
at our hands, to the honor of Thy Eternal Majesty, and
by Thy blessing be instrumental forever in enlarging
the knowledge and promoting the peace and happiness
of mankind: through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Stir up, we beseech Thee, O Lord, the wills of thy
faithful people, that they giving cheerfully and liberally
of the abundance with which thou hast blessed them,
may set forward this good work, and by thee be plen-
teously rewarded: through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Then shall be sung the 79th selection, being the 100th
Psalm of David. After which, the Bishop appointed


shall read the list of articles to be deposited in the
Corner-stone, among which shall be a copy of the Holy
Scriptures, and, holding it up in the sight of the people,
he shall say:--

This Holy volume is here deposited among other me-
morials, that it may testify to future ages that the
"University of the South" recognizes the Word of God
as the foundation of all true learning, and as teaching
the knowledge that maketh wise unto salvation.

And then, in like manner, holding up to view a copy
of the Book of Common Prayer, he shall say:--

This copy of the Book of Common Prayer is deposited
along with the Holy Scriptures in the Corner-stone, to
be presently laid, to show that this University is founded
also upon the Church of God, as practically exhibiting
the truth of God in its ministry, doctrines and sacra-

In naming the other articles deposited, the Bishop
may make such remarks respecting each as he may
deem suitable and proper. Then shall the Bishop ap-
pointed proceed to lay the Corner-stone as follows: He
shall first see that the stone be properly adjusted in its
place, and then say:--

A Corner-stone is that which unites the walls of a
building, and may symbolize strength and stability--the
union of the intellectual and spiritual natures of man--
the emblem of Christ--the sure and tried corner-stone
the wisdom of God and the power of God!

Then striking the sstone three times with a hammer,
he shall say:--

In the name of the Holy and Undivided Trinity!
Father! Son! and Holy Ghost! three Persons--one
God, Blessed forever! Amen.
I, Leonidas Polk, D. D., Bishop of the Protestant Epis-
copal Church in the Diocese of Louisiana, on this tenth
day of October, in the year of Grace 1860, do lay this
corner-stone of an edifice to be here erected as the prin-
cipal building of the "University of the South," and Insti-

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