tution established by the Protestant Episcopal Church
in the Dioceses of Arkansas, Tennessee, North Carolina,
South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi,
Louisiana and Texas, for the cultivation of true Religion,
learning and virtue, that thereby God may be glorified,
and the happiness of man be advanced.
Other foundation can no man lay than that is laid,
which is Jesus Christ; the same yesterday, to-day and
forever. God is all, blessed forever in whom we have
redemption through His blood, even the forgiveness of
sins; for there is none other name under Heaven among
men whereby we must be saved."
Here shall be said or sung the "Benedicite," and after
shall follow the address. After the address is finished,
shall be sung Gloria in Excelsia. Then shall be said
the following prayer:--
Blessed be thy name, O Lord that it hath pleased
thee to put into the hearts of thy servants to establish
here an Institution of learning recognizing the principles
of the Christian Faith, and offering to all the free enjoy-
ment of its privileges. Grant that it may ever "show
forth the glory of Thy Kingdom, that thy power, thy
glory and mightiness of thy Kingdom may be known
unto men--thy saving health unto all nation! We give
Thee thanks that we have been permitted in Thy good
Providence to see the foundation of this house laid un-
der so many tokens of thy love and favor. Continue to
prosper us, O Lord, O prosper Thou our handy work.
Give to those who have the direction of the affairs of
the Institution here established, the spirit of wisdom
and understanding--the spirit of knowledge and of a
sound mind, that unity of counsel may mark their pro-
ceedings, and purity of intention guide all their aims.
Guard by thy gracious providence every thing which
may appertain to the building which is now begun in
thy fear and in dependence on thy blessing. Inspire
the master-workmen and all under their direction with
the love of order, peace and ready submission to au-
thority--with skill to devise and diligence to execute,
and protect them from all accidents and dangers, that
each faithfully fulfilling, in his proper measure and sta-
tion, his appointed task, may contribute as Thou shalt
give him ability to bring this work to a prosperous and
happy conclusion; and at last receive the reward of
fidelity and diligence which Thou hast promised to all
who love and fear thee: even Thy blessing and com-
mendation, O Lord God! Amen.
O Eternal God, the shield of our help, beneath whose
sovereign defence thy people dwell in peace and safety,
we bless and praise, we laud and magnify thy glorious
name for all thy goodness to the people of this land. In-
spire our rulers with the spirit of justice, fidelity and
vigilance in the management of the trusts committed to
their charge. Make the people orderly, sober, moderate
and obedient to the lawful authority, that by humility
and watchfulness in prosperity, patience, courage and
steadfastness in our trials, we may always enjoy the
confidence and blessed assurance of that people whose
God is the Lord.
And grant, O Lord! that the course of this world may
be so peacebly ordered by thy governance that thy
church may joyfully serve thee in all godly quietness;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Then shall follow the Lord's Prayer, and after that the
Brethren and Fellow-Citizens:
I have the honor of announcing to you as the Orator
of the day, a name--"clarum et venerabile"--illustrious
in the annals of our country, and in this instance desig-
nating a gentleman who has always shown himself zeal-
ous and liberal in promoting the interests of all institu-
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