the University and the interests thereof. And all statutes and regulations, when reduced to writing and made public, in such manner as shall be provided by statute, shall be binding upon all persons, members of the University or anywise subject to its government.
The University shall have a common seal, and the Board of Trustees shall have power to use the same for the affairs and concerns thereof, and to direct and manage such affairs and concerns and to receive, issue, invest, lay out, and dispose of all stocks, effects, funds, moneys and securities, and to contract for and purchase messuages, lands, tenements, and hereditaments, and goods and chattels, for the use of the University, and to sell, demise, alien, lease, or otherwise dispose of any property whatsoever, real or personal, belonging thereto, in any manner not repugnant to the provisions of this Constitution.
The Chancellor for the time being, or in case of his absence the Bishop next in order of consecration, shall be President of the Board of Trustees.
All questions shall be decided by the majority of members present, except when a vote by orders shall be called for.
The Board shall have full power to establish literary and scientific departments, and those of theology, law and medical science, and such other departments as they may see proper, and to confer upon students, or any other person, the degree of Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts, or any degree known and used in any College or University. They shall have power also to appoint persons to Fellowships, according to such regulations as they may prescribe.
The Senior Bishop by consecration of the Dioceses aforesaid, shall be the Chancellor of the University. He shall not be required to reside at the University.
There shall be appointed by the Board of Trustees a Vice-Chancellor, who shall be the administrative head of the University. He shall preside over all meetings of the Hebdomadal Board, and perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Board of
Trustees, and shall hold his office during good behavior, and shall be required to reside at the University.
The Board of Trustees shall appoint a Secretary, to hold his office for the term of three years, or until his successor shall be appointed.
There shall be a Treasurer of the University, who shall be appointed by the Board of Trustees, and shall hold his office for the term of three years, and continue in office until his successor is appointed and shall have given bond.
Such Treasurer shall receive the interest money derived from the securities held by the Diocesan Treasurers, and all moneys paid in for tuition, fees, lectures, tickets, fines, etc., and any funds which may inure to the University otherwise, and expend the same under the direction of the Board of Trustees. He shall perform such other duties as may be required of him by the Board of Trustees, and receive such compensation for his services as they may prescribe. He shall give such bond and security as may be required by the Board. He shall report annually to the Chairman of the Finance Committee, the state of the finances and property of the University, and shall be required to reside at the University. He shall keep the funds of the University, and all other funds deposited with him, under such regulations as shall be made by the Board of Trustees.
There shall be appointed by the Board of Trustees, an Auditor, whose duty it shall be to examine and audit all accounts connected with the business of the University, and perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Board. He shall reside at the University, and hold his office for the term of three years, and receive such compensation as the Board of Trustees shall prescribe.
There shall be appointed by the Board of Trustees a Comptroller,
whose duty it shall be to examine the accounts of the Treasurer, to make a final adjustment of all accounts connected with the business of the University, and perform such other duties as shall be devolved upon him by the Board of Trustees. He shall receive such compensation as they shall prescribe, and shall be required to reside at the University, and shall hold his office for the term of three years.
There shall be elected a Committee on Finance, to serve for three years, composed of one Clerical and two Lay Trustees, who shall prepare from the reports submitted by the General and Diocesan Treasurers, and Report to the Board of Trustees at their Annual Meetings a full statement of the University funds, its outstanding obligations, and the amounts required to carry on its operations for the coming year; and to enable such Committee to be prepared to submit their report at the opening of such Annual Meeting of the Board, it shall be the duty of the General Treasurer, and of the Diocesan Treasurers to prepare and forward their Reports to the Chairman of said Finance Committee at University Place, at least ten days before the Annual Meeting.
There shall be appointed by the Board of Trustees, a Commissioner of Buildings and Lands, who shall have the general superintendence of the buildings and lands, and shall be under the supervision of the Vice-Chancellor, and perform such duties as shall be prescribed by the Board of Trustees. He shall hold his office for the term of three years, shall receive such compensation as the Board of Trustees shall prescribe, and shall have his residence at the University.
There shall be appointed by the Board of Trustees, a Registrar of the University, who shall be the Secretary of the Hebdomadal Board, and perform such other duties as may be required of him by the Board of Trustees. He shall hold his office for the term of three years, shall reside at the University, and shall receive such compensation as may be prescribed by the Board of Trustees.
The Board of Trustees shall have power to appoint, from time to time, such officers for the discipline of the students, for municipal government, and for the regulation of all persons residing upon the domain of the University, as they may think necessary.
Meetings of the Board of Trustees shall be held annually, at such time as they shall appoint by statute. Extraordinary meetings may be held upon the call of any five members of the Board. or upon the request of the Hebdomadal Board; such meetings to be called by the Chancellor. The Board may, by statute, provide for the payment of necessary expenses incurred by the Trustees in attendance upon such meetings.
The funds subscribed to the University shall all be considered as capital, to be preserved untouched for any purpose connected with the organization or management of the University; provided, that donations and legacies may be received for such objects as the donors may indicate; and provided, moreover, that it be distinctly understood that the funds subscribed in any diocese, are the property of the University and not of the diocese, and that the conventions of the various dioceses shall have no control of the same.
The amount subscribed in any diocese as capital, shall, in the event of the dissolution of the corporation, be returned to the donors or their legal representatives; and in case of there being no legal representatives, then it shall revert to the diocese in which it was subscribed.
If the capital subscribed in any diocese shall be diminished, by a failure of securities or otherwise, the remaining capital in such diocese shall then be distributed, pro rata, among the donors or their representatives.
No diocese shall be bound to furnish any particular sum of money, but the contributions made therein shall be voluntary, according to the pleasure and ability of the contributors.
There shall be a Treasurer of University Funds appointed in each Diocese, by the Convention of the same, who, when confirmed by the Board of Trustees, shall hold his office for three years from the time of his election, and continue in office until his successor shall have been elected and given bond. Such Treasurer shall give bond and security to the "University of the South" in such sum as shall be required by the Board of Trustees from time to time. Such Treasurer shall receive the cash, notes, bonds, stock, titles to lands or other property obtained as subsription in that Diocese: and it shall be his duty in conjunction with the lay Trustees of the Diocese, to invest the cash and all moneys which shall be derived from the realization of the above mentioned private securities, in the best public securities, or other safe investments, paying over to the Treasurer of the University the interest of the amount subscribed, in such manner as shall be prescribed by the Board of Trustees, and his accounts shall be rendered to the Board of Trustees at their annual session. The Board of Trustees shall prescribe rules and regulations for the management, safe-keeping and transmission of the funds in the hands of the Diocesan Treasurers, and shall fix their compensation.
In case of a vacancy in the office of any Treasurer, either of the University or of a Diocese, the Board of Trustees shall be authorized to provide, by statute, a mode of filling such vacancy until a regular election.
In case of the subdivision of any of the existing diocese connected with this University, each diocese arising out of such subdivision shall be entitled to the same number of trustees as the respective dioceses are now entitled to, and be subject to the same provisions and regulations.
It shall be competent for the Board of Trustees to admit other Dioceses into connection with the University of the South; provided, that each Diocese shall be subject to such condition as may
be required by this Board at the time of their admission; and in ease of the reception into this Board of any such Diocese, it shall be entitled to the same number of Trustees as the respective Dioceses are now entitled to, and be subject to the same rules and regulations.
No amendment shall be made to this Constitution, unless it shall have been passed at two successive annual meetings, by a majority of the Board of Trustees, provided that majority be a quorum.
The senior Bishop, by consecration, of the Diocese uniting for the foundation of the University shall always fill the office of Chancellor. He shall not be required to reside at the University
SECTION 1. The Vice Chancellor shall be elected by the Board of Trustees. He shall be the resident head of the University. He shall have control over all its departments, and shall be exclusively an administrative officer. He shall be furnished with a house, and be paid a salary of $6,000 per annum, and shall hold his office during good behavior.
SEC. 2. In the government of the University he shall be assisted by a Hebdomadal Board, to be composed of such Professors as shall hereafter be named.
SEC. 3. He shall have the sole power of granting leave of absence to Professors, Fellows, other Officers and students of the University. He shall have power at all times, to visit any hall, lecture room, office, student's room, or public apartment of the University.
SEC. 4. Whanever it shall come to his knowledge that any Professor has been negligent of his duties, or has shown a want of zeal in imparting instruction to his school, or in promoting the interests of the University, he shall advise and remonstrate with such Professor of the University. And should any such Professor or other Officer of the University, be inattentive to the advice or remonstrance of the Vice-Chancellor. the Vice-Chancellor shall, after giving such Professor or Officer notice of his intention, and furnishing him with a copy of the official statement he proposes to make of the case, call the attention of the Board of Trustees to the conduct of such Professor or Officer.
SEC. 5. The Vice-Chancellor shall have power to license boarding houses for the students, and to exercise a full supervision of them through the Proctors, for the purpose of ascertaining whether the regulations made for their order and discipline have been complied with.
SEC. 6. The Vice-Chancellor shall cause to be prepared by the Registrar, monthly reports of the conduct and scholarship of every student, which he shall transmit to the parents or guardians of such students.
SEC. 7. It shall be his duty to make a report to the Board of Trustees at their annual session, on the general condition of the University during the past year, and to suggest for their consideration such alterations and improvements on any subject as shall have been approved by the Hebdomadal Board. He shall also present for the examination of the Board at its annual session, a digest of the weekly reports of the Professors of the conduct and scholarship of the students of their respective Schools, and shall supervise the preparation of the annual calendar.
SEC. 8. The Vice-Chancellor, in case of absence or of incapacity from illness or any other temporary cause, to discharge his duties, shall have the power of appointing as his substitute any one of the Professors. But should he fail to appoint a substitute, or resign, or die, then the office shall be filled by the Hebdomadal Board, from among the heads of Schools; and such person so appointed shall exercise the functions of the office until the removal of the disability, or until the Board of Trustees shall have appointed a successor, and he shall have signified his acceptance, and entered on the duties of his office.
SECTION 1. The plan of education in the University shall be by
separate schools for each branch of knowledge. Each school shall be complete in itself, independent of all others, and devoted to imparting instruction in everything belonging to its department.
SEC. 2. At the head of each school, excepting those of theology, law, and medicine, there shall be a Professor, to be elected by the Board of Trustees. It shall be his duty to regulate the studies of his school, for the character and success of which he shall be held especially responsible; he shall engage personally in instruction, by lectures, lessons, and written exercises, as he may deem best. Frequent interrogation of a searching character shall however, absolutely required.
SEC. 3. Each school shall be divided into sections of as many students as may be conveniently or efficiently instructed, and no more. The classing of the students into sections shall be regulated by their attainments, to be determined by examination on their application for admission. But they may be transferred from section to section, up or down, according to the degree of proficiency they shall from time to time exhibit.
SEC. 4. In the instruction of these sections the Professor shall be aided by as many assistant Professors as may be necessary, who shall be under his direction and control, and shall aid him in the instruction and government of the students of his school while in their section or lecture rooms.
SEC. 5. Each Professor shall be provided with a house, and paid an annual salary of $3,000, by the University. This amount may be increased by each Professor from his school tickets to a sum not exceeding $5,000 annually. His tenure of office shall be for five years, but he may be re-elected at the pleasure of the Board of Trustees.
SEC. 6. The assistant Professors shall be appointed by the Board of Trustees, upon a certificate of the Examiners of the University that they have been rigidly examined and are competent for their office. They shall receive such lodging and salaries as the Board of Trustees shall provide, shall be appointed for the term of five years, and shall be re-eligible, but not without the recommendation of thee Vice-Chancellor, and the heads of their respective schools. The assistant Professors may be removed by the Vice-Chancellor, upon the representaton of the Professors of their schools, for cause shown. The reasons of such removal shall be reported to the Board of Trustees at their annual meeting next ensuing.
SEC. 7. Each Professor and Assistant Professor shall keep a daily record of the value of each recitation of every member of his section, according to a scale to be determined by the Board of Trustees, and shall note all cases of absence or of misconduct in section. These records shall be handed weekly to the Vice-Chancellor, who shall have them digested, and cause the names of the five most distinguished students of each section of every school to be published on a bulletin board, to be fixed in some conspicuous place in the University.
SEC. 8. All transfers of students from section to section shall be made by the Professors (aided by their assistant Professors), who shall be responsible for determining the relative numerical rank of the students of their schools in the annual calendars. All lectures by the Professors, especially those requiring experimental illustration, shall in general be common to the several sections of the respective schools.
SECTION 1. There shall be appointed by the Hebdomadal Board, Committees of Examiners, who shall conduct the examinations of all applicants for admission to the University; also of all the Schools, at the annual or other public examinations; of the candidates for the Degrees of the University, and its Fellowships; and also, all applicants for the office of Assistant Professors.
SEC. 2. All Professors, whether heads of Schools or Assistants, shall serve as Examiners, whenever appointed by the Hebdomadal Board.
Besides the Professors and assistant Professors of the several schools, there shall be chosen by the Board of Trustees Lecturers, who shall be invited to lecture before the University upon special topics in any particular school. These Lecturers shall have no part in the government of the University, and shall not be required to be resident, but shall repair to the University at certain seasons, and lecture for a limited period. Their compensation shall be regulated by the Board of Trustees.
The following shall be the Schools founded by the University, so soon as the means at its command shall be sufficient for that
purpose. The grooping of the topics shall be varied, at the pleasure of the Board of Trustees.
The number of Schools shall be increased as expediency and the progress of letters, science and art shall suggest.
1. School of Greek Language and Literature.
2. School of Latin Language and Literature.
3. School of Mathematics.
4. School of Physics.
5. School of Metaphysics.
6. School of History and Archaeology.
7. School of Natural Science, with Cabinets and Gardens of Plants attached.
8. School of Geology, Mineralagy and Paleontology.
9. School of Civil Engineering. Construction, Architecture and Drawing.
10. School of Theoretical and Experimental Chemistry.
11. School of Chemistry applied to Agriculture and the Arts.
12. School of the Theory and Practice of Agriculture, with Farm attached.
13. School of Moral Science and the Evidences of Christian Religion.
14. School of English Language and Literature.
15. School of French Language and Literature.
16. School of German Language and Literature.
17. School of Spanish Language and Literature.
18. School of Italian Language and Literature.
19. School of Oriental Language and Literature.
20. School of the Philosophy of Language.
21. School of the Philosophy of Education.
22. School of Rhetoric, Criticism, Elocution and Composition.
23. School of American History and Antiquities.
24. School of Ethnology and Universal Geography.
25. School of Astronomy (with Observatory) and Physical Geography.
26. School of Political Science, Political Economy, Statistics, Law of Nations, Spirit of Laws, General Principles of Government and Constitution of the United States.
27. School of Commerce and Trade, including the History and Laws of Banking, Exchange, Insurance, Brokerage and Book-keeping.