28. School of Theology. 29. School of Law. 30. School of Medicine. 31. School of Mines and Mining. 32. School of Fine Arts, including Sacred Music.
The organization of the Schools of Theology, Law, Medicine, and of Practical Agriculture, shall be determined by the Board of Trustees at the time of their establishment.
SECTION. 1. There shall be a Board to be called the Hebdomadal Board, whose office shall be to act as a council of advice to the Vice-Chancellor in the government of the University, and of which the Vice-Chancellor shall be President.
SEC. 2. This Board shall be composed of not more than twelve members.
SEC. 3. So long as the Professors of the University shall not exceed twelve in number, they shall all be members of the Hebdomadal Board. When such number shall exceed twelve, then the Board of Trustees shall fill vacancies by election from among said Professors.
SEC. 4. By this Board all questions of discipline in the University shall be adjudged according to the laws and ordinances of the University.
SEC. 5. It shall have the power to appoint examiners of the Assistant Professors and students of any or all the schools.
SEC. 6. It shall meet weekly, but may be called together at any time by the Vice-Chancellor, when he shall think it necessary. This Board shall have power to originate and discuss any proposition necessary for the good government, academical proficiency, repute and common weal of the University, which it may think expedient to lay before the Board of Trustees.
SEC. 7. When engaged in the discussion of such propositions, the heads of all schools shall be summoned to attend, and shall be entitled to engage in the discussion, and to vote upon the adoption or rejection of such proposition. A majority of those entitled to vote shall be necessary for the adoption of any proposition, and in case of a tie the Vice-Chancellor shall have the casting vote.
SECTION 1. No student shall matriculate at the University until he shall have attained such age as may hereafter be prescribed
by statute; nor unless he shall agree to enter at least three schools of the University, one of which shall in all cases be the school of Moral Science and the Evidences of the Christian Religion. But for special cause shown, the Vice-Chancellor may permit the student to take one school only besides that of Moral Science. A student may matriculate at any period of the year, upon examination in the school which he proposes to enter, and shall take his place in such section of the school as his proficiency shall indicate.
SEC. 2. Every student, when he matriculates, shall be furnished with a copy of the statutes, and shall signify his intention to conform to the rules and regulations of the University, and his desire to avail himself of the advantages thereof, by subscribing the form following:
"We, the undersigned, admitted members of the University of the South, do hereby acknowledge ourselves subject to its authority and discipline, and declare our earnest desire faithfully to avail ourselves of its advantages."
He shall also sign his name in a book, to be kept for the purpose by the Proctor, in which shall be recorded the name and residence of his parent or guardian, and shall pay to the Proctor a matriculation fee of $10.
SECTION 1. A calendar of the University shall be published at the end of each Academical year, which shall designate the rank of every student in each of his schools. Said rank shall be compounded of general good conduct, scholarship, and examinations. A copy of this calendar shall be sent by mail to the parent or guardian of every student of the University. A star, as a mark of distinguished merit, shall be prefixed to the names of the first five in each of the schools of the University.
SEC. 2. A diploma of graduation in any school may be given at the end of the term to each student who shall have attained a certain standard, to be determined by examiners appointed by the Hebdomadal Board. But no diploma shall in any case be conferred until the candidate shall have passed such examination in the English language as may be appointed by the Hebdomadal Board.
SEC. 3. The degree of A. B. may be conferred on such individuals as shall have passed the examination necessary for graduation in the schools following:
1. Moral Science and Evidences of Christianity.
II. Greek Language and Literature. III. Latin Language and Literature. IV. Mathematics. V. Physics. VI. English Language and Literature.
SEC. 4. The degree of A. M. may be conferred on such individuals as shall have passed the requisite examination for graduation in the schools above mentioned, together with the following:
I. Metaphysics. II. Theoretical and Experimental Chemistry. III. Political Science. IV. Rhetoric, Criticism, Elocution, and Composition. V. French Language and Literature. VI. The German, Spanish, or Italian Language and Literature, as the student may elect.
Moreover, he must be able to speak the French Language with accuracy.
SEC. 5. Fellowships in the University may be conferred by the Board of Trustees on such Masters of Arts as have excelled in any one of the following schools, to-wit: of Greek Language and Literature, Latin Language and Literature, English Language and Literature, Physics, Mathematics, Metaphysics, Chemistry, or Natural Sciences.
Three Fellows may be elected every year, each of whom shall have the use of a suite of rooms, free of rent, and $500 per annum. The tenure of a Fellowship shall be for five years. If a Fellow be elected to a Professorship or Assistant Professorship, he shall vacate his Fellowhip. Every Fellow shall reside in the University, and may take pupils for private instruction, they being matriculants of the University, and receive fees for such tuition at a rate to be fixed by the Vice-Chancellor and the Hebdomadal Board. The instruction given shall be always in the studies required by the University. They may be selected for examiners, and shall perform the duties of that office whenever required by the Hebdomadal Board.
SEC. 6. The degrees appropriate to the Professional Schools of Theology, Law, and Medicine, shall be conferred for attainments and distinctions, to be determined by the Professors of those schools severally.
SEC. 7. The degrees of A. B. and A. M. shall be awarded by
the Hebdomadal Board, when approved by the Board of Trustees. All honorary degrees shall be conferred by the Board of Trustees alone.
SEC. 1. There shall be a Chaplain to the University, appointed by the Board of Trustees, who shall fix his salary, and he shall hold his office during the pleasure of the Board. He shall read, every day, the Morning and Evening Prayer of the Church, in the University Chapel, shall hold the usual public services on Sunday, and shall have a general pastoral oversight of the officers and students of the University.
SEC. 2. It shall be the duty of the Assistant Professors, Fellows, and students to attend morning or evening prayers. And it shall be the duty of the students and all the Officers of the University to attend the morning services on Sunday, and upon the Greater Festivals ofthe Church.
There shall be a Librarian appointed by the Board of Trustees, who shall hold his office for the term of five years, and who shall be paid such salary and perform such duties as the Board of Trustees shall prescribe.
The Curators of cabinets, the museum, etc., shall be appointed by the Vice-Chancellor.
SECTION 1. The general duties of police shall be performed by a Proctor, to be appointed by the Board of Trustees. He shall be aided by as many assistants as may be necessary, who shall be appointed by the Vice-Chancellor.
SEC. 2. It shall be the especial duty of the Proctor to exercise a constant and careful surveillance over the conduct of the students, and to report to the Vice-Chancellor all cases of infraction by them of the regulations of the University.
SEC. 3. It shall also be his duty to visit at least once a week all the boarding houses licensed by the Vice- Chancellor, and to examine into the good order, comfort and cleanliness of the rooms and offices of the students. He shall make a report to the ViceChancellor at least once a week. He shall account to the Treasurer of the University for all matriculation fees he may have received.
The Registrar, appointed by the Board of Trustees, shall be unthe direction and supervision of the Vice-Chancellor. He shall attend daily in his office throughout the University term, at such hours as the Vice-Chancellor shall prescribe, and shall be in readiness at all times, to attend the meetings of the Hebdomadal Board, for the purpose of recording the minutes of its proceedings. He shall keep a list of all the licensed boarding houses, also a list of the names and residences of the students, arranged according to their respective Schools, and shall furnish each Professor with a list of the students in his department. He shall prepare and issue, under the direction of the Vice-Chancellor, notices for meetings of the Hebdomadal Board, and for other University purposes. He shall digest the weekly reports of the Professors and Assistant Professors, and shall, under the direction of the Vice-Chancellor prepare the annual calendar. He shall, under the same direction, prepare programmes of all meetings and examinations, and conduct the correspondence of the University. He shall keep a record of all transactions of the University; and, when required by the Vice-Chancellor, shall prepare the official documents, shall preserve copies thereof, and shall make copies of all other documents which may be required.
The Treasurer of the University shall receive all funds from diocesan Treasurers and from the Proctor, and shall collect such rents due the University as may be returned to him by the Commissioner of Buildings and Lands. He shall make a full report of the operations and condition of his department annually, or oftener if required.
The Auditor shall examine and audit all accounts of every description against the University. He shall critically examine and report to the Comptroller, the amount properly payable upon every account presented to him. He shall classify all accounts under the different heads of expenditure, and keep a register of the nature and amount of such account, which shall correspond with the number of said account. He shall countersign all warrants drawn upon the Treasurer, and shall keep a register of all such warrants as he may have countersigned.
SECTION 1. The Comptroller shall re-examine all accounts reported to him by the Auditor. He shall, if he approve the same, enter his allowance thereon and draw his warrant on the Treasurer for the amount of the same in favor of the individual to whom may be payable. He shall carefully register all accounts and preserve the originals and vouchers for future reference. He may draw a warrant upon the Treasurer in favor of the Commissioner of Buildings and Lands, upon a requisition presented to him approved by the Vice-Chancellor, which warrant shall be charged to the account of such commissioner; provided that such payments have been authorized by the Board of Trustees.
SEC. 2. The Comptroller shall annually report to the Committee on Finance, ten days before the annual meeting of the Board of Trustees, a full statement of all the accounts allowed and passed by him, properly classified under their respective heads of expenditure. He shall also, at the same time, report estimates of what amounts will be requisite for the expenditure of the University during the ensuing year, and the Board of Trustees only shall have the power to make appropriations to meet such expenditures.
SECTION 1. The Commissioner of Buildings and Lands shall have the supervision of all repairs ordinarily required for the buildings and grounds, under the direction of a Board of Control to be composed of the Vice-Chancellor, the Treasurer and Comptroller. To this Board he shall submit all plans and estimates for the repair and improvement of buildings from time to time, and upon their approval he shall be authorized to have the same executed, and not otherwise. The general control of the erection of buildings and making improvements shall be reserved, however, to such com mittee as shall be designated by the Board of Trustees.
SEC. 3. The Commissioner of Buildings and Lands shall have the leasing of the tenements and grounds of the University, under such regulations as may be prescribed in reference thereto by the Board of Trustees; and it shall be his duty to prevent trespasses and intrusions on the property of the University, real and personal, and to recover its possession from any person who shall improperly withhold the same. To this end he is required to be vigilant in observing all trespasses and intrusions, and prompt in reporting them to the Vice-Chancellor, in laying them before the civil
authority, and communicating to the proper law officer, when required by the Vice-Chancellor, such information as he may at any time have, and as may be calculated to prevent or punish breaches of the peace, trespasses or misdemeanors within the precincts of the University, and instantly to repel from the precincts all idle or suspicious intruders who may be found lurking within them without ostensible business.
SEC. 3. He shall cause all the grounds and tenements of the University to be kept in complete order and neatness, and shall have authority to abate all nuisances on the University domain.
SECTION 1. All students shall be required to board and lodge in such houses as shall be provided or licensed for that purpose by the University, except in cases where they may have parents, guardians or relative residing on the domain of the University.
SEC. 2. The number of students occupying any one house shall not exceed twelve. Rates of board shall be regulated from time to time by the Vice-Chancellor and Hedbomadal Board.
SEC. 3. An amount sufficient to cover the expense of a student's board and lodging for three months shall in all cases be required to be deposited with the Treasurer of the University, who shall, upon the order of the student, pay such boarding house keeper monthly in advance.
SEC. 4. No person shall be permitted to keep a boarding house at the University until a license shall have been obtained from the Vice-Chancellor, which license shall be renewed annually. All such licenses may be revoked for cause at any time.
SEC. 5. The keepers of all licensed boarding houses shall be held responsible for the preservation of good order in their respective houses.
SEC. 6. The licenses obtained by boarding house keepers shall be posted in some conspicuous place within the house, for the inspection of all persons.
The Hebdomadal Board shall have power to establish a Gymnasium for athletic exercise, and any other School of a useful and refining influence, and to appoint the officers thereof.
SECTION 1. Offences against the Statutes of the University shall be punished in such manner as shall hereafter be prescribed by the Board of Trustees.
SEC. 2. Offences against the laws of the land shall be left to the cognizance of the civil magistrate, if claimed by him, or may be subjected by the Hebdomadal Board to any of the punishments permitted by the Statutes, whether the civil magistrate has taken cognizance of them or not.
There shall be an Annual Meeting of the Board of Trustees at the site of the University, on the second Wednesday in August in each and every year.
In case of the removal of any Officer of this University by the Board of Trustees before the termination of his prescribed tenure of office, he shall have no claim whatever for the proportion of salary appertaining to the unexpired term of said tenure.