Vault Early Papers of the University Box 1 Document 11



Needs Review


Note in reference to the amt. to be conveyed by the Sewanee Mining Company [}?]

The 5000 acres of land conveyed by the Sewanee Mining Company was part of the 15000 acres owned by them with the heirs of [W?]allace Estell. The undivided interest of the 13 heirs of Estell amounted to 1/3 of the 5000 acres, or 1666 2/3 acres.

By a suit in Partition, the interest of 7 of these [heirs?] was set apart [to?] them out of other lands owned in joint ownership outside of this 5000 acres. The interests of the 6 others, who are adults, were deeded to the University by them

Last edit over 5 years ago by ameoba
Needs Review


by a valid conveyance, as it is understood. These so owned by the adult Es[t?]ell heirs & deeded to the University, amount together to the quantity of 896 acres, ([throw?]ing out of view the Thompson claim,) & these 896 acres the S. Mining Co. would in any event have to provide an equivalent in other lands owned by them.

Since the deed of the S. M. Co. was executed to the University, a claim of the heirs of Thompson for 1750 acres included within this 5000 acres survey & deed, & as is understood, with a probable good foundation. The

Last edit over 5 years ago by ameoba
Needs Review


effect of this interfering would be as follows in reference to the lands deed to the University by the Sewanee Mining Co.-

The 5000 acres would be reduced to 3250 acres owned jointly by heirs of Estell & the S. M. Co.

Their proportion of this dimunition would take from the Estell heirs 583 1/3 acres, & from the S. M. Co. 1166 2/3; but as only the interest of the Minors has been taken out of the Survey which proportionately [share?] in the deficiency occasioned by the Thompson claim, & which may be thus stated;

Last edit over 5 years ago by ameoba
Needs Review


S. M. Co. deeds [per?] 5000 a Deduct Thompson claim - 1750 "

And remaining 3250

Share of this of S. M. Co. 2166 2/3 a " " " Estell heirs. 1083 1/3 "

Of deeds for 5000 ac S. M. Co. - 2166 [2?]/3 & Estell Minors - 581 [2?]/3

Leaves a sum[y?] of 2747 2/3

Whole amt. deeded _ 5000 ac Amt. Ti[t?]le good for _ 2747 2/3 "

Deficiency _ 2252 1/3 " to be made up by Sewanee Mining Company.

The Committee took a recess.

Last edit over 5 years ago by ameoba
Needs Review


6 o'clock P.M. The Committee reassembled.

{note in margin beginning 5th line} The Shaphard Tract - extinguish -ing Title to [?] {end note}

The question with regard to the Shaphard Tract being under consideration, it was on motion ^of the Secretary Resolved, That the Commissioners be authorized to raise the sum of $4500, to extinguish Shaphard's title to the Shaphard Tract, to be refunded out of the funds of the University until the people of Franklin Co. shall [raise?] said amt. under the authority of their Charter for constructing a Turnpike to the University, & which they are pledged to do by their original agreement.

Mr. Fairbanks offered the following Resolution, which was adopted.

Last edit over 5 years ago by ameoba
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