


Status: Complete

2. School of Latin Language and Literature.

3. School of Mathematics.

4. School of Physics.

5. School of Metaphysics.

6. School of History and Archaeology.

7. School of Natural Sciences, with cabinets and garden attached.

8. School of Civil Engineering, Construction, Architecture and

9. School of Theoretical and Experimental Chemistry.

10. School of Chemistry applied to Agriculture and the Arts.

11. School of Theory and Practice of Agriculture, with farm

12. School of Moral Science and the Evidences of the Christian

13. School of English Language and Literature.

14. School of French Language and Literature.

15. School of German Language and Literature.

16. School of Spanish Language and Literature.

17. School of Italian Language and Literature.

[handwritten proofreader's mark: "?"] 18. School of the Philosophy of Language.

19. School of Rhetoric, Criticism, Elocution and Composition.

20. School of American History and Antiquities.

21. School of Ethnology and Universal Geography.

22. School of Astronomy with Observatory and Physical Geog-

23. School of Political Science, Political Economy, Statistics, Law
of Nations, Spirit of Laws, General Principles of Government
and Constitution of the United States.

24. School of Theology.

25. School of Law.

26. School of Medicine.

27. School of [handwritten proofreader's mark: strikethrough "Science" and add "Mines and Mining.]

28. School of Fine Arts.

The organization of the Schools of Theology, Law, Medicine, and
of Practical Agriculture, shall be determined by the Board of Trustees
at the time of their establishment.


There shall be a Board to be called the Hebdomadal Board, whose
office shall be to act as a council of advice to the Vice Chancellor in
the government of the University, and of which the Vice Chancellor
shall be President.

This Board shall be composed of not more than twelve members.

So long as the Professors-in-Chief of the University shall not exceed
twelve in number, they shall all be members of the Hebdomadal
Board. When such number shall exceed twelve, then the Board of
Trustees shall fill vacancies by election from among said Professors.

By this Board all questions of [handwritten proofreader's mark: strikethrough "dispute" and add "discipline"] in the University shall be
adjudged according to the laws and ordinances of the University.

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