


Status: Complete

On Tuesday night services were held in St. Paul's church,
Louisburg, Franklin county. Prayers were read by Rev.
Messrs. Roberts and Sutton, and the sermon preached by
Rev. R. Hines, from the decisive words of Joshua, "As for
me and my house, we will serve the Lord." [The Bishop,
being confined to the house by indisposition, was not pres-
ent.] On Wednesday, Morning Prayers were read by Rev. S.
Roberts, assisted by Rev. R. Hines, and the Bishop preached.
The Rev. R. B. Sutton read the preface to the confirmation
service, and one person was confirmed. In the afternoon the
Bishop went on his way to the Western part of the Diocese,
and the clergy separated to go to their various charges.
Thus closed a most delightful and profitable visitation. s.



The Bishop consecrated the Church of the Cross, at Bluffton,
Beaufort District, on Sunday, July 19th. The building is de-
scribed by a correspondent of the Southern Episcopalian, as a
"handsome, gothic, cruciform building, capable of accommo-
dating from five to six hundred persons." On the preceding
afternoon the Bishop administered confirmation to a number
of persons; and on Monday, the 20th, Mr. J. Mercier Green
was admitted to the Diaconate. Besides the Bishop and the
rector of St. Luke's parish (the Rev. James Stoney, M.D.),
there were present the Rev. Mr. Seabrook, Rev. Dr. Taylor,
Rev. Stephen Elliott, and Rev. C. C. Pinckney.



[For some unknown reason, the following interesting let-
ter was exactly one month "on the way." The strong in-

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