Vault Early Papers of the University Box 2 Document 11





Estimate to accommodate 500 guests --

-- Lodging --

300 pairs Sheets 5 yds per pair 30c. 450.00

300 " Blankets @ 3 " "

300 Ticks for Hay 10 yds at 10c

20 Bales Hay 10 fill same

---------{in pencil:} to enclose {illegible} at 200 yds 10/4

Comestibles for Dining 500 persons

50 Turkeys -- 1 for 10

40 quarters Mutton 1 " 12

800 {illegible: lb?} Beef 1 5/8 {illegible: lb? ls?} each

20 Hams

20 Tongues

30 {illegible: lb?} Cheese

20 Gallon Pickles

500 lb Bread

50 " Crackers

150 " Butter --

-- Condiments --

Mustard Salt Pepper & Vinegar

Last edit over 4 years ago by Lane


{illegible: Five?} {illegible: dructies?} &c Breakfast additional

{illegible: 200?} lb Coffee Ground

200 " Sugar

100 lb Crackers

20 Cans consolidated milk

{in pencil} 100 lb Bread

{in pencil} 50. Doz cups & saucers

50 doz Tumblers

50 doz Dinner Plates

200 platters -- 3 sizes -- 1/3 of each

50 doz Knifes & Forks {illegible: uniform?}

5 doz Table spoons

100 Carving Knifes & Forks

{illegible: 210?} yards Table Cloth --

20 doz Tea spoons --

{in pencil} {illegible: Bellows?} {illegible} {illegible}

Last edit over 4 years ago by Lane


{sketch of Speaking Hall layout, 86 ft by 100 feet}

100 feet

66 persons 75 feet long

75 feet long 2 62 persons

3 62 persons

4 62 persons

5 62 persons

6 62 persons

7 62 persons

8 62 persons

in all 500 Plates

86 ft

Speaking Hall

150 feet long

100 " wide

Last edit over 4 years ago by Lane
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