


Status: Complete

Bishop Wilmer to Bishop Green.
Greensboro, Ala., MAy 20, 1865.

Rt. Rev. and dear Bro.,

I was very much gratified at hearing from you, and
thank you much for the copy of your Pastoral and Prayer. The
tone of both is unexceptionable. I cannor, however, agree
with you in assuming the lapse of our Church organisation. It
is of vital importance, in my judgement, that we should keep
that organisation intact, fold our General Council, and await
the course of events. We can act together in that way, and
keep ourselves in position to act as, after full delibera-
tion, we may think best. Upon what possible ground does the
oraganisation of the Church lapse under present circumstances?
The nationality of the Church is purely a matter of human ar-
rangement;--very desirable, I grant, if practicable, but
fraught with evil consequences in the contingencies which may
possibly arise. Let me pray you to reconsider this point.
If one gives way, the line is broken; disintegration is inev-
itable; and gradual absoption, without let or hindrance, must

I do not think that your Prayer will satisfy the demands
of those in authority. I am doubtful as to the right of the
Bishop to substitute a Prayer in the regular Liturgy. True,
if the Church organisation has crumbled away and each Diocese

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